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Two Rangers fans have been banned for life from Ibrox over reports of


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Poor show Rangers. By all means ban these two supporters if they are found guilty of singing a proven sectarian song, but to do so BEFORE the second guy has even gone to trial is a disgrace.

What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? This kind of thing was always going to happen, there has been a huge increase in Police presence in and around the Subway station on matchdays. I would certainly be interested to know what songs the men were singing because i wouldn't put it past the Police to arrest someone for singing The Sash or Derry's Walls.

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Poor show Rangers. By all means ban these two supporters if they are found guilty of singing a proven sectarian song, but to do so BEFORE the second guy has even gone to trial is a disgrace.

What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? This kind of thing was always going to happen, there has been a huge increase in Police presence in and around the Subway station on matchdays. I would certainly be interested to know what songs the men were singing because i wouldn't put it past the Police to arrest someone for singing The Sash or Derry's Walls.

I'd also like to see the names of the policeman that carried out the arrest.

Constable Declan :sherlock:

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What has singing on the subway got to do with Rangers

Who the fuck do they think they are!!!

While the singing of some songs may be offensive when women and children are around, just what has it to do with Rangers, and how can they ban people for something done on the Subway, ffs they could have been at Cowcaddens, hardly adjacent to Ibrox is it?

Where does it all stop, I once sang TBB at a party in my house your honour, will I get banned too.

Does this attitude not open the floodgates for every Shettleston harrier to masquerade as a bear, sing sectarian songs and bring more disgrace on our club?


But they weren't in their house. Two season ticket holders on match day it says in the report. So I think we can assume that they were travelling to the match, rather than Christmas shopping. In which case it has everything to do with Rangers as the actions of supporters travelling to matches very much reflects on the club's image. It's been made clear the this sort of behaviour isn't going to be tolerated so the outcome isn't exactly a surprise

One of those involved pled guilty. In the other's case there is an argument that the issue shouldn't be prejudged before the court case. OTOH there are many situations where a person will be suspended from an activity if they have been charged with a criminal offence relating to it. If he is acquitted then clearly the club should remove the banning order and if it didn't that would be a cause for concern.

If supporters think they have a right to sing offensive songs in enclosed spaces like an underground station where there may be women and children about, then they shouldn't complain when they find out that's not the case.

Go and watch Rugby

There are women and Children in football stadiums and in the house watching tv where there is swearing and shouting

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Well if they were to send police onto supporter buses, into supporters clubs ect before games and especially on the 27th what are they gonna do?

Take every supporters season ticket off them and ban them?

It's ridiculous, what were they sing that was that bad. There are far worse crimes happening throughout the country and that what the police do with there time. Rangers are no better they let us fan down a little to often, when we choose to stick by them through thick and thin.

What is our club coming to these days?

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Well if they were to send police onto supporter buses, into supporters clubs ect before games and especially on the 27th what are they gonna do?

Take every supporter season ticket off them and ban them?

It's ridiculous, what were they sing that was that bad. There are far worse crimes happening throughout the country and that what the police do with there time. Rangers are no better they let us fan down a little to often, when we choose to stick by them through thick and thin.

What is our club coming to these days?

Exactly, ID LOVE to see what would happen if 50,000 at ibrox all sang 'sectarian songs'.. they couldn't ban everyone :lol:

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Considering a thread boab made a while back about what he did to a fan at ibrox, its rather ironic he should make this thread :lol:

He was probably delighted.

I never really felt any emotion about the story, was just surprised it hadn't been posted while I was at work.

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What has singing on the subway got to do with Rangers

Who the fuck do they think they are!!!

While the singing of some songs may be offensive when women and children are around, just what has it to do with Rangers, and how can they ban people for something done on the Subway, ffs they could have been at Cowcaddens, hardly adjacent to Ibrox is it?

Where does it all stop, I once sang TBB at a party in my house your honour, will I get banned too.

Does this attitude not open the floodgates for every Shettleston harrier to masquerade as a bear, sing sectarian songs and bring more disgrace on our club?


But they weren't in their house. Two season ticket holders on match day it says in the report. So I think we can assume that they were travelling to the match, rather than Christmas shopping. In which case it has everything to do with Rangers as the actions of supporters travelling to matches very much reflects on the club's image. It's been made clear the this sort of behaviour isn't going to be tolerated so the outcome isn't exactly a surprise

One of those involved pled guilty. In the other's case there is an argument that the issue shouldn't be prejudged before the court case. OTOH there are many situations where a person will be suspended from an activity if they have been charged with a criminal offence relating to it. If he is acquitted then clearly the club should remove the banning order and if it didn't that would be a cause for concern.

If supporters think they have a right to sing offensive songs in enclosed spaces like an underground station where there may be women and children about, then they shouldn't complain when they find out that's not the case.


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What has singing on the subway got to do with Rangers

Who the fuck do they think they are!!!

While the singing of some songs may be offensive when women and children are around, just what has it to do with Rangers, and how can they ban people for something done on the Subway, ffs they could have been at Cowcaddens, hardly adjacent to Ibrox is it?

Where does it all stop, I once sang TBB at a party in my house your honour, will I get banned too.

Does this attitude not open the floodgates for every Shettleston harrier to masquerade as a bear, sing sectarian songs and bring more disgrace on our club?


But they weren't in their house. Two season ticket holders on match day it says in the report. So I think we can assume that they were travelling to the match, rather than Christmas shopping. In which case it has everything to do with Rangers as the actions of supporters travelling to matches very much reflects on the club's image. It's been made clear the this sort of behaviour isn't going to be tolerated so the outcome isn't exactly a surprise

One of those involved pled guilty. In the other's case there is an argument that the issue shouldn't be prejudged before the court case. OTOH there are many situations where a person will be suspended from an activity if they have been charged with a criminal offence relating to it. If he is acquitted then clearly the club should remove the banning order and if it didn't that would be a cause for concern.

If supporters think they have a right to sing offensive songs in enclosed spaces like an underground station where there may be women and children about, then they shouldn't complain when they find out that's not the case.

You are assuming they were travelling to the match, and while they probably were, and I know one of them admitted to the offence, but my point is how can Rangers ban fans who are outwith their control/stadium or surrounds thereof. It is making this a bloody police state, and where does it end, does it mean somone caught singing a "banned" song anywhere on the planet can be banned from Ibrox?

While I don't agree with many of the songs and they shouldn't be sung at a match in the stadium, and indeed IMO is they shouldn't be sung at all, I do defend an individuals right to sing them.

Yes, I agree that I am assuming they were travelling to the match but it does seem very likely. If they were not I would agree that the club should not have taken action but I'd want some pretty decent evidence (if I was the club) that they weren't.

As for the songs sung, this is obviously an important issue and it should come out in the court case. I totally agree that if we are talking about the Sash or Derry's Wall that would be serious cause for concern. If those are sectarian, then every Scotland supporter should be arrested for singing the "racist" Flower of Scotland. One of those involved has pled guilty though

Talking about what is sung on supporters buses is pretty irrelevant - all the people on the bus are there by choice and should know what is likely to be sung. Can't see why the police would be interested. Public transport is completely different

I notice someone saying that it should be regarded as a "civil case". UEFA's terminology is a bit confusing here as clearly if we are talking about the police being involved that is called a criminal case in this country and most definitely not civil, but I think they meant something different. It is a civil issue in the sense that a commercial company such as Rangers is perfectly entitled to refuse a customer who they feel is bringing their name into disrepute. Nobody has right of admission to Ibrox. If you wanted to complain about GAP's use of labour in developing countries then it wouldn't matter whether you were shouting about it inside the shop or out in the street, they'd still ban you from entering their premises

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Without information as to the content of the songs its hard to draw any interpretation.

The legislation is quite clear that the sectarian element must be an aggravation of another offence.

The Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2003 is a wide-ranging act covering a variety of criminal justice-related issues. It includes at section 74 a provision on offences aggravated by religious prejudice.

Section 74 (2) specifies that an offence is aggravated by religious prejudice if;

a) at the time of committing the offence or immediately before or after doing so, the offender evinces towards the victim (if any) of the offence, malice or ill-will based on the victim's membership (or presumed membership) of a religious group, or of a social or cultural group with a perceived religious affiliation; or

b) the offence is motivated (wholly or partly) by malice and ill-will towards members of a religious group, or of a social or cultural group with a perceived religious affiliation, based on their membership of that group.

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As it says in the quoted article, Rangers and the British Transport Police are actively sharing information therefore I would assume Rangers have seen the videos? Also, I doubt there could be much doubt that 2 season-ticket holders in Ibrox Underground station, probably wearing the colours, were going to the game.

However, I do think banning the guy before his case is heard might be a step to far.

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That really is a shocking reaction from the club. I feel sorry for the guys - immediately banned for life from the matches of the club you love because of singing in a subway station.

Surely a warning system would be more appropriate as Manti suggested.

Btw, should the police not be more concerned about other things? Maybe focus on real criminals and not on "songsingers"?

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i agree with most if the posters think its a poor show from gers to ban someone till his case has been heard maybe a suspension till the case has been dealt with then a full apology in the rangers news when/if the guys found not guilty of singing whats deemed by others sectarian

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Guest Andypendek

It's disappointing to see the reaction from the majority on here. Especially the poster who claimed the hierarchy don't care about the club, only money. What they are doing is desperately trying to head off trouble for the club - as I've posted repeatedly waving all the flags you like won't get you in the good books of the establishment in this country, and in this day and age our repertoire (any of it) is not acceptable when belted out in public areas.

It's my opinion that anywhere up to 100 young men, a bit excited and quite possible 'refreshed' bouncing and singing on the tube is out of order anyway - no doubt I'm a big poof who should get out more, swearing in all walks of life blah blah blah: aye fine, well, don't claim you're better than the tims then, cause putting the frighteners on old women and kids is what I'd expect from them. And don't bother wasting your time denying it: if you don't realise how much it unnerves non-football fans you must, to coin a phrase I never thought I'd use, have yer heid in the sand.

It's this total failure to realise that some behaviour is (and always has been) anti-social and loutish that depresses me the most. 'I used to do it! What's the big deal?' Well, you shouldn't have done it on the bus then and I'm glad you're being stopped from doing it now! There's a time and a place...in your own home (assuming you don't give a fuck about your neighbours), at the game, in a lodge, wherever. On a tube? On a bus? It's not right and I would like very much to see it stopped.

The clubhas taken action against these 2 (very unlucky) fellas to hopefully jolt the rest of us into behaving in a civillised fashion when heading to the match. The club has taken this action to protect itself against sanction by BTP or govt. How would you feel if a ban came into place on football traffic on the tube between 2 and 3 on a Saturday? They can do it, and they probably would do it if Rangers FC stood by and did nothing.

It's pointless blaming it on GCC, the media, whoever. Behaving loutishly should not ever be acceptable to someone who is representing Rangers. As Capt Jack Sparrow put it so well, 'Gentlemen, look to your own fortunes.'

I at least salute the police (for once) for taking action; I salute Rangers for doing likewise. This is a societal issue, and unlike others who prefer to blow a wee tune on the penny whistle and look the other way, Rangers are attempting to change things for the better.

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