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Feel good factor coming back?

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The proof of the pudding and all that. The skrtel stuff quickly followed by 3 youth players has me a bit worried that we put the Skrtel rumour out there and then say "we didn't get him but look! 3 Liverpool youth players! and a squirrel!!"

I really really hope Gerrard realises that a large number of liverpool loans arent going to win us anything. If that's his success strategy, he won't be here at Xmas.

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I will actually be more happy when we start to ship players out and we start to get an idea of what our squad looks like. Not getting caught up the players being linked as SG will simply cause more stories. Let’s not forget we currently have a front line of Morelos and Herrera to lead us into the new season currently.

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6 minutes ago, cushynumber said:

The proof of the pudding and all that. The skrtel stuff quickly followed by 3 youth players has me a bit worried that we put the Skrtel rumour out there and then say "we didn't get him but look! 3 Liverpool youth players! and a squirrel!!"

I really really hope Gerrard realises that a large number of liverpool loans arent going to win us anything. If that's his success strategy, he won't be here at Xmas.

Does this mean the same as 'The proof is in the pudding'?

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20 minutes ago, cushynumber said:

The proof of the pudding and all that. The skrtel stuff quickly followed by 3 youth players has me a bit worried that we put the Skrtel rumour out there and then say "we didn't get him but look! 3 Liverpool youth players! and a squirrel!!"

I really really hope Gerrard realises that a large number of liverpool loans arent going to win us anything. If that's his success strategy, he won't be here at Xmas.

Totally agree. A few promising Liverpool youths in the squad is fine but only if there's a core of quality, experienced players such as Skrtel and Lucas making up the bulk of the first team

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As others have said too many false dawns so far.

We need to see who goes in the summer and the quality of the players being brought in before we get carried away.

The feel good factor won't be back for me until we are winning games consistently and challenging for trophies again. 

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25 minutes ago, gj923 said:

I will actually be more happy when we start to ship players out and we start to get an idea of what our squad looks like. Not getting caught up the players being linked as SG will simply cause more stories. Let’s not forget we currently have a front line of Morelos and Herrera to lead us into the new season currently.

You're forgetting Joe Dodoo and MOH mate.

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I just hope we get a fair crack of the whip as the bigger the signing the bigger the target will be on his back by the hammer throwers. 

We all know teams try harder against us than they do against others and you only have to look at the tackles on Dorrans and Jack that went unpunished plus the disgraceful tackle on Rossiter to see what we will be up against next season if we sign top quality. 

If refs don't stamp out these tackles early in the season then no matter how good a manager Gerrard is if half our team is out injured then we will struggle and that is more of a concern to me than Gerrard being our manager 

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5 minutes ago, soulboy said:

I just hope we get a fair crack of the whip as the bigger the signing the bigger the target will be on his back by the hammer throwers. 

We all know teams try harder against us than they do against others and you only have to look at the tackles on Dorrans and Jack that went unpunished plus the disgraceful tackle on Rossiter to see what we will be up against next season if we sign top quality. 

If refs don't stamp out these tackles early in the season then no matter how good a manager Gerrard is if half our team is out injured then we will struggle and that is more of a concern to me than Gerrard being our manager 

That's always been the case, we used to have players that would thrive on that.

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We need to be winning trophies and challenging The tarriers before any feel good factor returns, we have just finished a season 3rd and suffered one of our worst defeats to celtic, Gerrard coming in is good news but only if he is successful and we can bring in quality players.

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Can't feel good about anything yet as, apart from Gerrard, we aren't much different to last year.

It's early yet, but there have been too many false dawns, so I will believe in signings when we see them paraded at Ibrox and will will believe we are getting back t normal when we start winning things and stop dropping points to diddy teams constantly.

I may even smile if we hump the tarriers.

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10 hours ago, BlueBearz1990 said:

Can't be arsed getting on the hype train again. I'll wait until I see us playing high quality football before get excited. We've been let down too many times after falling into the 'feel good factor'.


I’m more of the thinking that we could sign Messi though and it wouldn’t make a difference. 

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Perhaps when a trophy is won, and more importantly we go toe to toe with THEM on the pitch again then the feel good factor may return. That being said, I am more excited about the upcoming season than I was this time last year with Pedro at the helm.

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Not sure what there is to feel great about after that season which saw us embarrassed and smashed off the taigs at every turn, finish 3rd, watch them win another treble etc. 

Ill start to feel good when we resemble a football team that wins titles and cups again and until then I don’t want to get excited about anything, past 6odd years has ruined me for that. 

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Fuck yes I’m excited I believe this has the potential to be a massive turning point for us after years of mediocre.

yes nobody knows how Gerrard will be as a manager but I can’t help but get excited and I think we are all due a bit feel good factor for a change.

a lot will depend of his recruitment and hopefully he gets it spot on!

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2 hours ago, dougie76 said:

That's always been the case, we used to have players that would thrive on that.

You're right but back then we didn't have refs who were afraid to send opposition players off . Ever since that  chest high tackle on Ian black in the 3 rd division that didn't get a red card it's been open season on our players.

What if our top 3 signings end up injured due to refs not doing their jobs properly what then ? 

Like I said refs need to get a grip early in the season or it will be our players out injured for long periods again 


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