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Bill Leckie - the sun -

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According to his article this morning, Ally is signing all the wrong players and paying them to much cash ?.

What the hell would he know about managing a football club, he then continues to state that all neuterals in Scotland want to see the Gers beaten, (how then can they possibly be called "Neuteral" ) what a TWAT he must be stuck for some sensational gutter snipe comments when this is all he can dream up.

P S he perhaps has not realised that ally has assembled a squad to carry on for 3 years and did not have time to spare thanks to the S.F.A. (shit football association). :craphead:

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Just another article to try to push and reinforce the notion that all of scotland is united against us.

Far from it, but as usual, if they repeat it often enough without challenge, it will become accepted as fact.

Once their SPL diddy clubs start folding the heat will be going the other way.

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hopefully he is right and that all of Scotland is against us. The siege mentality we have the now means we are a force to be reckoned with. Scotland couldn't cope with a half arsed rangers support at times. Lets see how they do when we feel backed into a corner and wounded.

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Signs ain't good Ally


By BILL LECKIE Published: Today at 00:09 17

IF RANGERS don't win the Third Division, there should be the steward's enquiry to end them all.

But even if — or when — the inevitable happens, nothing will convince me they haven't gone about it all the wrong way.

The wrong kind of signings. The wrong wage policy. The wrong attitude.

What was it that put them down the stank in the first place? David Murray's my-tenner-to-your-fiver bulls**t, that's what.

Yet now they're as good as chucking a grand on top of the rest of the league's two bob.

Sure, so Ian Black. Kevin Kyle, Fran Sandaza and Dean Shiels all have their own reasons for choosing big dough to play in a tiny pond. Each to their own.

What I don't get, through, is why Rangers haven't learned from bitter experience that bringing a bazooka to a fistfight isn't necessarily the way to go.

Under Murray, they spent hundreds of millions on guys far, far better than they needed to top the domestic pile, but who didn't have the application to justify their monster salaries by turning Ibrox into a European fortress.

And when the time came for each to leave again, what did Rangers make out of it?

Hee-haw. If they signed 50 big-hitters under the dark knight, maybe five had a residual transfer value.

Fifteen years ago, I was writing that this made no business sense and would all end in tears. Yet not only did they ignore all warnings back then, here they are now, emerging from the shame and shambles of liquidation and doing it all over again.

I don't know what they're paying Black, Kyle, Sandaza and Shiels. But I'll bet my tenner to Charlie Green's fiver that what they earn this season would easily finance the rest of the division for a YEAR.

And when the time comes for each in turn to leave again, what will Rangers make out of it? Our survey said: hee-haw.

For me, this was a time for Rangers to show financial restraint, not proving they can pee the highest. A time to blood the best of the youngsters they had left alongside — and this where they could really have impressed people — the best the SFL has to offer.

I'll take a stab that the ones they've brought in are on £4,000 a week, plus they already had Goian, Bocanegra, McCulloch, Wallace and Alexander on far more than that.

But in the name of financial restraint — a public admission that they had learned from the stupidity of past regimes — surely this was their chance to give a chance to guys who would never otherwise have got to play for a club this famous. And to pay them money that, while beyond the dreams of your average journeyman, was still going to help balance the books?

Listen, I'm no financial wizard. But even I can work out that if you give a guy £1,500 a week instead of four grand, you'll save £130,000 a year — and that if you multiply that by your first XI, it'll put close on £4.5million extra in the kitty over three years.

Don't tell me they couldn't still walk the title with a team on "only" a grand-and-a-half a week either. They could easily have done what Livingston and Gretna did when they started out. cherry-picking players from a division above the one they were in.

Both of them identified guys who were talented and hard-working, but who for one reason or another had never won anything; David Bingham, Scott Crabbe and Barry Wilson at Livi; the likes of Stevie Tosh, Chris Innes and Davie Nicholls at Raydale Park.

Each of those guys made more than they had in the rest of their careers put together. But each also achieved more in a couple of years than they could have dreamed of.

Will Ian Black be able to say that? Hardly likely, when he finished last season winning the Scottish Cup and started this scrabbling about at Brechin in the Ramsdens.

You look round the lower leagues and see plenty who'd kill for a call from Ally McCoist. I see boys like Ryan Donnelly at Airdrie, Jonathan Tiffoney at Ayr, Jamie Longworth at Queen's Park and know they'd be good enough. I see good pros like Jim McAlister, twiddling his thumbs until the day before the season starts and he finally gets a shout from Dundee.

And we've all seen the trouble Peterhead and Brechin have individually and collectively given those massive Ibrox earners.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe my vision of how Rangers should have done it is idealistic tosh.

But even if or when the squad DO click and start pumping everyone six and seven, I'd have to ask what they'll have achieved.

Bloody hell, they — and Celtic — spent years complaining about how boring it was having no competition. And that was despite being able to enjoy Laudrup, Gascoigne, Larsson, Moravcik and their like.

So where's the satisfaction in seeing millionaire internationalists trundling over joiners and teachers making £50 a week for kicking a ball as a hobby?

They were always going to be the team everyone else wanted to beat — and the one most neutrals want to see lose.

I just can't help thinking they might have been admired more had they turned their new beginning into an opportunity for unknowns to become household names.

Rather than just another exercise in guys who lack ambition getting rich quick.


We can obviously afford to make these signings or Green wouldn't be opening the cheque book so he can shut his mouth on that count.

I find myself agreeing with him with regards to the players mentioned he thinks we should be looking at,or to be precise their ages and the fact they would have a sell on value if successful.

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:lol: Charles Green is not known to be a wasteral with cash - if he says we can afford these players then who is Leckie to disagree - this is NOT spending outwith our means this is spending within our means - 25-30,000 season tickets gives a fair bit of buying power.

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I suppose I can agree to some of what hes saying, that we could save money and still reach the SPL. Mccoist has already stated though that these calibre of players are being signed so that we can hold our own in cup games. I think its also to do with the league being revamped next season to bump us up, and with the embargo still there, we would be stuck with lesser players for half a season.

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The article just reeks of dismay and anger that Rangers aren't forced to scrabble around the bargain bins building a team of nobodys that will struggle in the 3rd div.

I trust when his beloved bad people get the cheque book out and flash their wad, he'll pen another article about spending millions to win an uncompetitive league.

I revel in his anguish :lol:

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I suppose I can agree to some of what hes saying, that we could save money and still reach the SPL. Mccoist has already stated though that these calibre of players are being signed so that we can hold our own in cup games. I think its also to do with the league being revamped next season to bump us up, and with the embargo still there, we would be stuck with lesser players for half a season.

I've posted before that league reconstruction is a stick on. Soon as we were put into 3rd division some SPL clubs were getting worried. The massive failure of the Sell out Saturday campaign just confirms that SPL clubs need Rangers there to make ends meet. Players that have been signed are there with one eye on playing bigger and better opposition in an SPL2. If we went with what was required to win 3rd division we'd get pumped in the cups and struggle in a better division. Leckie needs to wind his neck in and see the bigger picture.

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Jill has totally missed the point. Rangers are not there to trundle "over joiners and teachers" we are there because we were put there and our aim is to win the division, the margin of results is secondary to that.

As for the shite she's spouting about writing of financial ruin 15 years ago, why didn't you play the stock market at the same time Jill? And how many reporters can you name who creamed over Murray calling him a "headline writers dream"? Easier to name the ones who didn't.

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Perhaps we could have signed lower wages and lower division players but so long as we pay and can afford the wages who we sign or don't sign is our business.Ally McCoist job is to get us back to the top league we cannot gamble by signing lesser players as there is a transfer embargo(that wasn't a punishment within the rules) around the corner for us.If Bill Leckie had wanted to he could have pointed out that division 3 players may improve playing against higher class opposition and fans of opposing teams in division 3 will get better value for their money.

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Leckie's article clearly demonstrates the anti Rangers attitude that exists in Scotland. An excellent example of the bigotry within Scottish football that Charles Green could take along to his disciplinary hearing as evidence that his comments on the subject were entirely justified.

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You've got to love his comment "I just can’t help thinking they might have been admired more had they turned their new beginning into an opportunity for unknowns to become household names." for it's stupidity in the least.

Who is it that would admire us more? The clubs and their supporters that tried to kill us? Is it the tabloid Rangers hating press? Who's going to admire us more? Answer only Rangers fans! So he can stick his anti-Rangers stance under the shit he prints up his hole!

We are not interested in any admiration from any other cunt thanks very much you poor, poor, excuse for a journo. I think your parents would amire you more if you didn't bring the Leckie name down every week with the shite you write.

Now back under your stone you judgemental little cunt!

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I suppose I can agree to some of what hes saying, that we could save money and still reach the SPL. Mccoist has already stated though that these calibre of players are being signed so that we can hold our own in cup games. I think its also to do with the league being revamped next season to bump us up, and with the embargo still there, we would be stuck with lesser players for half a season.

This. Not even taking the inevitable league reconstruction into account, does the following not apply?

Do the cup winners not get somewhere in the region of 1 million in prize money, along with gate receipts along the way. So 3 (challenge as well) good cup runs and we've made the money Leckie claims we could've saved in 1 season. Green has taken a calculated risk also, better calibre players and good performance attracts fans (not that we need any encouragement) therefore more money made in home gates.

What's the famous saying, speculate to accumulate!

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Talk about letting the tail wag the dog,do you think Rangers are going to let diddy teams dictate to us,they are all living in a dream world,Rangers have a fan base world wide of over 6,000,0000 thats in my eyes is a Country,Bill Leckie is just your average jealous punter,who just can't grasp the fact that we are Scotlands number one club,they thought that if enough off them gave us a kicking,we would just roll over and die,well all they have done in reality, is awaken a sleeping giant who's support has had enough,and ladies and gentlemen it's time to kick ass! :21:

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