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It's all about the Rangers. Obsession hits a peak again.


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I can't see the paper accepting this.

A regular Chic Harden posted the other day that he finds it acceptable to use the h word

The gherald has gone downhill since its queersy infestation and is vehemently anti Rangers/Orange/ Protestant. Obsessed mhanks trying to justify their pathetic obsessed existence.

I have tried to leave comment on the web site regarding their disrespect but it seems criticism of Ra shellik is not allowed at the green gherald

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A regular Chic Harden posted the other day that he finds it acceptable to use the h word

The gherald has gone downhill since its queersy infestation and is vehemently anti Rangers/Orange/ Protestant. Obsessed mhanks trying to justify their pathetic obsessed existence.

I have tried to leave comment on the web site regarding their disrespect but it seems criticism of Ra shellik is not allowed at the green gherald

Aye it seems they think the only way to gain readers is to appeal to the rebel loving Nationalists, they believe that some of the 45ers will actually put their hands in their pockets and buy an overpriced supposedly for intelligent people broadsheet

Gave it up years ago, after being a reader for 20 odd years, found to be too expensive for yesterdays news and I wasn't interested in buying a hoose or births deaths and marriages, but during my time I had a few letters published in the paper, probably would be excluded now.

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imagine paying over a grand to take an advert out :lol:

Puts it into perspective when you see that :lol:

The likes of GovanBlue are raising that sort of money and putting it back into our club and charities in the area.

They are raising that money to take an advert out, in a paper hardly any cunt reads, to talk about our club :lol:

Fucking pathetic.

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We Don't like your Pope or your team

Big Jock knew where Torbett had been.

54 and soon to be more

For you lot will know the score

We are the famous Glasgow Rangers

then now and ever more

Were coming down the road,

Were coming down the road

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Can imagine the first draft of the Ad.

"See them Ranjurs innat ? They urny Ranjurs anymore, cos ah've just geid this noos papurs editur a 1000 quid aff me an ma mates, coz the editur disnae like Ranjurs eether, an he telt me evrythun in the papurs is true, even if its no, so therr, thats yous tellt yan orunj bams."

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Cant wait to read the advert.

Following the liquidization of Rangers, we, the Celtic family would like to announce that they, Rangers, are dead. And that any future matches involving Rangers, wont actually be Rangers but someone else kidding on they're Rangers when they're not. They're someone else, also called Rangers, but not the same as before. Like an Elvis tribute act like the one that got thumped by Stokes isnt really Elvis. We demand in true Corinthian spirit that Rangers be known from now on as Rangers, i mean sevco, so as not to confuse us with Rangers, thats former Rangers, not Sevco. We've run out of money for the advert. so thats it.

We can do a cheap, three word response...............SOOK MA BOABY.

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Quite happy for the sad rhabid fucks to waste their money on this. They think they're so clever but the longer this continues the more they become a desperate obsessed laughing stock. Another own goal awaits Timothy.

Does anyone know who BRTH is?

Bum Raping Tarrier Halfwit???

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