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Peter Houston Post-Match


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Clever play from Law to put the ball through the def legs and def follow through his tackle takes law down meaning that law advantage was lost FK awareded opinion was the correct decision. Regardless of the FK he still has to score from it which he duly does I dont see why he blames the ref from being beaten his players def wall was poor and KP doesnt save it from a well executed FK and Wallace scores a 3 goal.

Reading this made my eyes bleed.

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Maybe Whitney should have took it up with the ref at the chapel, one things for sure the ref ain't a prod so maybe that explains some of his decisions, for instance the penalty, keeper handling outside his box and Kiernan's shirt. Give me one instance of roman catholics being biased in Rangers favour and I will eat my hat, there is plenty evidence of the opposite, starting with Whitney's interview. We are always portrayed as the big bad bigots in the media. One thing our recent problems has highlighted is that it is the bitter catholics that are full of hatred and bigotry towards us. It is instilled in them from an early age in their "custom" state funded separate education system. If nil by mouth and the rest of them really want to stop bigotry and sectarianism in Scotland why are they not campaigning for the abolition of catholic schools? Surely separation of children through out their schooling is the root cause, and Peter Huston is a shinning example of the end product.

Never fail to point out the bigotry of forcing their own religion on kids who are not old enough to choose for themselves. That is one of the reasons the catholic church and schools wish to grasp onto this form of apartheid. I take great delight in letting them know it is one of the biggest crimes in this the 21st century.that you would segregate kids in the name of religion. But hey!!! we'll never solve it on these pages as we know what they are. Martin Luther King will be turning in his grave at the thought.

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On BBC Sportsound, Chick Young and Keith Jackson were emphatic that it WAS a free kick. Spiers said there was a touch on the ball from the defender and he can see how he could claim it was a tackle, but even he, Spiers, said he was baffled by Houston's reaction having now seen video of it and cannot understand why he was so outraged by the decision.

Pat Nevin and to a lesser extent, Scott McDonald, on Sportscene seemed to slightly agree with Houston. I'm baffled how it can not be a foul when you've got a touch on the ball but still got nutmegged and then taken the player out.

By the Houston/Nevin logic, the defender can get the slightest negligible touch on the ball in an unsuccessful attempt at a tackle, leaving the attacker in possession and then take him out with total impunity. If they're right, Messi and Ronaldo are easily stopped.

Even in the old days when the likes of Souness, Keane and Roberts were going in tough, you'd be penalised for that on almost every occasion. Back then you had to get a decent contact on the ball to get away with it.

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Bitter Twisted arse of a man who couldn`t stomach that his time wasting 10yard stealing tactics at throw ins failed to work,they got their arses burned ,and he just couldnt handle the fans laughing and taking the pish out of him. Houston you are a prize prick,get it roon ye ya bastard.

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I can't believe the coverage this is still getting. The mhedia are keeping this going, it's as if they're trying to pressure referees in our future games to give us nothing.

Thing is, we've got so little this season it would be hard to see any difference.

Again on Saturday I was thinking how great it would be to get treated fairly, not an unfair advantage, just to see the opposition dealt with for fouls / clear yellows / time wasting etc.

So many obvious decisions went against us that it was quite incredible.

Every single week we're commenting on referees, even though we're winning.

Can they all really just be that incompetent?

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What would be good is if an ex ref went through an entire game of ours, Falkirk game would be perfect and ask him to revue the whole game and tot up right and wrong decisions for and against us.

It's the only way people will shut up about us getting all major decisions in our favour.

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It would seem to be a "Tim Trait".

I see the Lurgan Bigot is at it too. It runs in their skhum blood.


Lemons been found out fast down there...He won't get another job down there again
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The press re-action to this free kick (and it was a free kick, the defender didn't "win that ball" it went through his fucking legs) reminds me of a couple of other decisions that went our way.

One was the Aluko penalty - I think the Ref was forced to quit after it, and Aluko was given a 2 game ban for simulation.

And the other was a free kick against St Johnstone, that happened on the half way line, we took it quick, played a few passes and scored to win the game, the uproar was that it was taken from the wrong place ..

We are hated, and I love giving it to those who hate us, seeing the baldy one almost in tears has made my fucking night ....

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The press re-action to this free kick (and it was a free kick, the defender didn't "win that ball" it went through his fucking legs) reminds me of a couple of other decisions that went our way.

One was the Aluko penalty - I think the Ref was forced to quit after it, and Aluko was given a 2 game ban for simulation.

And the other was a free kick against St Johnstone, that happened on the half way line, we took it quick, played a few passes and scored to win the game, the uproar was that it was taken from the wrong place ..

We are hated, and I love giving it to those who hate us, seeing the baldy one almost in tears has made my fucking night ....

Wasnt it the same weekend as the aluko one, garry o connor won a penalty under the exact same circumstances, except his was an actual dive, and the media and sfa totally ignored it?

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