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Colin Traive

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Posts posted by Colin Traive

  1. 22 minutes ago, SkylineBlue said:

    Rodgers' plan has worked a treat. He's thrown out the John Beaton line as red meat to the brain dead hoardes in order to distract from his own failings and they're fucking lapping it up. They're as thick as pig shit.

    The refs association have released a statement this afternoon saying almost exactly that!

    And the scum statement (yes, they’re back to asking for ‘clarification’ again :lol:) is designed to pre-empt Brenda getting hauled up for his comments.

    Retaliate first - the scum way :megaanguish:

  2. 1 hour ago, Jakes Pal said:

    This is why it is important that despite the priority obviously being on the Title, we should still be giving it everything in the European games. This round alone will be worth several million to the Club, same again if we get through, we need to get as much cash from the Euro run this season as the Title and the CL jackpot is obviously by no means guaranteed.

    He mentioned last night the importance of developing more young players.

    Said that some of the kids he brought through in Belgium and Monaco went on to play for Real Madrid and clubs in the Bundesliga.

    Thats part of his thinking for our future.

    Didn't sound like we were a stepping stone, more like a substantial long term project.

    Went down very well with the assembled bears.

  3. 4 hours ago, McEwan's Lager said:

    Allegedly Clement said at the Souness night that the transfer budget in January was £0, and we had to be creative with our signings.

    I wasn’t there so can’t confirm but that’s been said on FF.

    He was quite open about it. Was told at the outset he would have ‘zero to spend’ (his exact words).

  4. 17 hours ago, westenclosure2008 said:

    Would you now like to agree that this is the stupidest idea any club in a title race has came up with? 

    Nope. Looking forward to it even more after a weekend where we have marginally improved our position.


  5. Danilo, Sima, Cortes, Cantwell.:ang:

    The only fit forward left is the one we’d happily sacrifice.

    Take the equivalent players from the scum squad and see how they’d cope.

    Cortes, Diomande and Silva have helped since joining but we’ve lost one of them already.

    Every week that passes, the decision to overlook Shankland and Armstrong looks like a false economy given the money that a league title would earn us.

    Be interesting to see SFA reaction to Clement’s “kicked off the park” comments.

    Pretty disrespectful (although accurate) and we’ve seen managers pulled up for comments like this in the past.

    If they don’t take him to task, does that mean that they know he’s spot on?

  6. 11 hours ago, the brown brogue said:

    Cortes will be relieved he's only on loan, at least he can go back to his parent club for treatment. We must be the worst club in the world for diagnosis and recovery and then turning slight knocks into long term absences.

    Revealed : the entire Rangers medical treatment supply kit.


  7. 21 minutes ago, SeparateEntityMyArse said:

    Rotation is to try to stop players burning out, picking up injuries, getting fitness back. Which is fine if we're building up to a grand finale. But we're not. We're not likely to get to Dublin, and the SC is the least value of the 3 competitions we're still in. Rotating in the league, and getting scares like at Killie then punished yesterday could hurt us to the extent that we don't even get to the final league game still in contention.

    The league games need to be prioritised. There's 60m reasons at stake as to why.


    I really don’t think he has a choice.

    He has a squad of journeymen who are either carrying a knock but playing through it or are recovering from injury and nowhere near fully fit.

    Or guys like Jack and Roofe, good for ten minutes every three months.

    Had we not suffered a ridiculous number of injuries, players like Lawrence, McCausland, Wright, Raskin wouldn’t be near the first team right now and I’m not convinced that Lundstram is 100% right now either.

    He doesn’t have the luxury of choice, it’s about getting eleven men on the pitch, as close to being fit as possible.

    No other team or manager would be where we are with such carnage in terms of injuries and a medical team who seem unable to get injured players back for months at a time.

  8. 1 hour ago, TheKingObv said:

    The quality in our starting XI is laughable at the moment in all honesty.

    You arent winning any titles with Dessers up top with Mccausland and Sterling on the wings. 

    Ironic that scum fans are moaning about underinvestment while a few million on Shankland and Armstrong would have saved us from your scenario and put us in a hugely stronger position.

  9. 29 minutes ago, bluenoz said:

    At this stage, with less than potentially 20 games to go, I don't agree with squad rotation. The best players play and get us over the line.

    People want to always agree with Clement. Of course, I get that. I'm not sure this is one of those correct decisions.

    To be fair, it’s not rotation for rotation’s sake.

    The injury situation is so horrendous (and getting worse, not better) that he’s trying to give as many players as many minutes as he can so that we can still field eleven players and fill the subs bench.

    As for Cantwell and McCausland getting kicked out the game, just imagine the outcry had that been Furuhashi and O’Riley.

    The Motherwell players crossed the line between pressuring and fouling on umpteen occasions today but it went completely unpunished.

    Injuries and corrupt officiating remain bigger obstacles to us than the scum.

  10. 2 hours ago, .Williamson. said:

    I don’t, especially if we’ve put them 5 behind again and McGregor is out now 

    Do we know McGregor’s injury?

    Be good if he missed quite a few, he controls that team.

  11. 24 minutes ago, Jakes Pal said:

    Be interesting to see if Clement makes changes again or sticks with the team that started second half against Killie and was obviously so much stronger than the team that started. I would also imagine/hope that our passing and movement will be a vast improvement from Wednesday now that we are back on a near perfect surface at home. Unusually for me, I think we could win this one by a few and hopefully send out another wee message to those desperately waiting for a slip up from us.

    He’s worked wonders so far considering the absence of two forwards who would almost certainly be first picks and adding Cortes to the injury list makes his job even harder.

    I wish we were like other teams where players miss two or three games when injured - at Ibrox, it seems to be half a season at least minimum.😡

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