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Scotland supporter, ready for the neg reps....

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Didn't mean you but the fans on this as a whole hate Scotland because of the SFA which is stupid. My main point was that and also people having an over-reaction about Black getting booed even tho fans on this booed him last year but cos he plays for us we get annoyed because he gets booed for his country (which is a disgrace getting booed for playing for your country) but it happens footballers get booed and they get on with it and we should too.

Not by there own fans they don't.

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I support the Scotland team on the park (from my armchair far far away) and always hope they win, no matter who is selected. But fuck the SFA and double fuck to supporters that boo their own players, and I will always think Levein is a wanker.


Tonight i hoped Scotland would win.

While hoping "shagger"(traitor) would fuck up and look like the cunt that he is.


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Everyone here needs to get over themselves. The cunts that boo'd black are not representative of true Scotland supporters. No matter what the SFA have done to our club or what fans of opposition fans have said about us, this is my country, I was born in Scotland and I am proud to follow our national team. Even if I was boo'd by ten thousand fans wearing a Scotland jersey, I would still want to and be proud to represent my country and I am sure Black feels the same way. Super Ally was and is as passionate a Scotsman as they come and he would be embarrassed to read a lot of the opinions on here. Hating Scotland almost seems cool amongst a section of our support now and that is a fucking disgrace :5260: :5260: :5260: :5260:

you state that the 'cunts who booed Black are not 'true' Scotsmen' - while this is accurate, you fail miserably to recognize the fact that, today, 90% of the fucking Scotland support is made up of these cunts!

i have been a passionate Scotland supporter since the late 50's and have expressed it often on this forum.

in those days Scotland was an international powerhouse because the majority of Scotland's support were Rangers supporters - in 1963 i was part of a crowd of 93,000+ for a fucking friendly against austria - a crowd of 'true' Scots.

but, some time ago, a seismic shift occurred - from a support that was comprised of 'true' Scots to one, like today, made up of a majority of supporters and administration who are 'cunts'!

a 'new order' replaced the 'old order'.

To give 'unconditional' allegiance to this 'new order', as you do, is a totally irresponsible act for a 'true' Scot who should be doing everything he can to get rid of the 'cunts'.

thus, your criticism of Rangers supporters for rejecting this crop of cunts is right out of fucking order, and equivalent to criticizing individuals who live in fascist or communist countries who do not participate in these regimes and work towards their downfall.

this 'new order' is not permanent - the 'old order' of 'true' Scots will be re-established by revolting against this current regime.

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Can you really stand shoulder to shoulder with fans of other clubs? After all the shite we have had thrown at us from them all? And the boo's for our own players?

Tartan army can roll that Kilt up tight and stick it up their hole with the sporran hanging right out the back.

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I'm an Englishman but I'm fortunate to have lived most of my life in Scotland. Until fairly recently I always wanted Scotland to do well and at international level theirs was always the second result I looked for.

However, as I have grown older I have began to appreciate just what the tartan army are about. Their inferiority complex, the goody two shoes behaviour, their hatred of Rangers (by some) and small time bigoted mentality towards the English has completely changed my view. Whilst I'll always love Scotland the country and its people I want the football team humiliated in every game they play. I absolutely despise the tartan army.

It's not a view that I'm particularly vocal about nor one I have consciously chosen but tonight shows just why it's one I have developed over time.

I once flew to Malta on the same weekend that Scotland were playing Holland. I passed through Edinburgh and Luton airports. both were packed with tartan army 'foot soldiers', the numbers were a credit to them. However, without a word of a lie, I saw more Dutch and Argentina 'Maradona 86' shirts than Scotland shirts. That sums them up for me. Too worried about being anti English and making friends with the opposition for me to have an once of respect for them. Cunts.

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Everyone here needs to get over themselves. The cunts that boo'd black are not representative of true Scotland supporters. No matter what the SFA have done to our club or what fans of opposition fans have said about us, this is my country. :5260: :5260: :5260: :5260:

Yet you live in New Zealand!!!!

Shouldn't really preach to us as you don't really know the atmosphere currently in 'your' country!!!!

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I'd like to know if there will be any comment from the sfa or the Scotland manager telling the supporters it's wrong to boo their own players. I won't hold my breathe though. More likely he will listen to the masses and stop picking black. That to me is so wrong.

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Hate to burst the bubble for some folks who seem to be under the impression that this mindset and behavior from scotland supporters is a relatively new.

Well I can assure you it's not.

Also don't forget that the SPL & SFA tried to shaft Rangere and the Scottish Government have done fucking here haw to help.

So the question is why as a Rangers supporter should I support the Scottish national team?

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Everyone here needs to get over themselves. The cunts that boo'd black are not representative of true Scotland supporters. No matter what the SFA have done to our club or what fans of opposition fans have said about us, this is my country, I was born in Scotland and I am proud to follow our national team. Even if I was boo'd by ten thousand fans wearing a Scotland jersey, I would still want to and be proud to represent my country and I am sure Black feels the same way. Super Ally was and is as passionate a Scotsman as they come and he would be embarrassed to read a lot of the opinions on here. Hating Scotland almost seems cool amongst a section of our support now and that is a fucking disgrace :5260: :5260: :5260: :5260:

+ rep as soon as I am on my pc.

so many fans on here lecture us about our history and ' how' to be a scotland fan and forget of our long standing tradition of being the mainstay of the scotland support . I am proud to be both a rangers and scotland fan !

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Hate to burst the bubble for some folks who seem to be under the impression that this mindset and behavior from scotland supporters is a relatively new.

Well I can assure you it's not.

Also don't forget that the SPL & SFA tried to shaft Rangere and the Scottish Government have done fucking here haw to help.

So the question is why as a Rangers supporter should I support the Scottish national team?

.. because you are Scottish! even if you are one of our support who is very British to be Scottish is also to be British - it has nothing to do with supporting the sfa or the snp - they are not the scotland football team any more than Charles green is rangers.

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Everyone here needs to get over themselves. The cunts that boo'd black are not representative of true Scotland supporters. No matter what the SFA have done to our club or what fans of opposition fans have said about us, this is my country, I was born in Scotland and I am proud to follow our national team. Even if I was boo'd by ten thousand fans wearing a Scotland jersey, I would still want to and be proud to represent my country and I am sure Black feels the same way. Super Ally was and is as passionate a Scotsman as they come and he would be embarrassed to read a lot of the opinions on here. Hating Scotland almost seems cool amongst a section of our support now and that is a fucking disgrace :5260: :5260: :5260: :5260:

Sorry Dado but I completely disagree and think you have left out a sizeable amount of fact which cause so many Rangers supporters to feel this way.

Firstly we have the Scottish Football Association continually undermining our club and seeking to punish our club at every opportunity.

You claim that last night was not representative of the Scottish support. Would that be the same fans who mobilised from behind their keyboards etc to ensure the sham of Sporting Integrity forced and bullied SPL chairmen to refuse Rangers entry into the SPL ?

We have a manager saying he refused to pick Lee Wallace as he plays in the third division - yet in the next breath picks another of our players. Even the press were taking the piss our of Houstons attempts to suggest CL's comments were "misconstrued"

I think what you have failed to factor in your comments, particularly the summary is that there is a large section of the Scotland support who think it is cool to hate Rangers - perhaps that is closer to the "fucking disgrace" which you cite.

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I posted this in the Scotland v Australia thread earlier:

There's obviously going to be at least four ways in which Rangers fans will be split over this whole Scotland thing:

1) The ones who will continue to support Scotland as they do and pay to see the games

2) The ones who will continue to support Scotland but from their armchair or pub so the SFA don't recieve any of their money

3) The ones who are fed up with all the hatred and bull-shit coming from the SFA and the tartan trannies but don't want to see Scotland lose

4)The ones who are fed up with all the hatred and bull-shit coming from the SFA and the tartan trannies and hope Scotland get pumped.

I personally am in group 3 of the four I have mentioned.

I would class myself as a 2 but won't be long till I am a 3/4 after the way black got treated .

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.. because you are Scottish! even if you are one of our support who is very British to be Scottish is also to be British - it has nothing to do with supporting the sfa or the snp - they are not the scotland football team any more than Charles green is rangers.

To support Scotland as they are now is most definitely to be anti-British, and bigoted toward our English neighbours.. The amount of anti English stuff you hear from that lot is shocking, they sing a most embarassing and bigoted song at the start of every match *CRINGE*, then you have them booing when teams like NI sing GSTQ! Also, i dunno where you live pal, but round my parts i've had to listen to alsorts of offensive stuff directed at Her Majesty on what is her jublilee year.. I was in a pub a day or 2 after the jubilee celebrations and there was a crowd at the bar talking about Prince Philip being in hospital and one bloke commented something like "No big deal, it's about time the auld cunt was deed anyway" with his friends agreeing and smirking!

I LOVE Scotland, the country and im proud to say i live here, but thats about it im afraid.. Sure its a pretty place in pictures and on postcards but once you start to dig into its culture a take a look at society it becomes something completely different indeed, we're a small nation made up of a small population, with even smaller minds.

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Yeah, cos my post suggests it was "ok" to boo black :rolleyes:

Plus, I'd be fairly confident in saying that the majority of boo's were because he used to play for hibs and he was always an unpopular player in the SPL. It is not right to boo him, but the fans who did are fucking morons and they will never stop me supporting Scotland. Scotland fans boo'd Gary mccalister as well, do you think that was because he was a rangers player?

This has nothing to do with what team he used to play for its the same pish Rangers players have to put up with from the that mob. I'm guessing all the scabs who left us didn't get the same treatment.

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To add my tuppence worth to the debate,

I support the Scottish international football team and I always will, no tartan clad bigoted racist is going to make me turn away from my national team.

Like many others however I'll be supporting from my armchair, I just know I would get myself into a lot of trouble if I was sitting next to some of these arseholes.

It may be fun at the time to punch fuck out of hamish mchaggis for being a cunt and anti- rangers, but I don't fancy getting arrested for it.

Proudly Scottish and British

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To support Scotland as they are now is most definitely to be anti-British, and bigoted toward our English neighbours.. The amount of anti English stuff you hear from that lot is shocking, they sing a most embarassing and bigoted song at the start of every match *CRINGE*, then you have them booing when teams like NI sing GSTQ! Also, i dunno where you live pal, but round my parts i've had to listen to alsorts of offensive stuff directed at Her Majesty on what is her jublilee year.. I was in a pub a day or 2 after the jubilee celebrations and there was a crowd at the bar talking about Prince Philip being in hospital and one bloke commented something like "No big deal, it's about time the auld cunt was deed anyway" with his friends agreeing and smirking!

I LOVE Scotland, the country and im proud to say i live here, but thats about it im afraid.. Sure its a pretty place in pictures and on postcards but once you start to dig into its culture a take a look at society it becomes something completely different indeed, we're a small nation made up of a small population, with even smaller minds.

What absolute tosh - to support Scotland is nothing to do with being anti-british nor anti- english (although there is a strong rivalry with our English Friends :pipe: ) - I am a very proud supporter of Scotland (team, country, history, people) but that did not stop me serving in the forces for over 6 years, cheering the Queen at her Jubillee and being proud of Team GB at the Olympics. Oh and I am an SNP supporter.

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What absolute tosh - to support Scotland is nothing to do with being anti-british nor anti- english (although there is a strong rivalry with our English Friends :pipe: ) - I am a very proud supporter of Scotland (team, country, history, people) but that did not stop me serving in the forces for over 6 years, cheering the Queen at her Jubillee and being proud of Team GB at the Olympics. Oh and I am an SNP supporter.

The part of your post i have highlighted in bold makes you a :wanker: and someone im gonna struggle to take seriously im afraid.. And anyway, this is a footie forum, why is it that all your posts in the 'booing' threads mention the SNP? what the fuck does wee fat eck have to do with that shower of pricks booing their own players.. Or are you just going round mentioning the fact you support the jacobites in some sort of sordid attempt to provoke bears into arguing with you!!

PS, I also served in the army for a number of years in a unit made up of mainly English lads and at NO time did i ever experience any bitterness or bigotry, nor was i made to feel unwelcome.. It's not quite the same up here pal, sure i dont mind a bit of light hearted banter and the same is true of the majority of English but what you hear and see from a large section of our population is quite shocking

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I feel for you man, I will always follow Scotland. The SFA are scum for trying to kill our club but to all Rangers fans against Scotland was it just not last year when we were all booing Black but just because he plays for Rangers, it's a disgrace to boo him?

And talking about the SFA killing our club, fine Rhegan and Doncaster are arseholes and kiddy-fiddlers but what has the players that played for Scotland did to try and kill our club, the likes of Rhodes, Gilks, Berra and Morrison did? nothing exactly.

Support the country not the organisation that runs it. I wait the neg reps and calling me a taig with the dodgy dog eyes, but prove to me what is wrong in this comment.

ok........heres whrre your wrong Ian Black when booed last season was an opposition player who rattled a few of our players so took the boos

last night he made his Scotland debut and was roundly booed by the majority of his countries "fans" so there is quite a significant difference

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The part of your post i have highlighted in bold makes you a :wanker: and someone im gonna struggle to take seriously im afraid.. And anyway, this is a footie forum, why is it that all your posts in the 'booing' threads mention the SNP? what the fuck does wee fat eck have to do with that shower of pricks booing their own players.. Or are you just going round mentioning the fact you support the jacobites in some sort of sordid attempt to provoke bears into arguing with you!!

PS, I also served in the army for a number of years in a unit made up of mainly English lads and at NO time did i ever experience any bitterness or bigotry, nor was i made to feel unwelcome.. It's not quite the same up here pal, sure i dont mind a bit of light hearted banter and the same is true of the majority of English but what you hear and see from a large section of our population is quite shocking

So which political party should I support? - oh and if this is a football forum why did YOU bring up all the anti English sentiment that I responded to ? Where was the footballing points in your last post ? dont berate me when you are not discussing football yourself!

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You talk utter shite! They booed him because he is a Ranger. No other reason. I'm Glad Lee Wallace didn't have to go through that from them.

They booed him because he was a jambo the same as they booed Ryan McGowan when he came on. Ffs get real. Remember where the game was played.
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