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Barton Suspended three weeks


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38 minutes ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

Actually think this is a strong, professional approach. 

If we'd sacked him we'd end up in a tribunal (likely losing). And folk like me would be slating the Board ?.

Think this protects us, will help the squad unity, and will ultimately lead to Barton walking away.

If we were a business that'd be the correct actions but we're a football club and I feel sure this will caus distractions Warburton won't recover from. Media attention alone will have him asking if he really needs this shit and the next two results need to be good or the fans will make the media pressure seem insignificant. 

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7 minutes ago, Reformation Bear said:

IMO if what happened was so serious, such a wilful and gross breach of his employment contract then if the Club wanted to terminate the contract we would not have been reading about another 3 week breathing space period.   So that tells me that what happened was not in territory where Rangers could safely go for immediate termination of the contract.

That puts things into the realms of interpretation.   Warburton and the Board's view vs Barton's view.    Warbuton pissed off and the Club pissed off at what it sees as unacceptable behaviour from Barton but can't safely go as far as to sack him.    3 more weeks only means time for the Club and for Barton to take expert advice on options and then take it from there.    If he can't be fired - which he can't as if that were a safe option it would have happened today - then its about a mutual termination of the contract as there is no way after what will have been a 4 week banishment that Barton could return to the squad and carry on.    He would be ostracized.  Persona non grata.   An outcast.   

What Warburton is really saying by invoking Board inclusion in the meeting today is (1) the Board backs me and is not prepared to forgive whatever happened and (2) Barton is really not wanted at Ibrox. 

Conveniently for Warburton, King and the Board, the way they have engineered the handling of this episode provides a neat excuse if Warburton does not achieve European football for next season.  It also buys Warburton more time to turn things round as he can point to the absence of a key summer signing as impairing the recovery process.    

Highly tempting to conclude that the seemingly high handed way this has been handled by Warburton and the Club is designed to give Warburton more time to get matters right on the pitch and to keep him in his own job a bit longer - it provides a useful deflection from rank unacceptable results.   Of course that sort of conclusion could be way off the mark if it was clear that this was the only wise and proper course of action to have taken.  But then we don't know because Rangers are not revealing details of why they think this was the only way to act.

At last some common sense in this.

Thank you RB.

Too many jumping to conclusions with less than half the story.

Its obvious that whatever JB did was short of a firing offence. Looks like he is being given enough rope.

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5 minutes ago, Drunk and disorderly. said:

Barton isn't bigger than the Club. We will move on with or without him.

I reckon he will rant on Twitter/give another interview and get sacked for gross misconduct.

He had a chance to finish his career with some silverware but can't control his mouth or ego.

I hope he isn't being paid for his 3 week suspension and last weeks too.

The problem being he thinks he is.

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3 minutes ago, ianferguson said:

If we were a business that'd be the correct actions but we're a football club and I feel sure this will caus distractions Warburton won't recover from. Media attention alone will have him asking if he really needs this shit and the next two results need to be good or the fans will make the media pressure seem insignificant. 

The thing is we are an employer and bound by employment laws.

If we don't do things by the book we'll be in even deeper shite.

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Its easy to say get rid of him but he has a contract for 2 years on big money and he is a good player.

He hasnt yet as far as we can tell committed "Gross Misconduct" 

I sacked a guy for getting caught doing homers during work hours. Mistake was catching him the first time and not sacking him then but giving him a Final Written Warning.

At Tribunal his defence was if it was a "Gross" offence I would have been sacked the first time. If I wanted to sack him for a series of less serious offences I should have gone about it differently. 

It cost us £15K in pay off and lawyers fees.

It nearly cost me my feckin job !!

We need to be careful or we will be in the same situation.

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3 minutes ago, ianferguson said:

If we were a business that'd be the correct actions but we're a football club and I feel sure this will caus distractions Warburton won't recover from. Media attention alone will have him asking if he really needs this shit and the next two results need to be good or the fans will make the media pressure seem insignificant. 

We are a business.  We would face penalties if we didn't follow disciplinary guidelines and due diligence.

The club have said we won't comment on it. If the media persist they'll be treated as they were last week.

This doesn't affect the fact the with or without the Barton issue the next two results are huge in terms of both our season and the pressure on MW.

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1 minute ago, Jasper Blues said:

The thing is we are an employer and bound by employment laws.

If we don't do things by the book we'll be in even deeper shite.

If we're doing things by the book then  he's kicked his last ball for Rangers, and if so give him his inevitable pay off and we move on. If he's not kicked his last ball then a fine, a clear the air talk and it's put to bed. This can't go on for a month. 

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4 minutes ago, Rangers_no1 said:

He wasn't though, he got Burnley's POTY not the championship POTY which went to his team mate Andre Gray.


He was Burnley POTY nothing more.

Seems this club like Newcastle and City is far too big for his ego so maybe playing at smaller clubs is more suited to his mindset.

Either way I can't wait till this is done and dusted. Joey Barton is nowhere near good enough to have this kind of attention attached to him.

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Just now, ritchieshearercaldow said:

Just said it again, Joey Barton on the afternoon program on 5 Live.

He can be on the programme, he just can't talk about the internal matter.....we'll see how far the club want to take gross misconduct if he shoots his mouth off again.


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No chance he will ever play again for us, the suspension will force his hand,which is what the club are hoping for

theres no way he will sit out games for 5 weeks( match fitness included) when there nothing wrong with him.

wlll probably be on to his agent as we speak,telling him to get him out of here a asap. Another baffling signing

from the manager,as one of his favourite lines is when we look at a player we have to do research on the type of 

character he is and wether he fits in or not, Barton is the complete opposite to that ethos.

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"The manager, Mark Warburton, and club believe that time and space is required for both the club and the player to assess all that has happened"

Here's a thought.  Just speculation - not based on any insight or knowledge of what happened - but since the Club is refusing to comment on why it has suspended a key summer signing for what will effectively be a month then, as the media has been doing, the Club's line leaves ample room for speculation to happen.  After all Warburton himself often uses the phrase that football is all about opinions.

Accept firstly that some rough and tumble 'frank exchanges of views' happen a lot - not just in football clubs - especially when things are not going well.   People argue, they fall out, they go in the huff, the blank colleagues, the accuse colleagues and so on, seeking to apportion blame and avoid blame landing on themselves.   Warburton likes these frank exchanges of views.  He's referred often to dressing room discussions where the players speak up and analyse and so on.   Its Warburton's collegiate style.

Now here comes the thought.  What if in that sort of heated discussion environment Barton made it clear that he did not think Warburton was up to the task - too much analysis not enough action - too much of a classroom theory and not enough actual direction and 'doing'.   Put a bit more directly what if Barton had made it clear that he had no confidence in Warburton and Weir's competences to deliver for Rangers ie on the back of the line Warbuton took in the OF game which he himself accepted blame for (the 'dislocation' - was that the word? - that he referred to.    Point being, its one thing for a manager to lose confidence in a player who is out of form or not doing as asked, its another thing if the player says 'I've got no confidence in you as a manager - you don't really know what to do or how to deliver'.    At which point neither can work with each other but the Club has no grounds to sack the person because - in an environment where management invited frank discussion - they got one they weren't ready to have. 

There you go.  A speculation.   It might help explain why the Club (and the player) seem to need 3 more weeks to assess all that has happened.   Perhaps it's become personal between Warburton and Barton.


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