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  1. Like
    Almacger reacted to BlueSuedeSambas in The Best Thing About This Summer   
    Is that we don’t need a massive overhaul. We only require tinkering and adding from an already solid base which is such a change from the past three seasons where it’s been a completely new team lining up for the first game of the season.
    Things are absolutely looking up for us now and there surely can’t be anybody who questions whether we have made progress under Gerrard now?
  2. Like
    Almacger reacted to hammer93 in Jon Flanagan   
    I have to be honest I have never quite taken to him as a player but the last 5 odd games he has been immense culminating in another great performance today....a must keep for me now
  3. Like
    Almacger reacted to LaudrupsPatrickBoots in Foderingham   
    80 odd minutes before he had anything to do but what a save
  4. Like
    Almacger reacted to Scottywellhousetb in Reducing Their Allocation   
    Last 2 games against they bastards Ibrox has been the loudest I've ever heard it,today was simply outstanding, I will never ever understand the argument for giving them the old allocation.
  5. Like
    Almacger reacted to BlueMe in Reducing Their Allocation   
    Best thing the club have done in years, hopefully still in place next season.
  6. Like
    Almacger reacted to SonOfLuther in Shrewsbury Town Fans Honour Greg Doc With A Belter Flag   
    From his twitter account.
  7. Like
  8. Like
    Almacger reacted to SonOfLuther in PFA POTY Awards   
  9. Like
    Almacger reacted to Laudrup1984 in PFA POTY Awards   
  10. Like
    Almacger reacted to mrmojorisin in Congratulations to our Bear Cubs   
    Youth Cup winners 2019 

  11. Like
    Almacger reacted to STEPPS BOY in Gerrard's boy   
    Tight bastard waiting until the strips were getting sold for a tenner 🤬
  12. Like
    Almacger reacted to Perth_Campsie_Ger in Gerrard's boy   
    Staunch as fuck!
  13. Like
    Almacger reacted to gmcf in Leigh Griffiith's brothers rant   
    Leigh Griffiths , the guy that tied a scarf to our goals trying to ridicule us ?
    Now he wants our sympathy ? 
    Ill crack the jokes. 
  14. Like
    Almacger reacted to Laudrup1984 in Video of brown at full time   
    Gerrard couldn't defend Morelos. If he did he would have looked stupid. Yes Morelos was provoked. Again. However he can't react like that, even though Brown has gone down clutching his face which wasn't even hit.
    I didn't expect Kennedy to condemn Brown but if Kennedy even conceded he should have reigned it in a wee bit at least that would have been something. However the footage doesn't lie. He has tripped Morelos, laughed in his face, provoked Kent, approached our fans gave an 8 sign, crossed himself, gave a get it right up you motion and then proceeds to dance around like a dick. I can accept him acting the cunt to players even though as a captain it's pathetic, but to go to the opposition fans is embarrassing and cowardly. He's only doing it because he knows he's untouchable. He's a shitebag. He's also been warned by the Police pre match prior to every old firm game. Can you imagine the Police came to your workplace, pre warned you and then you just ignored them!
    On top of all of that we had their fans
    Running onto the pitch
    A fan running climbing the hoardings and getting onto the pitch with his fucking kid!
    A female steward injured in the melee
    Setting off flares
    A coin thrown at Kent
    Another sectarian banner
    The same cheer up sectarian song aimed at Gerrard
    Sectarian abuse aimed at Jimmy Bell
    A bottle thrown at our team bus
    Carnage outside in the aftermath
    And that's only half of it!
    I'm not even that bothered about most of the above. I'm not even suggesting we're perfect. It's just the sheer hypocrisy. I'm fed up of us being shat all over. I turned on Sportsound for a minute and yet again we're getting our pants pulled down. It's an absolute tarrierfest. 
    Can you imagine if Morelos acted like Brown and replace Gerrard/Bell with Lennon, and all of the above happened at Ibrox! There would be summits, law changes, Ibrox shut down, point deductions, the whole gang. Maybe exaggerating slightly well.........
  15. Like
    Almacger reacted to BridgeIsBlue in Video of brown at full time   
    Halliday got sent off for it 3 year ago. 
  16. Like
  17. Like
    Almacger reacted to Burts91 in Gerrard   
    There has been a fair few games where Gerrard can take the blame but he is in no way responsible for tonight. The amount of chances we have had to kill teams off this season have been criminal. 
    Honestly hope we keep Gerrard for the next 3 years. He is a born winner, you can’t change everything in one season. He has given us a Europa league group stage run, he has given us a victory over celtic. He is going to make mistakes in the same way that all managers do but he will honestly get it right given enough time. 
    He has helped turn Morelos into a 15-20m pound player. It’s frustrating as fuck. But Gerrard needs the full backing from everyone and the board. 
    Certain he will bring us a title in the next two and a bit years. 
  18. Like
    Almacger reacted to eskbankloyal in Ticket allocation for the replay   
    Aberdeen are only receiving their normal league allocation in the corner which is roughly 1,000 tickets. They asked for substantially more but have been told no by the club. 
  19. Like
    Almacger reacted to Prso's headband in Replay tickets   
    The club can shove them up their arse if they even think about getting fucked up the arse with regards to Aberdeen taking more than the corner 
  20. Like
    Almacger reacted to Broxi in Joe Worrall   
    Outstanding today, fair play to him
    Got the goal and was excellent in defence with some vital challenges
  21. Like
    Almacger got a reaction from dougie76 in Club Statement   
    Aye well said Rangers FC, quick enough to have a go at your own supporters who have basically stuck by this club through all the shite. Still waiting on your numerous official statements having a pop at the real enemies out their across Scotland - fucking disgraceful behaviour you shower of weak, ungrateful , out of touch, greedy bastards. WATP - fucking remember that!!! 
  22. Like
    Almacger reacted to SeparateEntityMyArse in Club Statement   
    Let's fight for our rightful ticket allocation.
    Let's call out the cunts that sing about our Ibrox disaster.
    Let's look for parity in how all fans are treated rather than look to throw our own under the bus all the time.
    Let's go to war with our haters in the msn, football authorities, politicians etc
    Let's support our supporters be it UB, away support, rather than alienate them.
    Let's get our Board remembering they are club guardians not petulant head master like dictators.
    Let's go forward as one and benefit from that synergy.
    Aye, let's fucking go.
  23. Like
    Almacger reacted to BridgeIsBlue in Brittany Held   
    Not gonna lie I thought this thread was about Spiers getting arrested
  24. Like
    Almacger got a reaction from Courtyard Bear in Club Statement   
    All they have done with this statement is brought our support back into focus for the Mhedia to attack us if anything naughty is sung during the upcoming games - fucking bravo 
  25. Like
    Almacger got a reaction from Courtyard Bear in Club Statement   
    Aye well said Rangers FC, quick enough to have a go at your own supporters who have basically stuck by this club through all the shite. Still waiting on your numerous official statements having a pop at the real enemies out their across Scotland - fucking disgraceful behaviour you shower of weak, ungrateful , out of touch, greedy bastards. WATP - fucking remember that!!! 
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