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Posts posted by Unionblue

  1. 6 minutes ago, The Specky Liar said:

    Publicly calling out the board again :lol:

    “I have been trying to be as forceful as I can about what we need to bring in, and the challenges we have had are well chronicled. Irrespective of the result tonight, we still need reinforcements. We had a really young squad out there, young players on the bench. It’s not a situation we need to be in.”


  2. The Nats have what's left of the Scottish media by the nuts, we don't have any journalist with the guts to stand up  to them, lest they fall off the tartan gravy train, the  tartan thought police are well and truly in charge of our country.


    Krankie seems to be playing right into the hands of the destructive bigots in the hot air shop, that will never end well.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Darth Bear said:

    'We will fight until the day is done'

    'No surrender'

    Might as well drop those going by the way some are acting :lol:

    So what if the authorities and media are a bunch of hypocrites call them out on it don't become a hypocrite yourself. It was not that long ago that we were all saying that it was wrong to blame thousands for the acts of a moronic few but it seems that has been forgotten by some.


    I think your quotes are well out of their historic context, let's not forget that the Jacobites never had any allegiance to our kind and never will, the national team and its fan base are never going to be Rangers friendly at this stage, that's simply reality, I'm more for the polarisation than any attempts at integration with them at this stage of my life, in short, fuck them.

  4. 25 minutes ago, MVRanger said:

    Some right pish being written in this thread. Wasn't that long ago we had Walter Smith and Alex McLeish at the helm and 5 or 6 Gers players as first picks. Even now - when most of Rangers squad is non Scottish there are still plenty of Bluenoses in and around the squad. There is no way I abandon my national team to the ebb and flow of politics or the attempted hi-jacking by beardy right-on nationalists or wee anti- Rangers gimps. Time to take back the national team (and flag)and stop caving in to the haters  - that is playing right into their hands.

    Good luck mate,  I'm afraid you might be fighting a very long fight there.

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