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Would You Have Him Back?


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Detest the wee cunt. Never would I be able to support him in a Rangers jersey again. That press conference when we were at the lowest of the low as a fanbase he came out and says we are a new club with whittaker both of them chucking out the crocodile tears both of them should never be allowed up the famous marble staircase again. I would love us to play everton away in a friendly and show the cunt what the Rangers support really thinks of him. Although unfortunately some would still clamber to support the cunt

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I pretty much forgave Miller for his performances and goals after he played for the tims.

The question is, is what Naismith done worse than what Miller done? The answer to me is yes. So for that reason, the wee rat can rot in hell.

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I'm usually of the mindset that I'd take anyone who'd better the team, no matter their circumstances or background.

In this instance however it's a no.

He was horrifically badly advised when he read out that statement but as a Rangers fan it just shouldn't have happened.

I wouldn't scream abuse at the guy walking down the street, but playing for Rangers is an honour and privilege, not a right, and he gave those rights up with that shocking press conference. He's had his time.

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All these comments "after what he said..."

What did he actually say that was so bad? As far as I can remember, it was Whittaker who was the catalyst for the bad quotes whereas Naismith's beef seemed to be with Green and we all know now how much of a c*nt Green is now.

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All these comments "after what he said..."

What did he actually say that was so bad? As far as I can remember, it was Whittaker who was the catalyst for the bad quotes whereas Naismith's beef seemed to be with Green and we all know now how much of a c*nt Green is now.

.......but I am disappointed and angry that Rangers Football Club no longer exists in its original form.

I hope that a successful new Rangers can emerge and wish everyone connected with the new Club, including Mr Green and his consortium, the very best for the future.”

actually Whittakers wasn't as bad other than the Sevco reference

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Personally, I would not have him back at ibrox in any shape or form......but the thing is MW won't give a monkeys about what has gone on in the past, it's all about adding value. But I am happy to say that the turncoat we bastard Naismith, won't add any on or off the park so I don't think we will see him back

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I will never forget that press conference or indeed that day. Other than losing a loved one I honestly can't think of ever feeling as low as I did then. Then to have this traitor plunge the knife in was unforgiveable. And it still sticks in my throat that it was the so called "Rangers men" who turned out to be the back stabbers. And please,don't give me this "no one knew what was really going on" crap. No true Ger would have did what they did that day,Gough came out with a gaffe and so even did Walter but those two were far and away the worst. I personally could never clap or cheer either of them onto the field wearing a jersey they are not fit to wear. I hope both their career's peter out and they end up in the Isthmian league at Faversham Town. In fact I retract that...what have Faversham Town ever did to deserve having those two on their books.

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No I wouldn't have him back. Simply for the reason that taking in ex, injury prone players is not what we are about now.

And remember, regardless of how he acted, those that owned / run the club at that time acted worse. The club was being pumped from every angle and it will be a long long time before we ever hear exactly what was going on and being said behind closed doors.

In the long run, those players leaving for nothing devalued the club to such an extent it allowed the folks who came in to buy it so cheaply. There is absolutely more to what happened than appears and it wouldn't surprise me that Green and Co were fiddling with the Agents as much as they were of the finances.

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