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Judas or not?


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He was a flash in the pan as a player. Good half season when he first came and lived on it for the rest of his time at Rangers.Should never have been made captain and the way he left summed him up for me.He'll get found out in the Premier League, I see he's hardly had a full 90mins so far.Glad he's gone.

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I remember watching the Naismith and Whittaker press conference and my jaw hit the floor. Couldnt believe I was viewing Rangers players I had cheered on and defended. That was the worst for me. The rest can say all they want, but with guys like Boca and Goian prepared to help the club, their argument looks a bit thin.

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After what we, as a club went through this year, what with everybody seeming to put the boot into us when we were down, we needed everyone of the Rangers family to stand together to ensure the survival of Rangers. But Davis(captain) and the rest of them couldnt wait to fuck off, their actions were nothing short of disgraceful. That was the time, when we needed them most, to show how much they loved the club.

But thanks to the players that did stay, and the unbelievable support of the real Rangers men, the no 12s, and ofcourse a certain Ally McCoist, then we did survive, and we will only get stronger.

We are better off without those cunts, I mean, who would want to be in a battle knowing that those cunts were watching your back, not fucking me anyway.

Its when you think of these things you appreciate what Super Ally has had to go through, and makes me think, my god this guy deserves some time to work through these strangest of times for The Rangers. So come on all you no 12s lets stick by the people who did stay and stuck by us.

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I think it's time for us as fans and them as players to move on. We wished they'd transferred over, they didn't and the majority of fans have lost any respect they had for them over that. Unless they darken the door of Ibrox as opponents,'fans' or (god forbid) returning players, then I don't see what's to gain from us giving any of them a second thought anymore.

We have our new breed of rangers now, players who are here because they want to be and that's all I care about. Likewise, these players that left should concentrate on the bed they've made for themselves, and not pass comment on a club they sold out at it's time of need - there is no coming back from that.

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I disagree with him, he is already assured a prime place in Rangers history, unfortunately it is for all the wrong reasons.

He will always be remembered as the Rangers captain who spectacularly failed to uphold the Rangers tradition that Struth set.

Conversely, while Lee McCulloch was never as good a midfield as Davis, McCulloch is assured of Legend status for displaying exactly what it means to be a Rangers captain.

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/rant start

No person in this world who "loves" Rangers would walk out on them the way he did.

Our club NEEDED him and the value HE would have brought us and instead chose his pockets over his so called heart.

I find it fascinating how some of the traitors come out only NOW to say they still love Rangers, but the fact of the matter is no matter how much they want to think or believe it, they are not and NEVER wil lbe Rangers fans again, and they will most certainly NEVER be welcomed back to Ibrox.

These guys don't even deserve thread space in Rangers Media as i'd rather talk about Alexander or McCulloch who ARE true blues and who WILL make the wall of fame nto for their skill, but for their support.

/rant over

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The way I see it is there was only one players betrayal that was worse than this Judas and that was Naismith after the years the club and fans stuck behind him through his injuries and he jumped ship as soon as he could get a decent pay day.

I'll be honest in that in my mind all the so called Rangers men who jumped ship for nothing more than a couple extra digits in their signing on bonus are judases and none of them should ever be welcome back at Ibrox in any capacity.

Ness as well for me for the same reasons. Probably more so as he would still have the majority of his career on front of him when we get back to the top. Cunts to a man. What they did Will never be forgotten.

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What really got to me about Davis, Lafferty, Naismith and the other so called Rangers men who didn't move their contracts over was the fact that guys like Boccanegra and Goian did. I don't ever see a way back for any of them. Btw, does Nimmo Smiths statement by his definition of the club not mean that there should have been no debate over the contracts? By this I mean you sign on as a player with a club, not the owner of the club.

Interesting point

As an aside I dreamt that Naismith was playing for Rangers again last night and I woke myself up booing

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One hundred per cent Judas even if he is spot on with what he's finally revealing, why didn't he speak out earlier when the New new bbc Documentary was released? Yeah Southampton kindly paid us some money for Davis but he left us for nothing after all the support the Club and the Fans gave him.

Fuck him!

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Ness as well for me for the same reasons. Probably more so as he would still have the majority of his career on front of him when we get back to the top. Cunts to a man. What they did Will never be forgotten.

ness will never get back to the top. when you have an injury record like his at his age you are basically fucked.stoke took a gamble,no fee,modest wage,won't work out.welcome to troon juniors traitor

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never a captain in his puff. I always said it during his tenure, a good creative player who just never seemed to want to stand up and be counted - and i was proven big time.

We needed Rangers men to stand up and be counted at a time we needed it most in our 140 years and this coward (along with his coward pals) went scurrying like rats.

He says he would like to come back one day? He must be fucking joking - any of they fuckin cowards come back i wont be buying a ticket.

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