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Rhys McCabe


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Green's stance of Players being in breach of contract if they refused to transfer to Newco was exactly what we and they didnt need to hear.If we are to start again in a lower Div it would have been easier to accept losing our top earners and retaining the youngsters as our new foundation but Green's confrontational stance seems to have put paid to that.

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Before he is heavily criticised, how do we know that he has been offered his contract to transfer? He may have been offered a new, reduced terms contract?

We cannot guarantee that these players are being offered to transfer contracts? No one has told us anything?

Just food for thought, which might well be bollocks, but food for thought nonetheless.

Under TUPE rules they must be offered a position on the same terms as the old company!

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Well as many have said looks like the flood gates are open,,,,,,,,,,and as mentioned he actually came out and said he was staying with us......................wonder how these real Rangers men with the money and the love for the club are feeling tonight.............this could have been nipped in the bud 18 months ago.

Fucking scquabbling over a couple of million in the overall scheme of things............well if McCabe is for the off that could ahve been a couple of Million in a couple fo years and when the others see that players have declined and the dye is set and they can make more money they will also say bye bye.

I knwo it is their money...the fans who tried to buy us.......but as said for a couple of million for ffs sake you lot never casued this , but by fuck you could have stopped it.:angry:

And re McCabe and spud-u-like where has this come from and surely the bot being a Bluenose should know what a slap this would be and also if spud-u-like wanted him others with money to offer would want him.:angry:

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Well as many have said looks like the flood gates are open,,,,,,,,,,and as mentioned he actually came out and said he was staying with us......................wonder how these real Rangers men with the money and the love for the club are feeling tonight.............this could have been nipped in the bud 18 months ago.

Fucking scquabbling over a couple of million in the overall scheme of things............well if McCabe is for the off that could ahve been a couple of Million in a couple fo years and when the others see that players have declined and the dye is set and they can make more money they will also say bye bye.

I knwo it is their money...the fans who tried to buy us.......but as said for a couple of million for ffs sake you lot never casued this , but by fuck you could have stopped it.:angry:

And re McCabe and spud-u-like where has this come from and surely the bot being a Bluenose should know what a slap this would be and also if spud-u-like wanted him others with money to offer would want him.:angry:

John Brown probably scouted him, thats how bad it's fucking getting mate.

Absolutely shocking :disappointment:

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John Brown probably scouted him, thats how bad it's fucking getting mate.

Absolutely shocking :disappointment:

Having a good friday.few budvars David Bowie on all night BBC channel 4 .....then flicked on here and saqw the McCabe thing :( and re John Brown what an appointment in the first place from Ally................really is jobs for pals in football :(

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Having a good friday.few budvars David Bowie on all night BBC channel 4 .....then flicked on here and saqw the McCabe thing :( and re John Brown what an appointment in the first place from Ally................really is jobs for pals in football :(

Always has been always will be and it's not right.

I remember I was on a course once and Dave B.......... ,an ex player was there.

He shouted and swore at the kids the whole way through and was out of order to be honest.

Did he get his badge, yes but some failed for no reason, good coaches.

I passed probably with luck but he passed as he was an ex player.

Jobs for the boys indeed (tu)

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Someone mentioned it on here. I'm not usually one to read and believe what I read on here but I suspected it was true with him, turns out I was right to think it might be. :anguish:

Fucking sickening if any of our players join that lot :(:(:(

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D&P have stated (im pretty sure) that they have legal advice that all contracts will be transfered over. Obviously the players union are goign to challenge that. I would sway with D&P on this one, surely they cant be that incompetent to understand if £20m+ of 'assets' in the players is legally transferrable or not.

surely it cant be that hard to clear up, surely it's clearly stated in the TUPE regulations, its a rather obvious point, not like its some obscure loophole.

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Rhys McCabe and one other as-yet un-named player have lodged official objections to their transfer from the old Rangers Football Club to the newco.

As part of Charles Green's consortium's asset purchase, players' contracts have been transferred to the new company.

Employment law entitles players to the same terms they had under the old company or allows them to exercise a right not to transfer across.

The identity of the other player has not yet been established by BBC Sport.

A number of players are known to be weighing up their options, though Lee McCulloch is one who has stated his intention to move to the newco.

Several factors will be taken into account by the players, not least the fact they do not yet know if they will have a league to play in.

They do know Rangers will not play any European football for at least three years.

The players were sent letters by Green asking them to report back to the club on Thursday, also the day they are due to receive their first full monthly salary since agreeing to wage cuts at the outset of administration.

Thursday is a key date then, because employment law experts suggest that either turning up for work or indeed accepting their salary would weaken their case if they were to subsequently object to the transfer.

McCabe and the other player lodged lawyers' letters with the club on Friday, informing them of their intentions not to be part of the new set-up.

It is believed McCabe intends to pursue his career in England.

It is another blow for Green, who is battling against a perception among supporters - not helped by the failure of Walter Smith's consortium to buy his investors out - that he does not have the good of the club at heart.

Green has stated that he believes under TUPE regulations the players are obliged to transfer to the newco, but the players' union PFA Scotland insists they are entitled to walk away as free agents.

The players will have to have their registration transferred from the Scottish Football Association, which could yet be challenged by Rangers, and would inevitably lead to a lengthy legal battle.

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