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King : AGM Speech


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25 minutes ago, Blue Nosed Babe said:

He has helped put the club in a good place, got us Gerrard which has led to major improvements in the playing squad quality.

So he is due some thanks for that.

I know a lot of people on this forum have real issues with him and respect their right to do so, however I believe he took control of the club for the right reasons and delivered a boardroom that has the true interests of the club at heart. When we look back at the charlatans that managed to take control of the reigns of power at our most vulnerable times, King was a breath of fresh air imo, regardless of any failings in his character of business history. I’m no cheerleader for the chairman and like us all, he is far from perfect but credit where it’s due and I believe that was genuine emotion as he rounded off his speech. Thank you for bringing us back to being a credible and improving force in Europe and real contenders to gather title 55 at the end of this season...

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Fuck me man that was really emotional. That wasnt a man speaking who doesn't give a fuck. He loves Rangers.

Thank you king for getting us back to competing at the top again. Let's get 55 for king, let's fuck the taigs in the final and fuck these bastards on Thursday night


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He has brought us out from the lowest that Rangers have ever been and we're challenging for the league we're in a cup final in a week or so, Ibrox is looking much healthier and Europa knockout qualification is coming - a win on Thursday can see that. 

If a majority investor comes in then I'm sure they'll want to put their own man in as chairman - if not then hopefully Douglas Park replaces him. 

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41 minutes ago, sassaaaa said:

Not his biggest fan , but he came across well there..........

My favourite part is "Sports direct are a financial irritant" ... & I want to know if there's a cream for them.

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Said from day one that thought King was here to bring back Rangers FC to where it belongs. MANY castigated him but no one can watch the AGM and say he shouldn’t be applauded for what he’s done.

Well done, a true Rangers man and I’ll say might yet be remembered as a legend that stopped scum 9 in a row.  

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I for one have nothing but respect for Mr King. 

Id love to See Green,Whyte shedding a tear or putting in money! or bringing us Gerrard. 


We play Feyenoord soon few years ago Motherwell beat us and Moshni punched Irwin (Shambles).


The man has my respect. 

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Dave King stepped up - with others -  and has done a good job of getting us on an even keel.  He seems to trust those remaining to carry on the  task of gettng us back to our rightful place at the top of Scottish football all the while maintaining an element of financial stability and seems to be leaving with an actual plan place.   

Not in my eyes a legend but he genuinely does seem to care. 

Now up to Park et al to take us to the next level -- #55.


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