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Sick and tired of this


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How long are we going to put up with the shite coming out of our national press before we take realistic action  ?

In the last few days we've had apologies from the herald for giving a platform to someone claiming that Barton could claim religious discrimination , we now have the record apologising for a report about Rangers fans obstructing the police at the cup final . 

The reality is , the damage has already been done . Apology or not , time tells you mud sticks , however unfair , or in our case how blatantly false it is . It damages our brand and with it , potentially , much needed revenue from sponsorship etc . The very fact these papers are now offering apologies tells you that they know they're wrong but still don't give a damn. 

I think it's about time we took these people to task , and by that I mean straight to the courts . Why not bypass the demand of an apology . Go       straight to the courts for defamation and loss of potential sponsorship . Better still , and I've no great knowledge of this , but instead of going after the press , why not go straight to the individual involved ? We all know the usual suspects , and I'm pretty confident ,mwhen it's personal , these guys aren't as brave as they would be without the umbrella of their employer . 

All fine and dandy , dishing out bans and seeking apologies , but time to get real and look to the courts and maybe , just maybe , these guys will think twice before seeing us as a route to stardom to the masses in the esst . 

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36 minutes ago, Brackley said:

Instead of allowing the apologies to be hidden on page 32 the law should be changed to say the apology should be the same size and page of the offending article. IE.  Full front page lie equals full front page apology.

Totally agree, the press get away with this kind of shire far too often!

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Great post. Unfortunately there is very little that we can do as individual Bears to combat the scale of media bias. It needs our Board to be defiantly proactive in challenging each and every instance of unfounded anti-Rangers narrative. The way things are going in Scotland I would say that the Rangers Board has an increasing responsibility to defend Rangers fans as a demographic AS WELL AS defending the club as an entity. In fact, as far as the corrupt elements of the media are concerned, it is one in the same thing anyway. Attack the club, the fans, the unionist ethos, the protestant heritage....basically, just vilify Rangers and all who associate with it.

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43 minutes ago, Brackley said:

Instead of allowing the apologies to be hidden on page 32 the law should be changed to say the apology should be the same size and page of the offending article. IE.  Full front page lie equals full front page apology.

The law does say that as far as the page goes.

I'm sure the original report on this said the record printed the IPSO judgement on the same page they ran the article, page 6. Can't confirm it myself as I don't read the record.

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41 minutes ago, StaunchLondonGer said:

Great post. Unfortunately there is very little that we can do as individual Bears to combat the scale of media bias. It needs our Board to be defiantly proactive in challenging each and every instance of unfounded anti-Rangers narrative. The way things are going in Scotland I would say that the Rangers Board has an increasing responsibility to defend Rangers fans as a demographic AS WELL AS defending the club as an entity. In fact, as far as the corrupt elements of the media are concerned, it is one in the same thing anyway. Attack the club, the fans, the unionist ethos, the protestant heritage....basically, just vilify Rangers and all who associate with it.

Maybe time we battered down the door of the board room and demanded they get off their fat appeasing erses!

Time we bombarded them with complaints to take action. Get emailing.

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3 hours ago, gmcf said:

How long are we going to put up with the shite coming out of our national press before we take realistic action  ?

In the last few days we've had apologies from the herald for giving a platform to someone claiming that Barton could claim religious discrimination , we now have the record apologising for a report about Rangers fans obstructing the police at the cup final . 

The reality is , the damage has already been done . Apology or not , time tells you mud sticks , however unfair , or in our case how blatantly false it is . It damages our brand and with it , potentially , much needed revenue from sponsorship etc . The very fact these papers are now offering apologies tells you that they know they're wrong but still don't give a damn. 

I think it's about time we took these people to task , and by that I mean straight to the courts . Why not bypass the demand of an apology . Go       straight to the courts for defamation and loss of potential sponsorship . Better still , and I've no great knowledge of this , but instead of going after the press , why not go straight to the individual involved ? We all know the usual suspects , and I'm pretty confident ,mwhen it's personal , these guys aren't as brave as they would be without the umbrella of their employer . 

All fine and dandy , dishing out bans and seeking apologies , but time to get real and look to the courts and maybe , just maybe , these guys will think twice before seeing us as a route to stardom to the masses in the esst . 

I agree that something needs to be done. Imho, Taking the individual or the editor to court for defamation does not stop the rest of the industry printing nonfactual negative stories about Rangers, it's staff or fans. Court cases cost money and the club only has so much to spend on litigation. Maybe a fund could be created to collect donations for this cause alone, with the condition that any funds not used will go to Rangers charity foundation. Our fans have already proven that they can campaign for change.

The fact the club have started demanding an apology is a start. The retraction is a small win, it officially proves that the newspapers were in the wrong about what they printed. The club should get MP's on board and campaign to have media law changed, so that ALL sports writers in general have to report on clubs in a neutral manner. That's the only way I can see our club getting parity.

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money + influence = power

those wanting us to take people to court, do you think going by our transfer business we're in a position to start taking everyone to court and paying legal fees?

it's simple, we're very high profile, but at the moment easy meat. it's a shame but it's how it is and it's because our owners are well we all know who, we will not be spending money on this type of thing any time soon. this means the clubs position will always be soft and one of "dignified silence".

we could have done it the easy way, install our people in places of power and keep them there, but this hasn't happened, but the scum have been doing this consistently over the years so they're now reaping the benefits. 

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I agree that the way our club and supporters are portrayed in the mheejia is a disgrace,however I hate to inform people of this.....This is nothing NEW!! We have been portrayed as the big bad Rainjurs for as long as I have been alive, and our fans are always shown in a bad light.Now I'm not in any way saying we should just sit back and take it I'm mearly highlighting that the mhedia will overlook the amazing work our fans do for Erskine veterans and the men and women in our armed forces.This will take years to try and claw back to a level playing field as the mheejia is infiltrated by Phil Mcgiesagobble and the likes.Best example recently is the big bad hooligans of Rainjurs wreck an armitage shanks lavvy pan,which receives front page coverage,yet a day later a war monument is vandalised with terrorist slogans all over it,yet this is only worthy of a page 26 snipet hidden on the top left of the page!! I am afraid this is the country that is the republic of scotland,and with Jimmy Krankie in charge and her need for tarrier voters,I cannot see a drastic change in the near future.So we need to carry on,support the mighty Glasgow Rangers and remember the cry was NO SURRENDER.....:7325:

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2 hours ago, Brackley said:

Instead of allowing the apologies to be hidden on page 32 the law should be changed to say the apology should be the same size and page of the offending article. IE.  Full front page lie equals full front page apology.


1 hour ago, B1872 said:

The supporters can only go so much. We need the club to lead the fight. The start would be to ban the lot of them and then advise the fans to stop buying or viewing these publications online.


1 hour ago, .Williamson. said:

Never going to happen. 

Rangers are weak when it comes to this stuff. Unionists in Scotland are weak as all fuck and all. 

This. Exactly what I've been saying recently. Apologies as huge and clear as the shite they printed in the first place, internal press only at our pressers, and fucking man up a bit! Get Club1872 to kick the fucking board into gear, they are the 6th biggest shareholder after all. Make the board realise that the fans will not settle for, or put up with this shite anymore. A silent apology to the board and making the board do their dirty work is fucking downright insulting. 

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Right.. we have certain people in the media with agendas against RFC.. so which outlet will actually allow a club statement condemning them?? None.  

the board have done what they can in asking for apologies, now if the record stuck by its lies then and only then could we go to court with these bastards- the fact they know they made 'errors' and rectified them means the issue is sorted.

in all honesty I wish the clubs media releases were all in house or to sky and talk sport.  I know those shows have bheasts on them but at least we get balanced reporting 

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We can talk all we like about suing and our board being inactive but the Rangers fans are the most to blame here imo. Simply put, the fact that a large amount of bears still purchase the Daily Rhebel rag defies belief and condones their agenda. How many times must the Rhebel blatantly insult Rangers before our fans react in the only way to really hurt them,which is  by leaving the gutter paper on the shelf. I see work mates who are Ibrox season ticket holders, reading the Rhebel every day and shake my head, " lighten up it's only a paper " they tell me when I berate them. This attitude allows  that the rag will continue to push anti Rangers propaganda ,while its the bears who Buy it who are the real problem and the solution. 

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23 minutes ago, cushynumber said:

We need to get as litigious as possible. 

Our action to our defensive incapabilities was to sign Senderos and Hill.

It is clear why, and if we cannot sign a decent defender because of it, what makes you think we'll start throwing money away on litigation? 

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Time the board took serious action here 

look over to the girodome and copy lieswells approach 

he has the press running scared of legal action ,hence the reason we see reports in the papers about football fans wearing green and Palestinian protesters fighting with rangers fans ,rather than mentioning that it's Celtic fans up to no good 

brand protection is the name of their game ,goes all the way back to the torbet days ,

next scumbag who reports nonsense should be issued with  defamation writ and taken to the cleaners ,

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2 hours ago, .Williamson. said:

Never going to happen. 

Rangers are weak when it comes to this stuff. Unionists in Scotland are weak as all fuck and all. 

"Unionists are weak as well"? Not on the 18th sept 2014 they weren't. 

Theres an active enemy out there - no doubt about that. But unionists are not weak - no way. 

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I've said before an another thread that apologies cost the republican lovers in the media nothing, but the shit they throw at everything Rangers sticks and a stronger board than that of king and murray would go for their collective jugulars through the courts.

The club should say to hell with building bridges that those bastards burned down in the first place, LITIGATE gentlemen.

No more dignified silences.

No more making statements then not following them up.


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5 minutes ago, Deanzmeanzheinz said:

"Unionists are weak as well"? Not on the 18th sept 2014 they weren't. 

Theres an active enemy out there - no doubt about that. But unionists are not weak - no way. 

Nobody was sure what way that was going to go. Unionists in Scotland sit back and do fuck all :lol:

To be fair they aren't a whole lot better here nowadays either.

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