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Im done with it!


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After last night I can no longer defend Mccoist against those who say he isnt the right man for the job. That doesnt mean I think he should be fired or that he ultimately isnt, but based on what I have seen so far this season I cannot keep defending him and making excuses for our team. I can accept poor performances and poor results but the sad truth is that we have made no progress...I see no improvement in either our performances or style of play and ultimately that is Allys responsibility.

It gives me no satisfaction to say this but as soon as I saw our team last night I put everything I had in my Willy Hill account on Inverness. How anyone (and there were some on here) could watch that performance on Sunday and judge that a suitable team and formation to take on arguably the form team in the SPL is beyond me. Allied to that at 2-0 he brings on Kyle but instead of playing two up top keeps the same formation and drops mcculloch into midfield...I just cant understand that. All season and historically we have been a better team when we play with natural width...Sheils is a number 10 he is not a wide midfield player and when you play him there it put to much emphasis on Wallace to get forward which leaves us short at the back and we dont have good enough defenders to cope with that. Football is a simple game...keep the ball, and use your wide players to stretch the play and create space to move into but we didnt have any width and as a result we played into their strengths. Surely a Ally could see that.

I was so excited about this season as I thought it would be a chance for us to develop our young players and introduce a new style of play while starting fresh with our youth system and transfer policy but instead it is the same philosophy and the same unattractive boring football and the same tired excuses when we dont win matches. Losing to Inverness with our current squad is not that massive a shock but the performance and way we were set up to play is a problem.

There was a great quote from Di Matteo on Sky Sports last night where he was asked about the goals his team have given away trying to play out from the back where he said he didnt mind taking a few steps back and making mistakes if it meant they were trying to play the right way and he could see improvement. Well what is our philosophy Alexander long to Mcculloch? It is getting beyond a joke and it must be Mccoist telling him to do it. At least 6 times in the first half alone Wallace cam short and Alexander waved him away, booted it long and we lost possession, just awful percentage football.

I have either been at or watched every game so far this season and with the exception of one or two games (where we had a winger/wide player) the standard of football has been awful. I dont like to come on here and be negative but I am just getting so frustrated as it seems as if no-one at the club either notices how bad we have been and the lack of progress we are making or they dont know how to fix it. We dont have a great standard of player at the moment and I accept that but we have guys on 7k a week not kicking their own arse against guys on 70 quid a week. 3 of last seasons best SPL players look decidedly average in our team and again I think that comes down in part to the way we are setting up to play. I dont expect us to be playing like Chelsea but I do expect with full time training that we should be making improvements and we arent.

Im not going to start this Ally must go stuff but at the same time what do we do? I am getting less and less enthused as the games pass. He has been a superb ambassador for our club but where are we going? I look at even teams like Wigan who comparatively, based on the league they are in, have a poor team but they try to play football and Martinez has developed the club into that philosophy. It may not be popular but I would honestly rather see us lose trying to play the right way as long as I seen some progress, at the moment it is brutal and I dont see it getting any better unfortunately.

I am desperate for Ally to do well and lead us back to where we belong but at the moment I dont think we have ever been further away from that!On a cheerier note thank fuck RM is back online as I needed to vent...sorry to anyone who bothers to read it all.

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After last night I can no longer defend Mccoist against those who say he isnt the right man for the job. That doesnt mean I think he should be fired or that he ultimately isnt, but based on what I have seen so far this season I cannot keep defending him and making excuses for our team. I can accept poor performances and poor results but the sad truth is that we have made no progress...I see no improvement in either our performances or style of play and ultimately that is Allys responsibility.

It gives me no satisfaction to say this but as soon as I saw our team last night I put everything I had in my Willy Hill account on Inverness. How anyone (and there were some on here) could watch that performance on Sunday and judge that a suitable team and formation to take on arguably the form team in the SPL is beyond me. Allied to that at 2-0 he brings on Kyle but instead of playing two up top keeps the same formation and drops mcculloch into midfield...I just cant understand that. All season and historically we have been a better team when we play with natural width...Sheils is a number 10 he is not a wide midfield player and when you play him there it put to much emphasis on Wallace to get forward which leaves us short at the back and we dont have good enough defenders to cope with that. Football is a simple game...keep the ball, and use your wide players to stretch the play and create space to move into but we didnt have any width and as a result we played into their strengths. Surely a Ally could see that.

I was so excited about this season as I thought it would be a chance for us to develop our young players and introduce a new style of play while starting fresh with our youth system and transfer policy but instead it is the same philosophy and the same unattractive boring football and the same tired excuses when we dont win matches. Losing to Inverness with our current squad is not that massive a shock but the performance and way we were set up to play is a problem.

There was a great quote from Di Matteo on Sky Sports last night where he was asked about the goals his team have given away trying to play out from the back where he said he didnt mind taking a few steps back and making mistakes if it meant they were trying to play the right way and he could see improvement. Well what is our philosophy Alexander long to Mcculloch? It is getting beyond a joke and it must be Mccoist telling him to do it. At least 6 times in the first half alone Wallace cam short and Alexander waved him away, booted it long and we lost possession, just awful percentage football.

I have either been at or watched every game so far this season and with the exception of one or two games (where we had a winger/wide player) the standard of football has been awful. I dont like to come on here and be negative but I am just getting so frustrated as it seems as if no-one at the club either notices how bad we have been and the lack of progress we are making or they dont know how to fix it. We dont have a great standard of player at the moment and I accept that but we have guys on 7k a week not kicking their own arse against guys on 70 quid a week. 3 of last seasons best SPL players look decidedly average in our team and again I think that comes down in part to the way we are setting up to play. I dont expect us to be playing like Chelsea but I do expect with full time training that we should be making improvements and we arent.

Im not going to start this Ally must go stuff but at the same time what do we do? I am getting less and less enthused as the games pass. He has been a superb ambassador for our club but where are we going? I look at even teams like Wigan who comparatively, based on the league they are in, have a poor team but they try to play football and Martinez has developed the club into that philosophy. It may not be popular but I would honestly rather see us lose trying to play the right way as long as I seen some progress, at the moment it is brutal and I dont see it getting any better unfortunately.

I am desperate for Ally to do well and lead us back to where we belong but at the moment I dont think we have ever been further away from that!On a cheerier note thank fuck RM is back online as I needed to vent...sorry to anyone who bothers to read it all.

Fair comment.

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My only defense would be that we started very well, which was obv down to ally's setup.

I can't defend the subs, they baffled me and completely stalled any possible momentum we had ( the first 2 goals were well against the run of play IMHO )

The referee was absolutely shocking ( not sure if i have ever seen a worse performance)and the penalty was dodgy at best.

overall though, the better team won on the night and i have no excuses to give.

I still believe Ally should be given the season, and barring a catastrophic league campaign, that opinion will not change. We were playing an SPL team that is currently on fire right now, free scoring and not conceeding a lot, it isn't really a surprise that we lost tbh, i had rated our chances at about 50/50 before the game.

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If Ally gets the full season supporters will vote with their feet and you'll soon find Ibrox a lot less full than recently and away games with more people in the pubs than at the game.

Some people can't bare to see us struggle against these teams and that does not make them any less of a fan than others.

There is no reason or evidence that Ally will improve as a manager.

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It's not a matter of who would take the job with a transfer embargo, the players we brought are not playing anywhere near the best they can, there's dozens of managers who could get this team functioning to the maximum whilst playing good football.

For some reason these guys arent performing for ally and at times the players look frightened to take the ball.

Somethings gotta give

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This squad has been together 3 months. A brand new squad assembled 3 months ago. Inconsistent performances right now are not Allys' fault and no manager would be able to gel this group any quicker.

This is the reason we should give him the season mate.

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This squad has been together 3 months. A brand new squad assembled 3 months ago. Inconsistent performances right now are not Allys' fault and no manager would be able to gel this group any quicker.

I get that to a certain extent but then again it has been 3 months training every day and playing in a league where results should be more than achievable. We also have pretty much played the same players in most games (19 games?). I dont disagree that he deserves the season but we seem to be stagnating and thats my concern. Defensively we have been shocking and you have to say that any manager with a new team should sort out the defense first even before bringing in a philosophy of how to play.

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I am sure other managers could do a lot better, start off with playing players in their proper position. Also dropping players who are playing shite and keeping player in that are playing good. Should be double shifts at training everyday until they get it and for fuck sake stop this long ball pish.

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Develop youngsters wouldn't be allowed to happen because as we've seen time and time again the support will single them out for unfair criticism and abuse. Don't believe me? Hutton, Burke, Adam just of the top of my head.

What changes would you have made from the Clyde game? Who would be dropped, who would come in? Why would you make those changes?

McCoist is telling Alexander to play it long all the time? If that is the case why is Wallace coming short to get the ball from him if its the way we are set up to play? Is Wallace taking it upon himself to ignore the managers instructions?

You 'think' that the way we set out to play is stopping established SPL players from playing at their best? I 'think' they expected an easy ride and don't have the balls for the fight.

Terrible football being played? Please point me to a season where we have consistently played attractive, easy to watch football all season.

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It is what it is, would love to see two strikers up front. I just cant understand at set pieces/corners we have everyone back in the box and leave no-one on the halfway line, I just cant get my head round this one at all, as I feel it invites teams onto us. Still in agreeing with the OP I still think Ally should be given a season to at least try to sort it out

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Tell you what, there is the foul stench of the glory hunter hanging around this thread.

Not sure if you have actually read what I wrote (wouldn't blame you if you didnt read my essay) but glory hunting is certainly not something I could be accused of. I want to see progress for our team and club as a whole. As I said above I would rather see us lose trying to play football than win using these current tactics as long as we were moving in the right direction. I will support Rangers regardless but you have to admit that barring Aluko's individual ability for the past two years the standard of our football as been very poor.

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Develop youngsters wouldn't be allowed to happen because as we've seen time and time again the support will single them out for unfair criticism and abuse. Don't believe me? Hutton, Burke, Adam just of the top of my head.

What changes would you have made from the Clyde game? Who would be dropped, who would come in? Why would you make those changes?

McCoist is telling Alexander to play it long all the time? If that is the case why is Wallace coming short to get the ball from him if its the way we are set up to play? Is Wallace taking it upon himself to ignore the managers instructions?

You 'think' that the way we set out to play is stopping established SPL players from playing at their best? I 'think' they expected an easy ride and don't have the balls for the fight.

Terrible football being played? Please point me to a season where we have consistently played attractive, easy to watch football all season.

I agree that in the past that too many young players have been hounded for any poor performance but a big part of that came from the compeition with Celtic whereby you couldnt afford to drop points. We dont have that same pressure at the moment and if fans alter there expectations from game to game to the long term...we can develop our whole philosophy and youth.I would have brought Aird and Mckay back in and went 4-2-3-1 with Sheils in behind Mcculloch and mcleod and Hutton (Black) sitting. This would have given us width and kept the ball out the centre where that guy Tudor Jones was dominating and allow us to keep possession much easier. Defensivly I accept there is very little we could have changed but think that Cole should be given a chance.I think Wallace is trying to get on the ball and build from the back but Alexander is following the instructions...I may be wrong but if not why doesnt mccoist tell him to play it short? I think some of these players brought in are coasting yes but at the same time we miss the midfield out more often than not which doesnt suit their style of play but yes they could do alot more. Again the difficulty in playing attractive football week in week out comes down to the competition with Celtic and the importance of every point....We dont have that at the moment so why not start fresh and by the time we are back in that competitive environment again we will be in a better position to produce. The direct route should always be plan B or C not our go to tactic.

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Im not going to start this Ally must go stuff but at the same time what do we do? I am getting less and less enthused as the games pass. He has been a superb ambassador for our club but where are we going? I look at even teams like Wigan who comparatively, based on the league they are in, have a poor team but they try to play football and Martinez has developed the club into that philosophy. It may not be popular but I would honestly rather see us lose trying to play the right way as long as I seen some progress, at the moment it is brutal and I dont see it getting any better unfortunately.

Take the manager of your company, take +/- 25 of the top 35 best workers away, replace them with 6 or 7 new workers, then replace that deficit with junior staff. Then drop your level from the very top, to the very bottom.Then, put your new company in full view of 50,000 Bears for a full 90minutes, once or twice a week - and then tell me, things would stay the same.Like fuck. Ally needs till the end of the season, end of.</p>
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We have had no reliable defense since he took over. We had the USA captain in our team and we still conceded disgracefully poor goals in comparison with the standards that were set by Walter Smiths teams. We have unarguably had the best defense in Scotland for at least 7 years yet this area of the field has been sadly neglected and overlooked now Ally is in charge. Tell me how it felt watching Perry attempt two 5 yard passes in the space of a few minutes back to the keeper or across the line and almost embarrassingly under-hitting the ball ? In better days he would be dropped. Hegarty almost emulated his fuck-ups at times. Nonsense football

Build from the back

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I sadly can't disagree with anythign the OP has said.

It is pretty horrid times.

The sad thing is this is a great chance for us to really develop a style of football and the style we are going for is hit and hope.

We can't change the playing personnel and I owuld like to see McCoist succeeed as a manager so I woudl say the only thing we can do is change the backroom team.

I'm not sure what Durrant offers as a coach and McDowall had great success developing the reserves at Septic and also working under Walter but then again, Walter was never known for having us play great football.

I'd love to see us bring osmeone like Laudrup into inject some proper skill and flair into the way we play and give guys like Macleod, Mackay, etc a chance to let their natural ability grow rather than us conforming to the sort of shite unentertaining football we are serving up just now

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