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official..Phil mcgobblegiver is demented

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'Fill ma hole again' will gladly talk about Rangers all day,as it saves him the embarrassment of thinking about what happened to vulnerable kids being abused by his club.
It sort of takes the onus away from the tramps,when he talks abaout Rangers.
He at least made the correct decision and went home once the famine was over.
Let's just hope he fuckin stays put.

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1 hour ago, Virtuoso said:

Before Ill Phil appeared as BoscoBhoy in the Scotsman his usual haunting ground to spread his bile was on the old Slugger O'Toole forum.

There was this lunatic posting about being an Scottish Nazi Party activist in the Bailieston area back in the 80's. He described his group as "The Scottish Nazi Party Provos" and told of how he and his cohorts went after the RC vote, but narrowly lost out to Labour.

He claimed to be Irish, but brought up in Glasgow, having "returned" to Ireland (despite having never lived there in the first place), with his family to escape bigotry. He rambled on about how he and his 5 brothers "a big family of fighting Irish" had to regularly lock horns with dem nasty Prods.

He was finally rumbled by a poster named Bluesna who posted his real name and address. Mad Phil then had Slugger remove all his posts.

By linking his Baillieston claims, his life in Glasgow, and other bits n bobs, it was found that he was also the same demented fuckwit who regularly posted anti-Rangers bile on The Scotsman, who went by the name of "BoscoBhoy". This cretin tried to come across as the "good ghuy", but any mention of his beloved IRA being filth or defeated saw him lose the plot.

He later surfaced on SellicMinded as "Philbhoy".

He is a grade-A crackpot who takes obsessing to another level.

he was even seen as a bigoted fantasist by the people behind TAL fanzine who told him to fuck off ...imagine that ffs,even those fucking crackpots wanting nothing to do you with you 

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2 hours ago, scottyscott1963 said:

'Fill ma hole again' will gladly talk about Rangers all day,as it saves him the embarrassment of thinking about what happened to vulnerable kids being abused by his club.
It sort of takes the onus away from the tramps,when he talks abaout Rangers.
He at least made the correct decision and went home once the famine was over.
Let's just hope he fuckin stays put.

the cunt will earn a living blogging shite about us 

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1 hour ago, Virtuoso said:

Before Ill Phil appeared as BoscoBhoy in the Scotsman his usual haunting ground to spread his bile was on the old Slugger O'Toole forum.

There was this lunatic posting about being an Scottish Nazi Party activist in the Bailieston area back in the 80's. He described his group as "The Scottish Nazi Party Provos" and told of how he and his cohorts went after the RC vote, but narrowly lost out to Labour.

He claimed to be Irish, but brought up in Glasgow, having "returned" to Ireland (despite having never lived there in the first place), with his family to escape bigotry. He rambled on about how he and his 5 brothers "a big family of fighting Irish" had to regularly lock horns with dem nasty Prods.

He was finally rumbled by a poster named Bluesna who posted his real name and address. Mad Phil then had Slugger remove all his posts.

By linking his Baillieston claims, his life in Glasgow, and other bits n bobs, it was found that he was also the same demented fuckwit who regularly posted anti-Rangers bile on The Scotsman, who went by the name of "BoscoBhoy". This cretin tried to come across as the "good ghuy", but any mention of his beloved IRA being filth or defeated saw him lose the plot.

He later surfaced on SellicMinded as "Philbhoy".

He is a grade-A crackpot who takes obsessing to another level.

Good info mate, that Scotsman forum is infested by obsessed fuck wits, used to post on it, but all the tarriers get together and report you, and the mods give you a ban, still look in sometimes, like now,the World cup is on, but these creepy bastards are still on about newco, sevco etc, some of them boast about having accounts on here, and FF, fucking weirdos.

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1 hour ago, bluedylan said:

he was even seen as a bigoted fantasist by the people behind TAL fanzine who told him to fuck off ...imagine that ffs,even those fucking crackpots wanting nothing to do you with you 

Three times they've destroyed him:




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Destroyed by Bluesnaw on Slugger:

Comment on Rascism rather than sectarianism at heart of Scottish Fitba!

on 22 December 2011 at 8:13 pm


You've been challenged time and time again to provide examples of the manifestation of the rampant intolerance you speak of, but to date you've failed to deliver anything other than a few selective stats, that on their own mean nothing.

It may well be that the records between 2005 and 2009 are lost, stolen or left in a town centre car park somewhere. However, it's been shown on numerous occasions that government ministers and civil servants are notoriously slip shod when it comes to such sensitive information.

There is barely a month goes by where news at ten doesn't report missing NHS records, police files turning up in a skip, or social security lists found stuffed in some old dear's hedge.

I detect from your sarcasm that you think this "record gate" scandal is part of a conspiracy to hide something, and that these files may, indeed, reveal a litany of anti-Catholic/Irish activity between said dates?

Fair enough, but what's to say the lost records don't show the exact opposite, and somebody with similar feelings to your own decided to "lose" a bunch of records that showed rampant anti-Protestantism?

Given that records between 2000 and 2005 and after that date, including the most recent  2010 to 2011, show a consistent pattern to that already discussed, I find both scenarios equally preposterous; but not as preposterous as your perpetual desire to blacken the good name of Scotland based on nothing more than the discursive ramblings of a fecund imagination.

Comment on Rascism rather than sectarianism at heart of Scottish Fitba!

on 21 December 2011 at 10:22 pm

I see Phil has managed to trot out the old Catholics are more likely to be subjected to sectarian behaviour than Protestants - predictable if nothing else.

However, we have a problem, which isn't one of complex mathematics, or multifarious statistical analysis; but more about simple arithmetic coupled with the deceptive art of parading headline numbers as proof positive  - something Phil is a past master of.

In his desperation to disprove his null hypothesis, he forgot one very important fact: there are approximately three times more Protestants in Scotland than Catholics.

Given that we'd expect to see a normal distribution of behaviour patterns across both communities, I'd be very surprised if Catholics weren't subjected to more sectarian abuse than Protestants  just as I would expect to see the same ratio of Protestant to Catholic red heads, train spotters, alcoholics, drug users and philatelists.

Anything different would indicate a sub narrative that required further investigation. Take a look at the figures again and tell me there's a representative ratio of sectarian behaviour? If anything, it proves that one side is as bad as the other.

But that's not the way Phil, or the rest of his mischief making chums behave. His modus operandi is to take a few selective headline statistics and peddle them to anybody daft enough to listen as proof positive that Scotland is awash with anti-Catholic and anti-Irish sentiment. It isn't!

I cite a piece he did on Rangers Football Club in his weblog, where he espoused the notion that Irish Catholics were most unwelcome at Ibrox, and they (Rangers) could only ever convince people that their policy of non-Catholic signings was truly at an end when this stopped.

Fair enough, nobody should have any problem with that.

However, on further investigation all wasn't quite what it seemed. When comparing the number of Southern Irish Catholics signed by Rangers against the number of Northern Irish Protestants signed by celtic to that point (a fair comparison, I'm sure you'll agree) we discovered that Rangers had actually signed two to celtic's one.

Of course this was completely missed by him for reasons only he can answer.

Furthermore, there was a sub text to all of this, where players offered the chance to play for the "other side" often refuse on account of the grief they might incur from members of their own community for reasons I'm sure doesn't need explained in this arena.

Now, for me, that was the crux of the story, and something most journalists may have thought worthy of bringing to the public conscience.

Not Phil. Presumably he saw unfounded and cheap point scoring as more valuable currency.

Look, No level of abuse is acceptable, but for the sake of honesty and sanity, we really need to get things in perspective and, for once, engage in honest and open debate something Phil seems reluctant to do.

As long as we have the knuckle draggers on both sides, we'll have difficulty eradicating this problem. However, as long as we have journalists unprepared to engage in honest and open debate, whilst engaging in revisionism and distorted truths, we'll never eradicate it.

Phil, over to you

Comment on Rascism rather than sectarianism at heart of Scottish Fitba!

on 20 December 2011 at 7:10 pm

More revisionist nonsense from Phil, who seems to know very little of Irish immigration patterns to the UK during the nineteenth century.

There is little or no historical evidence supporting the notion that the vast majority of Irish immigrants came to Scotland during that century as a result of the famine (something oft repeated by Phil for effect) but there is evidence for great swathes of Irish industrial migration to these shores in the same period.

On the question of economic parity (if such a thing exists outside the confines of Phil and Professor Devine's fertile imaginations) why it is that he always uses such expression in the context of a piece on racism and intolerance, when we know full well these things are driven by many complex social and economic factors? Not just intolerance. I wonder why?

He speaks of racial intolerance largely directed at Irish people in a society where racial intolerance outstrips sectarian intolerance by a huge margin, yet the government's own figures show that "White Irish" are statistically the least discriminated against group. Less than one half per cent of the population, and thirteen times less than the group labelled: "White British!" What say you, Phil?


Scotland is a country where, by the government's own statistics, marginally more Catholics indulge in sectarian hate crimes per capita than Protestants (if you make the reasonable assumption that Catholics attack Protestants and vice versa), yet Phil constantly peddles the myth that Catholics are the victims.


I would take everything Phil says with a pinch of salt. His ramblings are specifically designed to deny, deflect and create the illusion of a country rife with hatred for the Irish and, in particular, Irish Catholics.

And his language is specifically designed to appeal to impressionable young Catholics, perpetuating the myth that disenfranchisement is a part of Scottish society. It isn't.

I've challenged Phil to a public debate on many occasions, but he has never had the guts to even reply to me. He even blocks people with a reasonable contrary viewpoint on his website. So, Phil, I throw down the gauntlet yet again - you have my e mail address.

If Phil is true to form, he won't even bother to reply to me. He'll quietly let this piece dissolve into the ether, whilst quietly congratulating himself on having peddled ever more half-truth and lies about a country that gave him as much opportunity as anybody else.

Try not to fall for his mendacity and revisionist rubbish!


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5 minutes ago, Virtuoso said:

Destroyed by Bluesnaw on Slugger:

Comment on Rascism rather than sectarianism at heart of Scottish Fitba!

on 22 December 2011 at 8:13 pm


You've been challenged time and time again to provide examples of the manifestation of the rampant intolerance you speak of, but to date you've failed to deliver anything other than a few selective stats, that on their own mean nothing.

It may well be that the records between 2005 and 2009 are lost, stolen or left in a town centre car park somewhere. However, it's been shown on numerous occasions that government ministers and civil servants are notoriously slip shod when it comes to such sensitive information.

There is barely a month goes by where news at ten doesn't report missing NHS records, police files turning up in a skip, or social security lists found stuffed in some old dear's hedge.

I detect from your sarcasm that you think this "record gate" scandal is part of a conspiracy to hide something, and that these files may, indeed, reveal a litany of anti-Catholic/Irish activity between said dates?

Fair enough, but what's to say the lost records don't show the exact opposite, and somebody with similar feelings to your own decided to "loose" a bunch of records that showed rampant anti-Protestantism?

Given that records between 2000 and 2005 and after that date, including the most recent  2010 to 2011, show a consistent pattern to that already discussed, I find both scenarios equally preposterous; but not as preposterous as your perpetual desire to blacken the good name of Scotland based on nothing more than the discursive ramblings of a fecund imagination.

Comment on Rascism rather than sectarianism at heart of Scottish Fitba!

on 21 December 2011 at 10:22 pm

I see Phil has managed to trot out the old Catholics are more likely to be subjected to sectarian behaviour than Protestants - predictable if nothing else.

However, we have a problem, which isn't one of complex mathematics, or multifarious statistical analysis; but more about simple arithmetic coupled with the deceptive art of parading headline numbers as proof positive  - something Phil is a past master of.

In his desperation to disprove his null hypothesis, he forgot one very important fact: there are approximately three times more Protestants in Scotland than Catholics.

Given that we'd expect to see a normal distribution of behaviour patterns across both communities, I'd be very surprised if Catholics weren't subjected to more sectarian abuse than Protestants  just as I would expect to see the same ratio of Protestant to Catholic red heads, train spotters, alcoholics, drug users and philatelists.

Anything different would indicate a sub narrative that required further investigation. Take a look at the figures again and tell me there's a representative ratio of sectarian behaviour? If anything, it proves that one side is as bad as the other.

But that's not the way Phil, or the rest of his mischief making chums behave. His modus operandi is to take a few selective headline statistics and peddle them to anybody daft enough to listen as proof positive that Scotland is awash with anti-Catholic and anti-Irish sentiment. It isn't!

I cite a piece he did on Rangers Football Club in his weblog, where he espoused the notion that Irish Catholics were most unwelcome at Ibrox, and they (Rangers) could only ever convince people that their policy of non-Catholic signings was truly at an end when this stopped.

Fair enough, nobody should have any problem with that.

However, on further investigation all wasn't quite what it seemed. When comparing the number of Southern Irish Catholics signed by Rangers against the number of Northern Irish Protestants signed by celtic to that point (a fair comparison, I'm sure you'll agree) we discovered that Rangers had actually signed two to celtic's one.

Of course this was completely missed by him for reasons only he can answer.

Furthermore, there was a sub text to all of this, where players offered the chance to play for the "other side" often refuse on account of the grief they might incur from members of their own community for reasons I'm sure doesn't need explained in this arena.

Now, for me, that was the crux of the story, and something most journalists may have thought worthy of bringing to the public conscience.

Not Phil. Presumably he saw unfounded and cheap point scoring as more valuable currency.

Look, No level of abuse is acceptable, but for the sake of honesty and sanity, we really need to get things in perspective and, for once, engage in honest and open debate something Phil seems reluctant to do.

As long as we have the knuckle draggers on both sides, we'll have difficulty eradicating this problem. However, as long as we have journalists unprepared to engage in honest and open debate, whilst engaging in revisionism and distorted truths, we'll never eradicate it.

Phil, over to you

Comment on Rascism rather than sectarianism at heart of Scottish Fitba!

on 20 December 2011 at 7:10 pm

More revisionist nonsense from Phil, who seems to know very little of Irish immigration patterns to the UK during the nineteenth century.

There is little or no historical evidence supporting the notion that the vast majority of Irish immigrants came to Scotland during that century as a result of the famine (something oft repeated by Phil for effect) but there is evidence for great swathes of Irish industrial migration to these shores in the same period.

On the question of economic parity (if such a thing exists outside the confines of Phil and Professor Devine's fertile imaginations) why it is that he always uses such expression in the context of a piece on racism and intolerance, when we know full well these things are driven by many complex social and economic factors? Not just intolerance. I wonder why?

He speaks of racial intolerance largely directed at Irish people in a society where racial intolerance outstrips sectarian intolerance by a huge margin, yet the government's own figures show that "White Irish" are statistically the least discriminated against group. Less than one half per cent of the population, and thirteen times less than the group labelled: "White British!" What say you, Phil?


Scotland is a country where, by the government's own statistics, marginally more Catholics indulge in sectarian hate crimes per capita than Protestants (if you make the reasonable assumption that Catholics attack Protestants and vice versa), yet Phil constantly peddles the myth that Catholics are the victims.


I would take everything Phil says with a pinch of salt. His ramblings are specifically designed to deny, deflect and create the illusion of a country rife with hatred for the Irish and, in particular, Irish Catholics.

And his language is specifically designed to appeal to impressionable young Catholics, perpetuating the myth that disenfranchisement is a part of Scottish society. It isn't.

I've challenged Phil to a public debate on many occasions, but he has never had the guts to even reply to me. He even blocks people with a reasonable contrary viewpoint on his website. So, Phil, I throw down the gauntlet yet again - you have my e mail address.

If Phil is true to form, he won't even bother to reply to me. He'll quietly let this piece dissolve into the ether, whilst quietly congratulating himself on having peddled ever more half-truth and lies about a country that gave him as much opportunity as anybody else.

Try not to fall for his mendacity and revisionist rubbish!


Boom !

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Phil is a a despicable odious individual who has done more to fan the flames of sectarianism in Scotland than any other. He hides like a coward in a foreign land fabricating outrageous fables about the country that fed and clothed his forefathers and gave him and education and employment. And he tell lies - lots of them.

He phoned Real Radio, introducing himself as "the journalist who broke the Famine Song story"  Remember he claimed he explained the song to his EIGHT year old daughter Roisin who ended up in tears - Roisin was in fact 14 at the time.

Previous to that, he had phoned the same radio station claiming to be "John, a school-teacher from Donegal" who had been travelling on a ferry to Glasgow to see relatives. He further claimed that his children were terrified by the hooliganism and sectarianism of Rangers fans on the ferry. He then boasted about doing so on SellicMinded (not the brightest is Phil).

Extensive enquiries to Northern Irish RSC's and the ferry operators themselves uncovered that there had been no trouble whatsoever. 

He is a truly detestable piece of shit.

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A list of questions put to Phil by VB - so far unanswered:

1. You previously described Graham Spiers as your “new pal”. Subsequently, Spiers described you as “an odd and slightly vulnerable man”. How do you answer these allegations? Do Mr. Spiers’ claims have anything to do with your mental illness?

2. How do you answer internet allegations that you abused a young boy at a five-a-side football venue whilst you worked at Glasgow Social Work Department, resulting in one of your colleagues, namely ex-Morton player Jim Rooney, threatening you with violence?

3. Please explain fully the circumstances surrounding your departure from your position with Glasgow Social Work Department and indeed your subsequent departure from Scotland.

4. You claim to be a journalist. Please supply details of any relevant qualifications you hold and any full-time permanent employment you have held, and the publication(s) that employed you.

5. Why have you used three different surnames during your adult life, namely Gillivan, McGillivan, White and - Mac-Giolla-Bhain

6. You once claimed live on Real Radio that your daughter Roisin was 8 years old when you explained The Famine Song to her, and that as a result, she was reduced to tears. Registrar  records show Roisin to have been 14 at the time. Why did you lie? Was it in an attempt to invoke sympathy?

7. Is it fair to say that you are currently unemployed? If not, please name your employer.

8. Talking on the Slugger O’Toole website of your time as an SNP activist, you described yourself and your colleagues in the East End of Glasgow as “the SNP Provos”. Please explain  why you used this term.

9. On the same website, you claimed to have “five brothers……a big family of fighting Irish.” The Registrar of births shows that your mother Bridgette had one child other than yourself, a girl, your sister. What made you tell this lie?

10. Please state clearly the reasons for your wife Kathleen leaving you.

11. A “schoolteacher from Donegal” (with a Glasgow accent) phoned Real Radio claiming he and his children had been terrorised on a ferry trip from N.I. to Scotland, by bigoted, drunken, violent Rangers fans. Strangely enquiries to both the ferry company and supporters buses that had made the trip, found the “schoolteachers” pronunciations to be a pack of lies. You boasted on CelticMinded.com of having made the call, and you were subsequently banned from Real Radio. Why did you do this?


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The author is tarred with a sickening sectarian brush.……….his blog undermines the entire industry.

We believed Phil - The Failed Journalist to be a proper and sound journalist. Channel 4 News chief correspondent Alex Thomson obviously agreed and wrote the foreword in the book.

He was wrong and so were we.”



From the editor of The Sun on Philth McGillivan after the Sun pulled the serialisation of his book due to his Incubator article.

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3 hours ago, 2nd Flute said:

Good info mate, that Scotsman forum is infested by obsessed fuck wits, used to post on it, but all the tarriers get together and report you, and the mods give you a ban, still look in sometimes, like now,the World cup is on, but these creepy bastards are still on about newco, sevco etc, some of them boast about having accounts on here, and FF, fucking weirdos.

Used to spend many an hour at work baiting the cunts and watching them implode on the Scotsman.

Philth McGillivan routinely called out under a plethora of usernames.

Andy 'PerfumeBhoy' Muirhead - the sister shagger.

James 'midget' Molloy.

Kieron Brady aka GodSaveIreland on SellicMinded.

Ex SellicMinded admin Scott McMenemy aka Mince (Hugh Hefner on the Scotsman) with his Spanish whore and bastard offspring.


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4 minutes ago, Virtuoso said:

Used to spend many an hour at work baiting the cunts and watching them implode on the Scotsman.

Philth McGillivan routinely called out under a plethora of usernames.

Andy 'PerfumeBhoy' Muirhead - the sister shagger.

James 'midget' Molloy.

Kieron Brady aka GodSaveIreland on SellicMinded.

Ex SellicMinded admin Scott McMenemy aka Mince (Hugh Hefner on the Scotsman) with his Spanish whore and bastard offspring.


They have many user names mate, as I said, I used to post on it, there was around 5,maybe 6 Bears, loads of them cunts, take them away from the newco shite patter, and question them about their seedy past,... reported and blocked, that'll be the admin maybe,rancid bastards.

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2 hours ago, 2nd Flute said:

They have many user names mate, as I said, I used to post on it, there was around 5,maybe 6 Bears, loads of them cunts, take them away from the newco shite patter, and question them about their seedy past,... reported and blocked, that'll be the admin maybe,rancid bastards.

True story.

James 'midget' Molloy was one of the worst - a real hate-filled bastard who thought that he was untouchable from behind his keyboard. Was issuing death threats to people and threatening to post peoples addresses and their places of work etc.

But you see, as is with the bheast Molloy wasn't as clever as he thought and promptly had the tables turned on him. The brave and bold Jim moved house rather sharpish.

Another one was Ivan Shipley, a mid-level manager at Alfred McAlpine who issued an 'official denial' that he was the PhantomX (another hate-filled bastard) - and that there was nothing linking them other than internet rumours...until he (and his employers) were sent irrefutable proof that Ivan Shipley and PhantomX were one and the same.

His arse (along with any future promotion hopes) then promptly collapsed ?

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17 minutes ago, KingKirk said:

Anyone read his latest? I know he's a nutjob but hes said things in that we must challenge. Like we used the hotel fraudulently etc

We did, some cunt pissed in the sink when he got home blattered.

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2 hours ago, ritchieshearercaldow said:

Did we book in under the name celtic F.C. ?

At least we booked a hotel to stay in, I believe celtic didn't even book any hotels when they went to Japan in 2008........................, I can't think of any reason why they would tell everyone they were going all that way and not book a hotel before going, strange that!

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