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Our club is a joke


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So as the title says above.... everything in our club is a fucking joke right now. I have not read too much of the shambolic display on the glass frontage/staircase but that really is one of the finAl nails in the coffin. (Am not giving in) 

When you sit back and actually look at how shambolic our club is from top to bottom,it really is a huge worry. 

1. Who made the final decision over the manager?

2. Why did we pursue dalcio etc so much Nd they are fucking hopeless? 

3. Why is niko still here? 

4. Why are we bringing out  pish away top (by all accounts )

5. And who the fuck mads . The decision to wrap our showcase stairwell in a fucking banner. ? This is not let's copy the fucking tims.  We are better than that. ALWAYS HAVE BEEN. We are dropping out standards. 

Time and time again we are looking like idiots.  Our performances are pish. Our players don't have what it takes to cope under the pressure of playing for our club. The pressure ro perform on a weekly basis. 

We don't look for world beaters like Messi .. we are content with being able.to find a blue jersey.  Bring a ball down . Play a ten yard fucking pass. FFS how.hard is this shit.  

A fucking joke . That's what it has become.  

They smelly cunts could have us dead and buried if they spent money on a couple of centre half's a striker Nd a midfielder. No way back for.us..

It's a fucking joke. Just not posted in a bit cos.my heart is broke with these cunts.from king to Pedro.  

I don't know what the answer is, pay an extra 10 quid a month as I suggested from every season ticket holder .. cos we need a change.and we need it fast .probably spent 2 years money this year and we will have fuck all to shown for it again. 


Imagine struth,    wallace, Scott symon,mcleish smith and souness watching pricks put wraps on our stadium like a fucking cheap whore? ? Disgraceful .. absolutely disgraceful 

Quintessential British club

Setting the standard for dress code snd.conduct.  ? All but vanished

Sad sad sad  

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Rangers have been hit with everything bar the kitchen sink over the last 5 years it was never a case just dusting ourselves down and acting like everything was going to be like pre 2012 after getting back to the SPL. It will take time and patience to get back to the top.

Scroll back to posts on any Rangers forum from 3-4 years years back years back and you see just how many historical challenges the club faced in trying to recover. 

Most of the off field nonsense that plagued the club like title stripping,Ashley,Tax cases etc etc are all done now. And we've put in place a new structure with a DOF which will take time to work but there is no magic wand that can be waved and success returned overnight it's going to take time.

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2 hours ago, deco19761 said:

So as the title says above.... everything in our club is a fucking joke right now. I have not read too much of the shambolic display on the glass frontage/staircase but that really is one of the finAl nails in the coffin. (Am not giving in) 

When you sit back and actually look at how shambolic our club is from top to bottom,it really is a huge worry. 

1. Who made the final decision over the manager?

2. Why did we pursue dalcio etc so much Nd they are fucking hopeless? 

3. Why is niko still here? 

4. Why are we bringing out  pish away top (by all accounts )

5. And who the fuck mads . The decision to wrap our showcase stairwell in a fucking banner. ? This is not let's copy the fucking tims.  We are better than that. ALWAYS HAVE BEEN. We are dropping out standards. 

Time and time again we are looking like idiots.  Our performances are pish. Our players don't have what it takes to cope under the pressure of playing for our club. The pressure ro perform on a weekly basis. 

We don't look for world beaters like Messi .. we are content with being able.to find a blue jersey.  Bring a ball down . Play a ten yard fucking pass. FFS how.hard is this shit.  

A fucking joke . That's what it has become.  

They smelly cunts could have us dead and buried if they spent money on a couple of centre half's a striker Nd a midfielder. No way back for.us..

It's a fucking joke. Just not posted in a bit cos.my heart is broke with these cunts.from king to Pedro.  

I don't know what the answer is, pay an extra 10 quid a month as I suggested from every season ticket holder .. cos we need a change.and we need it fast .probably spent 2 years money this year and we will have fuck all to shown for it again. 


Imagine struth,    wallace, Scott symon,mcleish smith and souness watching pricks put wraps on our stadium like a fucking cheap whore? ? Disgraceful .. absolutely disgraceful 

Quintessential British club

Setting the standard for dress code snd.conduct.  ? All but vanished

Sad sad sad  

God but that is a depressing post.
I picked up this old article from D'Art's facebook and came back in here to let you read it ...


Who Do We Think We Are?
22 June 2012    By G. M. Semple


One way or another, Rangers is moving into a new era, and given the public battering the club has taken over the last decade or two, some of us are wondering what Rangers stands for in the 21st century.

The Rangers support has a traditional affection for the Monarchy, the Union and Protestant religious belief, but the passage of time has seen an erosion of their importance.

The growth of nationalism in Scotland has attracted many from within the Rangers support, and it is surely undeniable that young Scots don't endorse the monarchy as readily as their fathers and grandfathers. The drift away from organised religion has lessened the role of Protestantism, and the Rangers support is certainly not immune from society's trends and influences.

So who do we think we are in the 21st century?

It's easy to dismiss the sectarian aspect of the club's history in the unseemly haste to 'move on' but instead of running from it, we should embrace the club's past and not apologise for it.

In much of the last century, Rangers and Celtic knowingly employed an unusually high percentage of their 'own kind', but Celtic's role during this period has been glossed over while Rangers, most noticeably, has been held to account.

Sixty and seventy years ago the Protestant aspect of Rangers and the Catholic ethos at Celtic were facts of life, and few thought that it was a problem. Rangers were Protestant - Celtic were Catholic - and the world kept spinning

Just as the Rangers scout asked young prospects what school they attended, Catholic employers in the Glasgow area weeded out Protestants by asking them what parish they were in. A Celtic-supporting acquaintance once assured me that the only Protestants at Parkhead were on the park.

Today then, in a politically sensitive era, why do we support a team in blue which plays in a part of Glasgow that few of us come from?

More than anything else, it's a shared Protestant heritage. We may not be churchgoers any more, but we are as 'culturally' Protestant as many of our rivals are 'culturally' Catholic.

Some are unionists and others are royalists, but the overwhelming majority of Rangers fans share a Protestant background, and it is this which keeps us beating a path to Ibrox and Rangers: 'the last Protestant Castle', according to one writer on Follow Follow.

This does not mean that Rangers won't welcome all-comers to Ibrox as employees and spectators, but the heart of the support today still beats to the sound of a 'cultural' Protestant drum. Our history lives on within us, and while the future will see evolution and change, the past, for now at least, has not been forgotten.

We support Rangers because it stands for something: something that is important to us. We don't support Rangers because it has no identity. We support it because it has an identity that we can embrace.

The very act of supporting one club over the rest is discriminatory. If clubs are all the same, why should we choose a club in Govan and not Maryhill or Mount Florida? We want our club to set itself apart from the rest. We want it to be unique and distinctive: we want it to be special.

And it is distinctive. And it is unique. And it is special.

Over the years, I've been privileged to be in large crowds watching scintillating football; amongst the best we ever had in this country, but despite being in the company of personal friends, I did not share in the joy of the spectacular triumphs witnessed.

I was watching Celtic, and yet I didn't belong in their number. They annihilated teams with style and flair, and played the game the way I like to see it played, but my admiration for their class and quality did not develop into a lifelong love of that club. It couldn't. Celtic is my club like Mars is my planet.

I am more at home amongst strangers at Ibrox than I am amongst friends at Parkhead - and my Celtic pals know and understand this because their club at Parkhead belongs to them in a way that Rangers never could. They feel about Celtic the way I feel about Rangers - and we each respect and appreciate this. More than that: we love it.

It's about being different and celebrating, understanding and respecting that difference. It's about being civil and democratic, and being mature enough to understand that we need not be the same to be both friends and rivals.

Unfortunately, wisdom and basic commonsense have taken a back seat to an anti-libertarian agenda in a devolved Scotland, and the country is now in a dark place.

The answer is not to discard, criminalise and fear identity. It is to enjoy it and be glad of it - and to respect the identity of others.

As the past slips away, and as the old ways seem less important than before, we wonder what the future has in store. If we are not fully paid-up monarchists, unionists and Protestants, what exactly will the identity of the Rangers support be - and be agreed to be?

It will be this: it will be libertarian. It will be a freedom-loving ethos handed down from our Protestant past, but it will only be credible if we remember our Protestant years.

If we deny our Protestantism, or run from it, there will be no moving on. Embrace it and the future will have no limits. Hide from it, and it will stalk us for a thousand years.

G.M Semple

Now, stop you're whinging and suck it up. A few wins and we're back on the road again.
Our ethos is - 'NO SURRENDER' !!

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Don't think it's a joke but I think it's run by amateurs. Whilst th banners that cover the stair case are cringeworthy it's other things like first team affairs that are the priority right now.

but like the op says. Who had the final say on PC getting the gig?  And how on earth did they come to that decision?   No good managers will be doing it in Qatar unless they've conquered Europe and want an easy wage.  For the guys 3-4 club job to be in the Middle East says everything you need to know.  And that's not a dig at Pedro as while he's the manager I'll back him- he never appointed himself.  It's the chancers and cheap skates, trough guzzlers whatever you want to call them that carry the can for this.

atleast with warburton we sort of knew what we were getting and the wankers hardly backed him. But they back Pedro to the hilt not knowing what they were getting?  Fucking idiots

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