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Cup clash with celt*c would save Scottish season.


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Good interview but I don't see why Rangers should contribute to their profits. We do stand a slight chance of wining the match as they are not that great but we would need luck and our boys playing at their best to triumph. Best leave them till at least next season. Apart from anything there is bound to be crowd trouble & the related bad press and we have enough press nonsense at present.

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Spot on.

I might put the bit in bold in my signature. (tu)

And another thing ironically they are starting to need us more than we need them so let them all sweat it out, if and when we HAVE to play them I hope it is not until next season at least, fcuk saving rhegan or dungcasters ''Scottish season''. The thought of those filthy heathens darkening our door again makes my skin crawl so the longer before it happens the better for this Bear !

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but i thought everything was rosy in the garden of scottish football, fuck 'em the rancid filth from the east can wait for another few years, we will meet them soon enough, i actually feel sorry for the police when it happens as it will be probably the most posionous atmosphere in scottish football history

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After what has happened, the next game against them is going to be carnage, off the park at least. and the further away that is the wilder it will be. The sooner we get the first one, or even two, out of the way the better in my books. And we have nothing to fear or lose, 11 v 11 and we will be the underdogs. That will make it even sweeter when we beat them.

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Good interview but I don't see why Rangers should contribute to their profits. We do stand a slight chance of wining the match as they are not that great but we would need luck and our boys playing at their best to triumph. Best leave them till at least next season. Apart from anything there is bound to be crowd trouble & the related bad press and we have enough press nonsense at present.

You're talking like we get to choose. If it happens it happens, we need to be ready to rock. As soon as those 2 baws come out in the draw that's it, battle lines drawn, at that point no talk of not being ready will be acceptable.

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That's alright, as long as it's okay for me to continue to be a 'sanctimonious prick' ?

Permission granted, but feel free to read the post carefully, I didn't call you that, merely pointed out you sounded like one.

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but i thought everything was rosy in the garden of scottish football, fuck 'em the rancid filth from the east can wait for another few years, we will meet them soon enough, i actually feel sorry for the police when it happens as it will be probably the most posionous atmosphere in scottish football history

Undoubtably and Possibly even to the extent it does more harm than good. There will be intense media interest from outside of Scotland and what they will see is tribal warfare all across the west of Scotland.

Could even scare off all those companies waiting to sponsor the SPFL!!!

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Still want them?

They'd absolutely fucking tank us and it'd be sad and infuriating to watch.

this by a mile

and for the people that say they dont miss them and glad we arent playing them for a number of years, lotta pish, it was the only domestic game worth its money, the rest were simply there to fill the void until the next OF game where you got bragging rights or hid for a few days

no other game in scottish football comes close to matching the OF derby, rangers miss it and miss it big time, i wanna see them suffer a lot but after that i canny wait for the big days again

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