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Ally needs to decide if gets need mohsni


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Have enjoyed his performance this season but don't think he has the temprement for top level football.He often falls out with team mates while shouting and waving his arms about causing embarrasment to all.He also takes to many risks and not the best positional sense although he is very athletic and does get himself out of jail a lot with his speed.If i had to decide on a long contract for him then based on the Utd game i'd say no caus he was horrendous and should have been subbed .I know it's harsh to judge him on one game but so bad was his decision making i would'nt take the risk.

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He'd improve massively if he had a CB partner who actually knew how to play there and could talk him through the game like a Davie Weir.

As much as I would like him to be, I don't think he'll be good enough for the Premiership.

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It is possible that many of our players will play better the higher up the level. Bilel was not a defender originally and needs a little more experience (imagine he had big Davie Weir beside him). We saw Bougie do it in the past and we've seen some bombscare moments from many others but it would be unfair to disregard all the other positive things our players are capable of.

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if he stuck to the basics he would be fine, he thinks hes a better player than what he is. He can still do a job in the championship but like other bears have said, why not give gasparatto a chance instead of bringing in more players on stupid wages.

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Mohsni- impresses one moment then moments later wastes the opportunity created. But does play with passion - which can always lead to problems but is at least more entertaining than watching players who have none.

For all the times he has made mistakes he has generally been more useful than harmful. A net contributor in matches! A player whose own opinion of his abilities at times appears greater than that he produces. That is were our changing room culture needs to change.

Personally I would keep him unless a replacement can be found that 1) Costs no more and 2) offers more and greater consistency. There are other players who contribute far less.

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Mohsni on his start to his Rangers career was the engineer of a steel wall in our defense when just months previously it was bambi on ice. His passing was refreshing in it's forward minded distance and accuracy. His ability to calmly beat a man and offer support up front were just as refreshing as there were lacking in this team. He's scored many goals for a CB and many of those have been important in those games. The fact the man became a fans favourite quickly is not only down to this but down to the fact he acknowledges the adulation the fans throw upon him.

Having said all this, Mohsni is not by any means the finished article, he has tried to 1-on-2 as the last man more than once, he has on occasion been at the wrong end of the park at the wrong time, his temperament was questioned before him joining us and has been questioned here.

My conclusion is that within Mohsni there is a real player there despite his currently evident flaws. It is to me very telling with regards to our management and leadership within the team that Mohsni for a period of months appeared to go unchecked on one or two things within his game that were evidently accidents waiting to happen to all of our support. I therefore suggest that a change of management and/or the bringing in of an experienced-commanding-CB to partner Mohsni will do wonders for him and potentially mould us a player in Mohsni that can be assured a starting place in our team when we're challenging for the SPFL title. Considering McCulloch is not a CB and he's finished, it would surely make sense to replace him with the type of player that will offer instruction to Mohsni, thus giving us two players in one signing, as opposed to replacing both at a time when it's easy to condemn signing players.

Fantastic post. Bravo.

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Stuck up for the big guy a few times on here. If he played with his head as much as he does his heart he'd be a stick on.

Being realistic, if he was that good he'd have made it in the English lower divisions. Still as good as we've got right now though.

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