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Club statement | Resolution not deemed competent


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20 minutes ago, doc holliday said:

But remember this is UK wide votes.If it was Scotland alone,the tarrier swing  would have to be taken into account .

Exactly, EPL is a totally different audience. They would simply never ask this about the spfl. Same reason they barely open comments on anything related to scottish football

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Internal investgation!!??!!


Are they having a laugh,this has to be a wind up,


What are they afraid of exactly. The truth I would assert.


The stench is getting worse.


Another rebuttal for a fair,impartial  and independent  analysis of events.


Another whitewash incoming.

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26 minutes ago, eskbankloyal said:

The other line they are spinning is that they want all ‘big clubs’ to play friendlies with those relegated in order to financially compensate them :lol: 

beyond parody

how many supporters do they honestly think will attend these "bribery friendlies?" :thinking:

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2 minutes ago, doc holliday said:

Internal investgation!!??!!


Are they having a laugh,this has to be a wind up,


What are they afraid of exactly. The truth I would assert.


The stench is getting worse.


Another rebuttal for a fair,impartial  and independent  analysis of events.


Another whitewash incoming.

It is astounding , they keep getting away with all this . Are everyone else blind or powerless . Even when it's as obvious as this .

It's like the child abusers as bheastville . It's all mostly being brushed over or a non mention

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The Times (Paul Forsyth)


Discredited ballot offers no mandate to move forward

Nothing about Scottish football is big or important enough to compare with the protracted shambles that was Britain’s departure from the European Union, but there are shades of Brexit about this SPFL farce. Ill feeling, incompetence, misinformation: all have featured in a nasty, polarised debate that has succeeded only in dividing the football community.

Bad enough that the game is in limbo, hamstrung by the withdrawal of a “no” vote by Dundee, which would have ended the controversial attempt in last week’s SPFL ballot to declare the season over. Worse still is the prospect of them turning 180 degrees and sheepishly registering in the box marked “yes”: a cross that would leave the outcome with not a shred of credibility.

After a weekend in which they went to ground, Dundee finally broke their silence yesterday with a statement in which they refused to indicate how they were thinking, only that they had been in “positive discussions” about reconstruction. With whom they had been plotting the future of Scottish football was not revealed.

If it was with the SPFL, you wonder how it has come to this. By what perverse logic can it be right that the club who just happened to have the deciding vote, and did not — for whatever reason — register it properly, become the game’s self-appointed powerbroker? A club who flip-flopped their opinion in the space of ten minutes and, four days later, still cannot tell the world how they intend to vote? Despite Friday’s unofficial deadline, the rules allowed them 28 days to reach a decision.

If the upshot of all this, as some are predicting, is that Dundee do indeed back the resolution that they initially rejected, the SPFL will claim that clarity has been brought to the situation. With far more important matters in the world at large, they will urge their 42 members to come together, work for the game’s greater good and let bygones be bygones.

Some hope. There is no more chance of Rangers magnanimously applauding celtic’s ninth title in a row than there is of Hearts, Partick Thistle and Stranraer quietly taking their medicine and neglecting to bear a grudge. Far from bringing closure to a debacle, the fallout would be just the beginning.

The hope is that reconstruction can somehow establish a way out, but agreement will be difficult to reach, and the very idea of it screams the question: when is the SPFL resolution not the SPFL resolution? A proposal that relegated Hearts, but also incorporated a revamp that spared them, makes about as much sense as everything else in this humiliating fiasco.

Scottish football is tribal enough. A “yes” vote could set it back years. Rangers would step up their calls for an independent inquiry and perhaps even produce the evidence that they say raises “serious concerns” about the voting process. Hearts would be tempted to further expose what they describe as the SPFL’s attempts to “unduly influence” the outcome.

For those who believe that sporting integrity is more important than the immediate distribution of prize money, the prospect of a premature end to the season was already hard to stomach. If that decision were arrived at in such controversial circumstances, it would make for a febrile atmosphere of resentment, betrayal and allegations of skullduggery.

How can Dundee be undecided about the SPFL’s resolution, never mind supportive of it? In a statement last week, they said it would be “difficult to accept” a proposal that would make any clubs worse off than they were before football was suspended.

Just before Friday’s 5pm deadline, they submitted a “no” vote. Then the SPFL said in a statement that there had been no submission from Dundee. Shortly after that release, which also revealed that the outcome hinged on the missing ballot paper, the Tayside club asked for their vote, apparently held up by a technical hitch, to be disregarded.

Since then, Murdoch MacLennan, the SPFL chairman, has said that he had a “number of conversations” with Dundee over the weekend. One report claimed that unnamed Premiership clubs had offered them lucrative friendlies by way of an incentive to vote ‘yes’.

Irrespective of its outcome, the ballot is surely no mandate with which to move forward. The immediate future of Scottish football cannot rest on the outcome of a vote that is so discredited as to be meaningless. If the SPFL continues to suggest otherwise in a desperate attempt to secure victory, it will only be storing up trouble for another day.

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2 minutes ago, BLUEDIGNITY said:

A big bhoy dun it and ran away !😂😂😂😂😂


It took an hour between Dundee sending the vote and when they asked for it to be retracted. I don't know about you but if I vote for something I naturally believe thats it done and it can't be changed.

So what happened in that hour? A phone call perhaps from SPFL or SP(eter)FL(awell) to Mr Nelms to say "What the hell are you doing! You need to vote Yes, just send us a mail saying the vote is retracted and we'll say our IT system buggered up and we didn't get your first vote"

Dodgy as fuck and an internal investigation = destroy all evidence

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SPFL proposal descended into farce long before Dundee’s non-statement statement

That seems the succinct way of summing up Dundee’s astonishing delay in deciding whether to complete a U-turn in voting to back the SPFL’s proposals to end the Championship, League 1 and League 2 season. A rushed process had descended into a shambolic farce long before John Nelms steeled himself to cast the deciding vote yesterday only to shy away, ironically, at 5pm. 

The club statement declaring their delay will only raise more questions is the understatement of this debacle. So much has happened over the course of the last four days that it is easy to forget that Dundee not only cast their vote – only for it to go missing – but they initially voted no. Having discovered their vote would be the decisive one the Dens Park outfit then asked should their vote eventually arrive at Hampden that it be regarded as void.

That last part has become the fundamental issue in this saga as it has left Dundee and the process as a whole open to claims of being tainted. Honestly, as we wait for a pivotal and deciding vote to be case who can argue against that view? As for the SPFL, it’s fair to say they have not covered themselves in glory thus far. They shot themselves in the foot with their handling of this episode too by asking clubs to vote within 48 hours of receiving the proposals was an insult in itself. 

In addition whoever thought it was a good decision to announce the state of play with three votes still to be counted just after the 5pm deadline on Friday should be asked to explain themselves too. For an organisation with the word professional in its name, this has been amateur stuff thus far. Anyone who believes the Dundee managing director’s change of mind will be the end of this sorry tale has clearly not been paying attention. 

Long before the announcement of yet another delay yesterday both Rangers and Hearts have sharpened their knives. They both voted against the proposals and it has turned ugly since with Rangers wanting SPFL chief executive Neil Doncaster and the league’s legal adviser Rod McKenzie suspended pending an inquiry after declaring there are in possession of information which raises serious issues about the voting process. Hearts owner Ann Budge meanwhile, wants league reconstruction and believes the SPFL has questions to answer on whether they unduly influenced the voting procedure. 

Dundee’s dithering and delay as they ponder whether to change their no to a yes will only fan the flames among the conspiracy theorists out there. Partick Thistle certainly want to discuss it and were quick to get their point of view across before their Championship rivals announcement yesterday. A lengthy statement from the Jags included the nugget that, having obtained a joint opinion from senior and junior counsel, they believe Dundee’s original vote against the proposals was in line with the SPFL’s own rules and must stand. 

Clearly the SPFL see it otherwise and it seems inevitable this one is destined for a courtroom in Scotland in the not too distant future. With so much at stake for Partick, and in all likelihood Hearts, who also face succumbing to the same fate as the Jags in dropping down a division by the time next season starts, it appears league reconstruction is the only way in which the SPFL is going to head off a legal challenge down the line if Dundee do eventually vote to support the proposals.


Whether peace can be brokered to settle what has become an increasingly acrimonious and polarising situation for clubs is another matter entirely. Spare a thought for the teams in Leagues 1 and 2. They were braced for some much needed funds coming their way in the next couple of days which would have alleviated the financial pressure. A depressing and unfathomable mess has been created and the attempts to resolve it are threatening to turn ugly as those with a vested interest prepare to dig their heels in and fight their corner. It’s not boxing but in Scottish football, the gloves are about to come off.


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1 hour ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

Season ends.

No Chamion.

No relegation.

Prize monies based on end position.

Im utterly baffled why some people won’t allow that or some people think it’s wrong. 👍


It's the easiest and fairest solution. Season goes down as incomplete and above is applied. 

However we all know 2 clubs that don't want that now. Embarrassing themselves by publically calling for titles they haven't won during a pandemic. 

Lawell and the cabal seem intent on financially busting other sides unless they get their tainted title

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9 hours ago, Sweetheart said:


Fred: “I investigated the accusations against Rose and found there was no case to answer.”

Rose: “Yes and I looked into the allegations against Fred and he’s in the clear as far as I can tell. We both hope this will be an end to the matter.”


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3 minutes ago, NeoGeo7 said:

It took an hour between Dundee sending the vote and when they asked for it to be retracted. I don't know about you but if I vote for something I naturally believe thats it done and it can't be changed.

So what happened in that hour? A phone call perhaps from SPFL or SP(eter)FL(awell) to Mr Nelms to say "What the hell are you doing! You need to vote Yes, just send us a mail saying the vote is retracted and we'll say our IT system buggered up and we didn't get your first vote"

Dodgy as fuck and an internal investigation = destroy all evidence

Yup without a doubt it's reeking. Expect more elaborate porkies as it develops.

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1 minute ago, Colin Traive said:

Fred: “I investigated the accusations against Rose and found there was no case to answer.”

Rose: “Yes and I looked into the allegations against Fred and he’s in the clear as far as I can tell. We both hope this will be an end to the matter.”


Well hopefully it ends up this way, Rose threw Fred under the bus at the end up !

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2 minutes ago, Bad Robot said:

Dundee’s 15 team league would mean all teams play each once home and away (28) and then 6 teams split who all play each other home and away (10) which gives you 38 games but fk knows how they would get 10 games out the other 9.

First point - Do you believe this is actually Dundee's idea? They are just the mouthpiece here to detract from the SPFL's fuck up and Lawell still calling the shots.

Second Point - Our premiership is a fucking mickey mouse league anyway with the fucking daft split with teams finishing in 7th and 8th having more points than the teams in 6th and 5th potentially.

We should have 2 leagues: 20 team top division and 22 team second division. 3 go down and 3 go up (do a play-off like English Championship if they want to). It simplifies the structure and removes the pointless Petrofac/Irn-Bru Challenge cup and it reduces the monotony of playing the sheep 7 times in a season.

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1 hour ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

Season ends.

No Chamion.

No relegation.

Prize monies based on end position.

Im utterly baffled why some people won’t allow that or some people think it’s wrong. 👍


That's the proposal that's fair and equal but the one that isn't getting talked about. But this shouldn't be getting talked about at this minute in time anyway.

All leagues should be waiting to see what stance UEFA will take on this. No point in declaring anything when there no information about European competition qualification.

Only thing that should be happening is clubs getting money that they need to survive until such point in time when we can decide what happens.

Let's leave league decisions until UEFA decide what they are doing. Simple and easy. The exact same proposal our club pushed for.

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6 minutes ago, Bad Robot said:

Dundee’s 15 team league would mean all teams play each once home and away (28) and then 6 teams split who all play each other home and away (10) which gives you 38 games but fk knows how they would get 10 games out the other 9.

15 is not getting discussed. 16 is what they want.

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3 minutes ago, BLUEDIGNITY said:

Yup without a doubt it's reeking. Expect more elaborate porkies as it develops.

The thing is if you lie then there is a chance you fuck up and contradict yourself and I think that's what we'll see here.

This is why it started as "We didn't get the vote" then it became clear that this could easily be disproved so it changed to "We got it later on that evening, it was blocked by firewall", ok so if you got it then count it as a valid vote , then we get "Ah well, Mr Nelms said to disregard the vote"

SPFL should be removed from their offices and access to their network, laptops, PCs etc. until an independent investigation can be conducted. They simply cannot be trusted.

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