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  1. Like
    Gazza2258 reacted to Amokachi in Club Statement   
    The use of the word 'hope' is concerning.
    Hope for the best, fear for the worst springs to mind.  
  2. Like
    Gazza2258 reacted to Walter-of-Smith in It's Jimmy Nic and JJ for last 3 games   
    Got the heavy fear these 2 will be in the dugout leading us in the new season :( 
  3. Like
    Gazza2258 reacted to jintybear in glasgow cup final   
    I'm going to run out of likes on this thread! Absolutely fantastic for the young ones and they're a credit to our club the senior players should be ashamed. The young ones showed passion and weren't afraid to tackle and actually take the game by the scruff of the neck and take chances! Outstanding and deserved winners 

  4. Like
    Gazza2258 reacted to Jonok in Club Statement   
    I hope Murty stays on as under 20's coach he doesn't deserve to be sacked for stepping up to the plate when the board asked him to, he was never experienced  or
    qualified enough to take on the managers job but he still gave it his best shot which sadly for everyone just wasn't good enough.
    The buck stops with the board who put him in that position when its their responsibility to be ready for any managerial situation that arises.
  5. Like
    Gazza2258 got a reaction from Ibrox_Nights in POTY awards tonight?   
    Hand it back if they have an ounce of respect. 
  6. Like
    Gazza2258 got a reaction from gsa in POTY awards tonight?   
    Hand it back if they have an ounce of respect. 
  7. Like
    Gazza2258 reacted to GOAT in Win, lose or draw. Always remember   
    We’ll no wake up dirty inbred, kiddy fiddling, tottie picking, tarrier, papist, terrorist supporting, mhanky, taig, fenian, scummy bastards. 
    That is all. 
  8. Like
    Gazza2258 reacted to harlands plater in How to treat your fans............   
    That’ll be a three carriage train, then.
  9. Like
    Gazza2258 reacted to Jack The Flipper in apathy in FF   
    FF is a shitehole, I got banned because my opinion didn't align with their small minded, blinkered, rigid one
    Fucking sheep
  10. Like
    Gazza2258 reacted to K.A.I in Excited for the new season   
    A lot of this I've said a few times before, but at the risk of repeating myself.
    McGregor I'm not fussed about. My issues with Foderingham were the same issues I had with McGregor and that's they both got beat from too many long-range shots being too far off their line and not as commanding as they shout be at set-pieces, although both really good reflex/reaction shot-stoppers.
    Arfield will be a great signing IMO. I hope he doesn't turn out to be another Barton, Nico or even Dorrans to a lesser extent in that they came with a good pedigree from the EPL but didn't do it for us (Dorrans case he's not done it yet but there's still time) ... but he'd defo a player I'm happy to sign. We can't stop signing players with good pedigree's because a couple previously didn't work out. I think he's similar to the way Armstrong is for them, in that he's a competent and strong midfielder who's matured into a good player with a lot in his locker.
    My confidence levels depend on who else we sign but equally importantly who we ship out too. If it meant more money into the transfer pot then I'd cash in on Tav, Windass and Morelos. They all offer us something but only sometimes. That's not good enough. I have doubts on their consistency and mental strength to play for Rangers considering everything we need from our top players.
    Alves, Pena and Rossiter are 3 we must get off the wage-bill and save ourselves somewhere in the region of 65k per-week. Even if we spend a small fortune doing it to save a small fortune in return then that's fine. 
    Obviously try and cash in on Herrera, Cardoso and O'Halloran.
    Rip up the contracts of Halliday, Wallace, Miller, Hodson, Dodoo, Forrester.
    Dalcio & Martin return to their clubs end of loan.
    Sign Murphy and Cummings on the pre-determined fee's of 700 and 600 grand.
    Whoever the new manager is really needs to sign a whole new backline including full-backs who can defend and position themselves and 2 commanding center halfs.
    Have John, Holt, Docherty and Jack as capable squad options when we sign a much higher caliber of player for our first XI contentions. 
    I have a strange sense of hope in the summer before every new season starts, even if deep down I knew under the likes of McCoist, Warburton and Pedro we would be onto shit and not trusting the decisions of the people that run our club.
    It looks like it's Steven Gerrard as our new manager. I can't get excited or on board yet. It depends on who he signs and who we get rid of. I can see some advantages of him being the manager, but an over-riding feeling that it's another massive risk and gamble that won't pay off. I think I may get used to the idea after a few days but if this gamble doesn't pay off, for the first time ever I think it would be time for a large-scale boycott until this lot are gone because this would be one bridge too far. There would be nothing to lose from doing it this time as the taigs would have their ten in a row so that's a game changer for me and drastic action would be essential. 
  11. Like
    Gazza2258 reacted to Bydo in Club statement   
    fucking love that last line.
  12. Like
    Gazza2258 reacted to Ibroxholm in Warning for bears   
    I expect our fans to cheer us on to victory.  However, if it’s not our day,  I would hope our fans get off their mark quickly at the end of the game.  No sitting greetin or hanging about in the hope of being offended like that lot do.
  13. Like
    Gazza2258 reacted to TMB in Warning for bears   
    Yes, to an extent.  I expect provocation but I don't think there will be a pitch invasion or scenes like the cup final a few years back.
    celtic have attempted to provoke our support on multiple occasions over the last two seasons.  Putting scarves on goal-posts, wiping snotters on corner flags, the hanging of protestant effigies, Scott Brown's constant gestures and laughing at our support, etc.  They're dominating us right now, they know it, and they're rubbing our faces in it.  They don't just want to win they want to embarrass us on and off the pitch.  Our support haven't reacted to it thus far and I hope that continues.
    Any Rangers fan going to that game at the weekend needs to be ready for a very hard time.  Personally, I wouldn't go there on a day celtic are likely to pump us and lift the title but if you're skin is think enough for it all credit to you.  
  14. Like
    Gazza2258 got a reaction from BridgeIsBlue in The defence rests.   
    Thought Ross was ‘ok’ today. He’s never a CB for me, he’s far better as a defensive midfielder. That is where he will excel in his career. 
  15. Like
    Gazza2258 got a reaction from jintybear in The defence rests.   
    Thought Ross was ‘ok’ today. He’s never a CB for me, he’s far better as a defensive midfielder. That is where he will excel in his career. 
  16. Like
    Gazza2258 reacted to Clemdog in The defence rests.   
    The defensive issues were created by Tav today! From giving away the FK they scored, to getting absolutely skint before Lafferty hit the post.
    McCrorie did a lot of good recovery work. 
    I don't think Hearts are the best side to test your defence (lol they're fucking rotten offensively). But McCorie was fine today, he's not a CB and is better at CDM, but right now it's our only option.
  17. Like
    Gazza2258 reacted to SkylineBlue in Murty after game   
    I think it's quite sad to see the current hostility towards Murty. Is he out if his depth? Yes. Should he be here next season? No. But he stepped up to the plate because we have a board who haven't got a clue between them on how to appoint a football manager. He's not good enough and shouldn't be in the position he is currently in, but that's not his fault. 
  18. Like
    Gazza2258 got a reaction from Gandalf the Blue in Murty speaks   
    Buck will generally always stop with the manager but 90% of our players are cunts at the moment. No heart, no desire, just a bunch of wannabes who can’t walk the walk. Cunts. 
  19. Like
    Gazza2258 reacted to ForeverBlue1981 in Rangers Songs   
    Last year I attempted writing a couple of original Rangers songs. Keep in mind they are first attempts and there’s room for improvement however most of the feedback I got back was positive (few comments not so much ? but that’s social media for you).
    I got in touch with Rangers and a couple of the guys from their commercial department emailed me back saying they liked the song and were looking into possible promoting the music side of things in the near future.
    Skip forward a year and I have 10 original new Rangers songs that I’m about to go into the studio to record. Hopefully can work out some sort of deal with the club for helping to promote it, give it their official stamp.
    I would def appreciate any support you can give me by giving my first song a listen and sharing the YouTube link. 
  20. Like
    Gazza2258 reacted to PromDeAnglais in Tarrier Tickets   
    Woah. So many surrender merchants. The day I lie down to the taigs is the day you can put me 6 feet under. Alas, go for some cool comments...
  21. Like
    Gazza2258 reacted to Virtuoso in VB Article   
    VB & D'Art have issued various statements regarding the board and lack of action / broken promises etc - it's only now due to the state we're in that people are finally opening their eyes to what is actually going on.
    The UB's have released a decent statement and kudos to them for it, but they're in a position where they could have called out the board long ago with a simple banner.
  22. Like
    Gazza2258 reacted to Jack The Flipper in VB Article   
    Disagree on the point they make about Derek McInnes, fucking that up was the board's finest piece of work.
  23. Like
    Gazza2258 got a reaction from The No.9 in Glenn Hoddle   
    A hypnotist we need, not a faith healer.
    "you will try to win this game and give it your all, yes, you will try hard".
  24. Like
    Gazza2258 got a reaction from BlearyEyedBear in Glenn Hoddle   
    A hypnotist we need, not a faith healer.
    "you will try to win this game and give it your all, yes, you will try hard".
  25. Like
    Gazza2258 got a reaction from BlueboyG in ST Renewals Poll   
    I only got an email telling me i had auto renewed, then confirmation via post for both of mine.
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