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Falkirk 3 vs. 3 Celtic (***Minute's silnce ruined***)


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this was my email to sky. i feeli covered most of the main issues

I am emailing you to inform you of the disgust felt by the majority of the Rangers support at sky sports. You have clearly muted the sound of the celtic support today(08/11/09)at the minute silence in memory of our war dead. It has become apparent that there where celtic fans outside the ground the chanting pro-IRA songs which we could not hear on your channel. Its ironic how you have took away the liberty of free speech and demonstration from the celtic fans today, notice that these are the very liberties in fact that our war dead fought and died for over the past century. The reason we know you did mute the volume is we have friends and family accross the globe who where watching online,austrailian tv and such. So please do not insult our inteligence when you do reply by saying somrthing along the lines of "we did no such thing" or anything similar, IT WILL NOT WASH. These fans are a disgrace and us Rangers supporters are outraged at your actions. Basically you have protected the club from being embarresed by their pro IRA support, which in turn makes the us believe that sky sports are pro-celtic and therefore anti-Rangers. I do look forward to your reply or excuse should i say.

Why do you have to mention anything about the "Rangers support"? This is an issue that has nothing to do with Rangers, so the name of our club should be left out.

Also, I think you have insulted your own "inteligence" by misspelling intelligence, and you should be "embarresed" :P

the reason i did mention rangers is that sky where quick enuf to show the scenes in romania. if u report crowd trouble on 1 side of the city then u have to report it on the other side. imagine this happened at ibrox yesterday by our own support-front page news my friend. as for my spelling-who cares. im sure there are others in my email. its not a writing contest

But it was an incident that Rangers have nothing to do with.

What would you say if Celtic wrote to Sky on Wednesday saying "As a celtic fan i'm outraged by the actions of Rangers against Unirea"?

Second part about spelling was tongue in cheek.

ano it was, sorry.

ok, i take ur point. however celtic fans did the exact same thing 2 us wen the dunoon boys were on soccer am. tims complained in their 100's about the boy saying the score wud be 16-9 (implying 1690 apparently). its just so frustrating that they get away with everything and we get away with nothing. even the biggest tv broadcaster in the uk covered up their shame today. wat can us bears do but fight fire with fire?

(tu) Quite right to complain, I have done so myself. Also sent the video and story to a few newspapers. Doubt anything will be done or said, unless tomorrow is a slow news days.

ive sent the youtube video to sky and also to clyde1 superscoreboard, lets see if peter martin & co just ignore it

I also included the video, but it looks like it has been took off of youtube. Liewells brush is out already.

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this was my email to sky. i feeli covered most of the main issues

I am emailing you to inform you of the disgust felt by the majority of the Rangers support at sky sports. You have clearly muted the sound of the celtic support today(08/11/09)at the minute silence in memory of our war dead. It has become apparent that there where celtic fans outside the ground the chanting pro-IRA songs which we could not hear on your channel. Its ironic how you have took away the liberty of free speech and demonstration from the celtic fans today, notice that these are the very liberties in fact that our war dead fought and died for over the past century. The reason we know you did mute the volume is we have friends and family accross the globe who where watching online,austrailian tv and such. So please do not insult our inteligence when you do reply by saying somrthing along the lines of "we did no such thing" or anything similar, IT WILL NOT WASH. These fans are a disgrace and us Rangers supporters are outraged at your actions. Basically you have protected the club from being embarresed by their pro IRA support, which in turn makes the us believe that sky sports are pro-celtic and therefore anti-Rangers. I do look forward to your reply or excuse should i say.

Why do you have to mention anything about the "Rangers support"? This is an issue that has nothing to do with Rangers, so the name of our club should be left out.

Also, I think you have insulted your own "inteligence" by misspelling intelligence, and you should be "embarresed" :P

the reason i did mention rangers is that sky where quick enuf to show the scenes in romania. if u report crowd trouble on 1 side of the city then u have to report it on the other side. imagine this happened at ibrox yesterday by our own support-front page news my friend. as for my spelling-who cares. im sure there are others in my email. its not a writing contest

But it was an incident that Rangers have nothing to do with.

What would you say if Celtic wrote to Sky on Wednesday saying "As a celtic fan i'm outraged by the actions of Rangers against Unirea"?

Second part about spelling was tongue in cheek.

ano it was, sorry.

ok, i take ur point. however celtic fans did the exact same thing 2 us wen the dunoon boys were on soccer am. tims complained in their 100's about the boy saying the score wud be 16-9 (implying 1690 apparently). its just so frustrating that they get away with everything and we get away with nothing. even the biggest tv broadcaster in the uk covered up their shame today. wat can us bears do but fight fire with fire?

(tu) Quite right to complain, I have done so myself. Also sent the video and story to a few newspapers. Doubt anything will be done or said, unless tomorrow is a slow news days.

I am starting a petition on Monday/Tuesday as I said earlier in the week wityh the "Celtic supporting terrorists" thread - Canadaready know about it as I spoke with him - and my facebook Bears also, so keep your eyes open and any video or youtubeclips send to my email - same as my profile states thanks !





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What a disgrace:

I recognize that voice that's that guy Juan, Juan ghuy.

Surely you all know him, he's the guy that causes all the problems.

aye but it wasnt exactly one voice was it?

if there is a recognisable voice, he should be fucked for it

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look what this delusional idiot is saying...

(Tim) - Not acknowleding a minutes silence wen pope john paul died. Pretty scummy I'd say. I'm not defendin the people disruptin the silence but ur fans are far from perfect. Very far from it

the pope has nothing to do with football.

respecting the families who lost their family and respecting the dead is a national thing to do, It affected all our familes, and to disrespect that is disgusting.

Celtic FC - ashamed by nothing. offended by everything.

(Tim) - Ur right the pope has nothing to do with football. So why do ur fans sing fuck the pope at football matches? And the war doesn't have anythin to do with football either. Disrespecting a minutes silence for the pope is also disgusting.


So why do they get offended when we sing fuck the pope?

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Has anyone got a reply from Sky Sports or anywhere else you've complained to?

I haven't gotten a reply from Sky back yet.

Yeah, they replied. This was it:

Dear Mr Marwick,

Sweep, sweep, nothing to see here.

Yours sincerely,


p.s. please don't cancel your subscription.

Nah, nothing yet mate, and I'm not holding my breath. They should reply though, very unprofessional if they don't. I will pursue it if I don't hear back from them.

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What a disgrace:

I recognize that voice that's that guy Juan, Juan ghuy.

Surely you all know him, he's the guy that causes all the problems.

aye but it wasnt exactly one voice was it?

if there is a recognisable voice, he should be fucked for it

It was probably Dr Deaths voice you heard, fuck all will happen

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What a disgrace:

I recognize that voice that's that guy Juan, Juan ghuy.

Surely you all know him, he's the guy that causes all the problems.

aye but it wasnt exactly one voice was it?

if there is a recognisable voice, he should be fucked for it

Whooooosshh! :D

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What a disgrace:

I recognize that voice that's that guy Juan, Juan ghuy.

Surely you all know him, he's the guy that causes all the problems.

aye but it wasnt exactly one voice was it?

if there is a recognisable voice, he should be fucked for it

Whooooosshh! :D

Just what I was thinking lol :D

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Has anyone got a reply from Sky Sports or anywhere else you've complained to?

I haven't gotten a reply from Sky back yet.

Yeah, they replied. This was it:

Dear Mr Marwick,

Sweep, sweep, nothing to see here.

Yours sincerely,


p.s. please don't cancel your subscription.

Nah, nothing yet mate, and I'm not holding my breath. They should reply though, very unprofessional if they don't. I will pursue it if I don't hear back from them.

I think I will aswell (tu)

I still cannot believe their disgusting behaviour was covered up today. It seems like every day on the news we are hearing that another one of our Soldiers has tragically died in Afghanistan. Yet, on the one day a year where we all sit in silence to remember those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom, terrorist fc can't keep their scummy gobs shut!

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What a disgrace:

I recognize that voice that's that guy Juan, Juan ghuy.

Surely you all know him, he's the guy that causes all the problems.

Cheers for that. I heard it on the radio but Mr Jools was working today & missed it.

Unbelievable - Scum!

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I will put this up again as I said I would start a petition this week - sxo I am still going to attempt to get Britain behind us for a change, please look out for the petition and remember we always get the stick for minor songs etc. they get away week in week out with cheering for terrorists !

Nothing you don't know -but how many other sets of fans don't know the score ? It is about time all clubs and public know the Celtic ways !!!

Hallo - I am a Rangers fanatic and live in Spain - work offshore - and thought that the gesture Rangers FC done last week at Ibrox by letting 1200 troops in free and they got on the pitch at half time with the full regalia and Gers scarves - It brough a tear to a glass eye haha.

Celtic of course refused to do this, as they have refused to wear poppies yet due to peer pressure they really had to but they still refuse to wave the Scottish Saltire at their ground......I hate them - not ALL Celtic fans as I have a few good mates that are thick - a mean Celtic lol but these ones who chant for the IRA and even the chairman John Reid who sent boys to war - he was defence minister of Northern Ireland - in fact he has changed his politics more than Rangers have one the league lol (52 by the way) yet he allows websites(official Celtic websites) to print - hate campaigns against the troops - cut out figures with troops in Gers top getting carried into medics and so on.....I could go on and on and on but I just like to let all of Britain know John Reid was taught the guitar by George Galloway (Hold on I will cut n paste this from wikkipedia it is unbelievable man )

Wikkipedia - look up this infi - 100% true... Read more

Wikkipedia - if you don't believe this !

According to George Galloway, Reid is an accomplished singer and guitar player and "taught a whole generation of Labour activists, including yours truly, the entire IRA songbook". The claim about his musicianship is supported by the fact that, in January 2001, he was named an honorary member of the Scottish group "The Big Elastic Band" and promised to play guitar on their next album[8]. He was an early member of Labour Friends of Israel.[9]

The Self proclaimed best fans in the world Celtic - want fek all to do with Britain that is clear - no poppies and show no remorse - they cannot even hold a minutes silence, very sad people.

So how do we get this message out to the ones that think it is just Rangers/Celtic BS as they hate each other ?

Sorry if I am going on a bit but I am always around so PM anytime or get on Rangers Media where I write articles and if you feel angry, or have an opinion on something let me know mate.......I had an email with a title "How well the old firm have done" straight away I returned it and sent him a power of tim's hate campaign stuff and pics of them doing certain things I wouldn't print here....he came back and wrote I never knew any of this such hatred went on - I am sorry and please wipe my article ! I did but then told him to read all the info and then write the truth bro !

All the best and No Surrender to us the chosen ones ! sorry to blab on so much but this means so much to me and with our troops out there we all support you as you know BUT for people in our homeland to spew so much bile to people is a disgrace and the SAS should go in and nail them - as they are not only supplying the rag heads with ammo,guns etc they are trying to work out how to bring chaos among the Spanish with ETA ns well as Al Quieda, but they don't realise how many bridges they have burned - so as I say I don't hate many people but this sly sleeket eejits I do.

Paul AKA Costablancabear - May God be With You !


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Anyone listening on the radio hear it?

I had Radio Scotland on in the car and I'm sure I heard them singing Boys of the Old Brigade. Commentators said the noise came from fans who stayed outside the ground during the minute's silence and came into the stadium afterwards.

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Anyone listening on the radio hear it?

I had Radio Scotland on in the car and I'm sure I heard them singing Boys of the Old Brigade. Commentators said the noise came from fans who stayed outside the ground during the minute's silence and came into the stadium afterwards.

I've read this a few times, and I still can't for the life of me work out what difference it makes. Even if all the noise was from outside (which it wasn't - watch the video), what bloody difference does it make? Celtc fans disrupted a minute's silence with IRA supporting songs. Fucking scum. :mad:

Not having a go at you fergie, I realise you're just telling us what the radio were saying (tu)

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What a disgrace:

I recognize that voice that's that guy Juan, Juan ghuy.

Surely you all know him, he's the guy that causes all the problems.

Cheers for that. I heard it on the radio but Mr Jools was working today & missed it.

Unbelievable - Scum!

Fair play to the Falkirk fans for not taking the bait, they remained silent until the silence was over then vented their feelings at the scum.

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