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SFA drop complaints against Hibs and Rangers


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17 minutes ago, BF2 said:

I'm trying to edit the poll thread so people can comment but don't know how to do it.

@gogzy can you help?

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Should be commentable now. 

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I expect no less of the SFA but what's the fucking point of the PFA in all of this? Surely to fuck they should be all over this! The wellbeing and safety of players should be absolutely paramount. Incompetent cunts! 

If this can be taken further, and there really should be no reason why it can't, then we must take this as far as we can. It is absurd, baffling and quite simply unfathomable that this is the genuine conclusion they have come to.............

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23 minutes ago, RFCRobertson said:

Hibs statement on the matter 

If Rangers board does allow this to be the end of the matter then, King and the other imposters must be hounded out. There statement straight after the cup final was spot on and completely contradictory to this gross dereliction of duty from an inept and disgraceful govern body. 

I like King and don't believe he will let it lie but a court case is a must and it shouldn't stop until heads start to roll in the sfa. Fergus McCann stepped up to the plate when the terrorists required it and SFA lost there chairman, time for King to show the same commitment, this is a far easier and more clear cut case to win than the smellies  

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3 minutes ago, RFCRobertson said:

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Should be commentable now. 

Done now, cheers (tu) 

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What this boils down too is that its open season on Rangers and nothing will happen  to any of them, they will provoke and attack  our club at every turn and when we fight back it will be our fault and they will throw the book at us, we can only take this Shiite for so long. Fuck the SFA

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1 minute ago, Howsitgoing said:

If Rangers board does allow this to be the end of the matter then, King and the other imposters must be hounded out. There statement straight after the cup final was spot on and completely contradictory to this gross dereliction of duty from an inept and disgraceful govern body. 

I like King and don't believe he will let it lie but a court case is a must and it shouldn't stop until heads start to roll in the sfa. Fergus McCann stepped up to the plate when the terrorists required it and SFA lost there chairman, time for King to show the same commitment, this is a far easier and more clear cut case to win than the smellies  

Sadly I have a feeling King etc will see this as a result, they've escaped a large fine. Money in his own pocket comes before what matters most for the club, the transfer window proved that. 

A deal has no doubt been agreed and this will be the last we hear about it. 

Its all about fan-power now, we need to stand up and do something 

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This should not surprise anyone.   As soon as Rangers fans singing and a few Gers fans on the pitch was jumped on by the media it was always going to be another shambles swept under the carpet.  If you add to that the speed at which the SFA requested an independent inquiry,  they were always going to abdicate responsibility.  Another Scottish Fenian Association clusterfuck, yet Reagan is still in a job and remains unquestionable by the media.

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Just now, Laudrup1984 said:

I expect no less of the SFA but what's the fucking point of the PFA in all of this? Surely to fuck they should be all over this! The wellbeing and safety of players should be absolutely paramount. Incompetent cunts! 

If this can be taken further, and there really should be no reason why it can't, then we must take this as far as we can. It is absurd, baffling and quite simply unfathomable that this is the genuine conclusion they have come to.............

Perhaps the players should consider legal action against the SFA,  hibs and police Scotland.  Clearly procedures were not put in place to ensure that fans didn't get on the pitch or that players were not assaulted.  It's a criminal offence to abuse people at their place of work,  be it nurses,  drs or bus drivers hell even having a barky dug can get you in trouble cause posties are all shitebags. 

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The mhedia in this cess pit will be spinning the "let it be Rangers...it was away back in May..blah blah..lets move forward..bullshit..bullshit"

Move forward to what..A Rangers player, official or more likely a supporter is seriously injured or killed..??...

the sfa have been unfit for purpose for years this latest slap in the face sums them up perfectly..

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1 minute ago, Gaz52 said:

Sadly I have a feeling King etc will see this as a result, they've escaped a large fine. Money in his own pocket comes before what matters most for the club, the transfer window proved that. 

A deal has no doubt been agreed and this will be the last we hear about it. 

Its all about fan-power now, we need to stand up and do something 

If that's the case then he is also responsible for gross misconduct in duty. His care for his employees must be paramount.

Also the brands name is being devalued because of this orchestrated demoralisation of our club. King didn't make his millions and take on a government by being a shitebag. He needs to hurry the fuck up though, enough is enough. 

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2 minutes ago, Gooseman said:

Perhaps the players should consider legal action against the SFA,  hibs and police Scotland.  Clearly procedures were not put in place to ensure that fans didn't get on the pitch or that players were not assaulted.  It's a criminal offence to abuse people at their place of work,  be it nurses,  drs or bus drivers hell even having a barky dug can get you in trouble cause posties are all shitebags. 

I doubt King will green light any player wishing to take legal action. 

And look at the abuse Wallace has got since the final from the whole of Scotland (including a banner at a Scotland game) 

It would be a dead end. 

Its upto us fans to pull together now and demand at least another enquiry 

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2 minutes ago, Gooseman said:

Perhaps the players should consider legal action against the SFA,  hibs and police Scotland.  Clearly procedures were not put in place to ensure that fans didn't get on the pitch or that players were not assaulted.  It's a criminal offence to abuse people at their place of work,  be it nurses,  drs or bus drivers hell even having a barky dug can get you in trouble cause posties are all shitebags

Enough eh that or I'll get overexuburant on you

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I'm having an off day today so am probably not following the SFA announcement and the Hibs press release properly.

Is the SFA saying in effect that despite Hibs supporters being out of control on the pitch and assaulting Rangers staff and players that there is nothing for Hibs to answer for and nor are Hibs to be held account for their fans being out of control?  

Adding to that is the SFA also saying that it itself is not accountable or answerable to Rangers for the attacks on the Rangers staff and players since the SFA is responsible for stewarding and for the security of event as a whole?  Ditto Police Scotland for failing to provide full and proper policing?   

How can it be that Rangers staff and players are attacked - in public - at a televised event organised and controlled by the SFA - that the SFA then takes no action against Hibs whose fans were responsible for the assaults?  

Wonder what the reaction of King and the Board will be.   Wonder what the reaction of those Rangers staff and players who were assaulted will be.

The SFA failed in its duty to Rangers staff and players to ensure a safe playing environment. There is an OF semi coming up soon.   In the light of the SFA announcement today what certainty can Rangers have that the SFA has the competence to organise a safe playing environment for the Rangers players?  

Why should King and the Board continue to place any sort of confidence or trust in those that run the SFA?   And not just because of todays statement.  Why is King not pressing hard and publicly for Regan  to resign and be replaced by a person in whom Rangers can have fuller confidence in his ability to manage the SFA properly?   There must surely come a point were words of protest need to be followed up by far more visible and public action against those who are responsible.   If that cannot or will not be done then perhaps the Board should consider whether it is really acting as worthy guardians of Rangers' heritage and tradition.

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So the wisdom of Soleman comes into play. Seems like wisdom, but when they charged both teams with the same offense, you just could feel the corruption cooking away in the background.

I say in the background, but it's more like a full frontal attack on our team and something has to be done. Surely something can be done?

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10 minutes ago, Dutchy said:

So the wisdom of Soleman comes into play. Seems like wisdom, but when they charged both teams with the same offense, you just could feel the corruption cooking away in the background.

I say in the background, but it's more like a full frontal attack on our team and something has to be done. Surely something can be done?

sorry wrong post doh

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