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Minute’s Applause.

Mr Soprano

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20 minutes ago, writingranger said:

I'm up for rivalry but hatred has no place in the game. 

 You're on the wind up. Elaborate on this please. I need some amusement. 


2 minutes ago, dummiesoot said:

Only one post mate and no mention of sevco or orange so he has a chance to redeem himself, though the stench is strong with this one

Love that there is a mod recognising this. You're being too generous though :lol:

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12 minutes ago, pcbear said:

If I was at the game today I would stand quiet for a minute, would I applaud for a man who meant nothing to me? certainly not but I would have the common decency to remain quiet.

The games tomorrow you will be there yourself if you stand quiet today.

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2 hours ago, Chris Wilson said:

How do you actually know he was aware of the child abuse? I get that people on the board might have been aware, but to say one of the players knew is a bit of a stretch.

:lol: aye nae bother captain catholic, I'll be applauding when you're stinking club is shut down for its despicable historic crimes .

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6 minutes ago, ForeverAndEver said:

Can’t believe people are point scoring over child abuse, again. Disgusting from so called fellow ‘Rangers supporters’

I’m not pointscoring, I’m stating facts. I will not applaud someone who knew and said nothing. 

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Won't be applauding. Fuck knows why anyone would want to applaud an ex celtic player at a Rangers game tbh. 

The club has already paid it's respects and laid a wreath, so leave it at that imo.

Did they have a minutes applause when Sandy Jardine died, or any other Rangers legend? 

Fuck every one of them tbh.

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Should never have agreed to any of this and the media in this country will make sure theres a negative story about the club no matter what happens.

The board at their pathetic best once again , theres fuckin no chance this will happen at their ground when Greig goes......

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