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Murty in charge for sheep double header


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Incompetent bastards, to a man.

The damage they have done in just a few weeks with their arsing about is ridiculous.

That’s what happens when you have kiddy on Rangers men in charge, they aren’t arsed about our reputation or the fact we’re losing games and being laughed at. The average tarrier cares more about Rangers than these dithering tools.

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10 minutes ago, Gustav said:


You said the other day nobody will come near us, what's changed?

No I didn't. No one would invest with king at the helm and also that when we are further exposed/weakened financially, then the faceless would make their move and take us on the cheap.

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1 hour ago, Drunk and disorderly. said:

There is no source and no quotes in the article. Purely speculation by the journalist.


Everything is speculation at the moment. 

Have the board well and truly plugged the leaks or are they still sitting with their fingers up their arses thinking what the feck do we do next.

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1 minute ago, Vanoli said:

They'll shag us twice, we'll finally approach McInness and he'll knock us back publicly. Banter years still in full flow. 

It would have to be fucking them of course when we are at our weakest.

I still doubt we will approach McInness as we haven't the cash. There is more shite going on in that boardroom at the minute than we can imagine, because no way should we be in the position of being managerless for so long. Our season is going well down the toilet.

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27 minutes ago, born a blue nose said:

Heard from a reliable source of we throw the two games Aberdeen will wave compensation fee 

Wouldn't be surprised if some sort of deal is already done on McInnes but Aberdeen will not release him until after the double header.

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Just now, Blue Avenger said:

No I didn't. No one would invest with king at the helm and also that when we are further exposed/weakened financially, then the faceless would make their move and take us on the cheap.

;That's up to the board. They admit their failure and go find a buyer for a reasonable price. At 20 mil in debt, no cunt is playing and rightly so. Any preditor will know as the rest of the planet knows, we are unsustainable, dysfunctional, surrounded in chaos and that this crew will fold sooner or later and they will take us for a song.;

Nobody is 'playing because of our debt but we're going to have new owners by January?

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2 hours ago, Grundy said:

Thought the last two results would prompt the board into making an announcement, but no, they stay silent and morale becomes lower and lower. They haven't got a clue on how to run this club.

I expected a panic announcement too.  Looks like a different sort of panic is at work - the type that produces paralysis. 

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19 minutes ago, Brackley said:

Wouldn't be surprised if some sort of deal is already done on McInnes but Aberdeen will not release him until after the double header.

Doubt it - we pay the compensation clause and we get him - Aberdeen don’t have the authority to hold onto him until after games 

our football club is pathetically run - everyone has just about woken up to these cunts in charge now 

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51 minutes ago, Blue Avenger said:

It would have to be fucking them of course when we are at our weakest.

I still doubt we will approach McInness as we haven't the cash. There is more shite going on in that boardroom at the minute than we can imagine, because no way should we be in the position of being managerless for so long. Our season is going well down the toilet.

Unfortunately, this is what I think too :depressed:

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Useless cunts, every fucking one of them. It's gross incompetence not having a new manager in place for this double header and they should be booted up and down Edmiston drive.  I was all for them taking their time and getting the right man in but after the Hamilton result the process should have been speeded up and someone in place for what is now the two biggest games of the season,  we need 6 points but will get fuck all thanks to the dummies in the boardroom and their failure to act .   

To think I supported them to get in and actually thought they would get us back to where we belong... More the fool. 

Even if some fucking miracle happens and they do eventually make a good appointment I'm still done with them, we were only six points behind when pedro was sacked with everything still to play for and the fannys have threw in the towel, this is unforgivable.

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3 hours ago, tom1780 said:

He will probably be in place till jan break 

not a lot of time to work with squad with games in between for incoming manager we play nearly every 3/4 days apart from 1 week.

I'm actually getting to the stage where I'm scared off what is going to get unveiled, presented, let out of a box or even unearthed. :(

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15 minutes ago, Prso's headband said:

In simple terms the fans have given that club over £20 million for them to mismanage us to the point where they have ended our season by November. 


Under this board, they will do it every year we will watch these cunts celebrate till we get rid of the board that's holding us back.

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1 hour ago, Brackley said:

Everything is speculation at the moment. 

Have the board well and truly plugged the leaks or are they still sitting with their fingers up their arses thinking what the feck do we do next.


No. The board haven't a fucking scooby what they are doing

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If the 2 results against Aberdeen go badly, especially the home game at Ibrox and both with Murty in charge sentiment against King and the directors is bound to go from bad to very much worse, especially if there is still no news of a replacement manager.  They must surely know they are in very stormy waters already having seen unacceptably dire results against Hamilton and Dundee and with an interim manager who is clearly so far out of his depth it is embarrassing.      They cannot be blind and deaf to what is going on.   That being the case they risk being seen as walking the pathway of not just incompetence, but wilful incompetence.   Negligence even, and (imp) they'd be publicly dishonouring the privilege they have of being the current stewards of the Club by not acting to appoint a suitably experienced and competent manager in the fastest possible timescale.

Or are they allowing events to unfold where the Club is weakened sufficiently that it gives them the reason to call it quits, to call in the loans and to look for replacement investors because they have run their course and can go no further .    The problem they are creating by the continued lengthy delay and silence is not just about their competence in finding a suitable manager, it starts to seep into territory where confidence evaporates in their very ability to govern the club properly.  And it risks fuelling ideas that they are just using this delay and inaction and preparedness to watch the season fall away as a stepping stone to engineering their way out with their soft loans recovered.  That of course opens up whole other avenues of speculation about what they are really up to and what it'd mean for the Club.   The longer they dither the more they will be criticised and the more people will start to wonder if a different agenda is being played out.      

If Murty is in charge and the games go badly there had best be some senior people visibly supporting Murty in dealing with the press in the aftermath, and then there would be absolutely no excuses whatsoever for not replacing him without any further delay.   

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1 hour ago, Gaffbear said:

My fear apart from the obvious pumping is it ruins a very good youth coach 

This, I really like Murty as a youth coach can see from the results the “development team” are getting his work is good. I worry that he will be getting seriously pissed off with the club and decide to go,

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