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Your Ibrox Match Day Routine

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Up at 7 go to golf at my club, after golf have lunch in the club, home for shower meet at my nephews at 1.30, argue who's driving, park next to the Loudon Tavern ( parking season ticket) then I go to my seat for a blether wae the folk next to me, the rest go for an Indian on Copland Rd, I wait till I get home and have an Indian wae the missus and a nice cold beer.

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Park on Shieldhall Road

Grab something from Greggs to eat on the walk to the Stadium

Buy a luck stars ticket then maybe a bovril if its cold

Go to the bookies and let the wee man pick a first goalscorer

Listen to the guy next to me greetin about short corners

Stay till the end

Walk back to car and revel in the glory of another satisfying win on our march to the title!

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7 minutes ago, Willis said:

Usually into the Masonic club or the Anchor Inn in Largs, sing song on the bus, then if I have my Daughter then she and my Dad and I will go into the WRC for a few drinks. Then head into the ground a few minutes before kick off. If my Daughter not with me then sometimes Ill nip down to the wee shop along from the Louden and get a wee half bottle of wine instead of going to the pub, starting to get too old to be doing that now though :lol::lol:


My only real "ritual" is when im walking out the stadium I bang the overhead signs, first one twice, second one once, no idea why just always have :lol:


Usually go straight back to Largs on the supporters bus, but occasionally will stay back and go into the Louden for a few and get the train home, havent done that in a while though, need to go back soon, havent been in the Louden all season when I used to go in all the time.

I do that as well for the overhead signs! I don't know why but I always have! I sometimes think I must look stupid being 40 odd and hitting the sign! 

I don't have a ritual as such but I park in a work colleagues drive over at dumbreck and if I see him when I park we usually lose so I've told him when I'm parking them he's not allowed to come out his house until I'm gone! How cheeky is that! :lol:

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The Neptune was a favourite of mine on occasion, could be absolutely chokka at times though, 5/6 deep at the bar. I liked to drink in the Station Bar Cowcaddens then nip along for the subway. Back to the Station Bar after game another few then up the road with carry out. That was on a sensible night though lol.

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Rollout of bed, get the party tunes on, wake the wee wans up, get some breakfast, get the clobber on and head out for the bus..

Arrive at Ibrox always bursting for a pish,  jump into garage for said pish then head over to the stadium, have a walk around to see what's happening then into the stadium to give the away team goalies warming up in front of me abuse, then spend the next  10-20 minutes dodging the baw as the fuckers repeatedly hammer it into the stand.. Sing for 90 minutes ( stand in BF1 ) After the game head back round to the garage for a bottle of buckie, jump on the bus and back to the in laws house, start on the vodkas and beers, wee bit of karaoke then end up comatosed in the garden,   eventually wake up,  usually with the weans putting the boot in telling me to get up the taxi is there, home sing a few tunes, annoy the fuck out my neighbours, bang my misses then fall asleep again.

Very rarely does that routine change. :)

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Up, shower, tunes on and if I've time grab a quick munch.

Meet my mate on the train, train to Partick and then subway over to Ibrox.

Dive in the bookies next to the Louden and fritter away 20quid on shite bets. Into the louden for a good bevvy.

Usually always tank a shot before we leave then rush up to Ibrox whilst buying a rising star. Into the stadium usually having missed the opening minute.

Depending on if my mate is up for it or not, it's either a pub crawl from the louden right the way along Paisley Rd West into town then a train home or its just straight up the road to get the Mrs and a takeaway.

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Every home game I/we always park the car early, about 3 hours before kickoff, and head down to Ibrox subway and buy our adult returns.......if you don't you have a long que in the town when returning for the game. We get of at Buchanan and head for a fantastic Italian restaurant for some lunch, 9/10 the same place.

Around 2.10pm we are finished and head to the bookies and put on a mi us 4/5/6 depending what everyone wants then it's back to Buchanan subway walking past the big que.......thank god for buying the returns !!!!

We arrive at Ibrox usually with 10 minutes to spare and then watch the wonderful spectacle unfold !!!!

cannae beat it !!!

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Take turns driving with my mate and his two boys. Park in bellahouston ski centre when they let us. If time, into the bowling club for a pint. Buy a rising stars ticket and always get to seat just at kick off, never leave early. Meet mate and boys on corner between Broomloan and Main. Back home to wife and ankle biters.

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Seven start on train from Stranraer with daughter . Arrive at central station go to sit johns Moore for breakfast. Head out to kinning park to ryze so she can do the bouncy for an hour .

bellrock for a few sociables then taxi to stadium . Spend a small fortune on hard pies and sit and enjoy game.

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After coming down to Lancashire from Cumbria the day before the game.

Get out of bed at 5 am, shower and shave , wee bit breakfast, get my kit on , I always dress in the same way.

everything has got to look perfect,my scarf has got to hang just right for example.

get a lift to Preston and hook up with the Blackpool True Blues( nae drink on oor bus :pipe: )

4-hour bus trip, the bus stops at different places when we hit the toon, the Louden, the Tradeston club, the Calvay, and the Bristol bar , and the Stonefield tavern Blantyre to name a few, the welcome the bus gets is second to none, bus parks up at the wee Louden in Brand street?

walk up to the stadium from there meet a few of my mates at the statue and go in and watch the game.always stay til the end.

meet the mates after the game and  have a blether about the game, back to the wee Louden,

 bus leaves at 5-45 try to get a wee kip on the bus but the young team is usually giving it big licks singing hymns etc :541:

back in Lancashire about 11 pm fall into ma kip and sleep like a log, up the next day and  back to Cumbria jiggered for the rest of the day lol

Worth every minute of the travel WATP




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Fairly straight forward ...

Park up on Helen st, always early so I get a spot, sit & listen to the radio for a bit, walk up to top of street & into small cafe on the left for roll 'n' sausage & onion with cup of tea. Finish the tea & ALWAYS put the cup in the same bin on my way to stadium (odd but premature rituals often are), then watch the Rangers score & win.

Off home for a take out, see the highlights, read what everyone's saying about the performance etc them settle down for a movie 

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Have not had a routine in 20 years since my son dumped me for his mates and the bus. Never sure who,where or how I get,but mostly get dropped off at Kinning Park and you have any pub of a dozen of your choice between there and Ibrox. :uk:  Was hoping I would get a routine going with my wee grandson who is brought to Queen Street and we get the tube out to Ibrox. Been dumped by him already as his football is now Saturdays lunchtime. :(:lol: 

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Head into town early with my 2 kids, buy them the latest Barca or Real strip. Meet the Mrs and do a wee spot shopping and grab lunch before taxi home.

Log onto RM, have a quick shifty at the boardroom section. Sounds like we're skint every week - fucking board suck.

Have a nosey at other threads. Have been a supporter for 40 years so must be due a ticket for ra selik game, read up on threads on this. Have a moan cos a might not get one.

Open a few cans, get set for the game, sky sports in background. £50 coupon at the ready. Boys playing their xboxes ask why we don't go to games, canny afford it.

Read the match thread and put folk right. Even the ones at the game. Sometimes make it sound like I'm at the game when posting. 

Have a moan at only winning by x goals. Rant about the players I don't like even if reports are they've played well. Reports will be wrong.

Celebrate wins with takeaway, mourn my coupon failing again.

Watch Jules highlights vid so I can see the goals I missed. 

Make pissed posts I have no recollection of the following morning, wait 7 days, and repeat.

Simples :wink:







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Up the airport for 7.30 ish followed by a couple of pints , into Glasgow then breakfast followed by couple more pints few more pints near the ground go to game then back in the boozer on prw , few more in town after that then off to my hotel , then up in morning for breakfast couple more beers then flight home on the Sunday afternoon ( no flights back on the Saturday ) 

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