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Just wow. Next stage in blame Rangers really vamped up


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Had this happened the way PC Plum suggests, we all know what would have went down- heads would've been cracked (gleefully by plod), CS spray would've been used (liberally), and arrests would have been made.

This would've been headline news on Saturday night and the mhedia wouldn't have shut up about it since.

It is pure unadulterated lies! And must be challenged. 

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Ridiculous, yes they where blocked from getting to Hampden, as just like any other game with 50,000 people at it, there was very heavy traffic outside after the match and they where stuck in a traffic jam.

So it's basically Rangers fans fault for not being able to beam themselves directly from the ground to their choose destination.


Obviously they could of gotten out and walked but unfortunately whoever was in charge was unable to work that one out for themselves. 

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Everyone should email the Daily Record stating you won't be buying their paper or visiting their website after this. make them aware the " journalist " on Twitter is calling us H*** and ask if the journalist has sources to back up this story.

Also email Police Scotland and ask if they back up this version of events. I imagine they won't.

If this is the case the journalist will be exposed and left out to dry by the paper.

A fucking disgrace. I walked this way home after the game and can honestly say I seen absolutely fuck all. Although I did leave straight after they scored.

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32 minutes ago, Sweetheart said:

Exactly, it sounds like the SFA were cutting corners with security.

Do the clubs, football authorities and the police not have meetings before every big game to cover security issues for the match? I'm not convinced the SFA can just say, no, we won't have a ring of police around the pitch at the final whistle for a Rangers v Hibs final, when they did for  Rangers v Peterhead final. Looks more like a police fuck up to me.

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7 hours ago, scotty1976 said:

I see similarities between this type of report and the infamous Hillsborough report in the Sun. 

Thats scary as fuck. Lots of wee things in that story to bring up hatred against us. "Tactic used in northern ireland", shite like that. Irrelevant and its shite like that that makes me think next time a fan/player will be even more seriously assaulted or killed next time. The similarities in the police/media response between this and hillsborough are staggering.

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The journalist is just the tip of the iceberg the courageous reporting of this fantasy was allowed by those who were obviously told to print from those under pressure for their failings! No prizes for guessing who! A spin job of titanic proportion with all and sundry in it up to their necks!:sherlock:

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Initial outside as the police sat in their vans, angry fans where shouting at them,out of frustration at their being seemingly more police outside than in the ground.

But the mood quickly changed and fans being cheering and applauding the police to support them as they where on their way to tackle the Hibs hooligans.




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The "alleged abuse" they will have got will have been fans shouting get fucking in there,but as usual its made out something its no. Wheres the cctv footage? Mobile phone footage? If there were any it would be out there. Bullshit deflection trying to cast doubt so that this gets branded as hooliganism and goes away

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So hold on let me get this right, this is the same police force who arrest fans for singing a song and like going in all mob handed against a small crowd of supporters.

But they are now claiming they just sat in their vans as a ramping mob of Bears attacked their vans :lol::lol::lol: 

If that even came anywhere close to a ramping mob, they would have poured out their vans and jailed anyone who said anything against them.

Lying scumbags. 

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 a tactic I had only seen in Northern Ireland.

Never seen anybody ever block a police van from moving. Anywhere at all apart from NI?

Some of those quotes were ridiculous. I went past 3 vans sitting on cathcart road and yes, they were getting abuse but they weren't moving and couldnt move because it was a good 10/15 minutes after the whistle and the crowd was massive on the streets. If they put their sirens on and attempted to move maybe, just maybe they might have got through. The damage was already done by that point which was what most people were shouting at them.

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I was always expecting the cover up sweep sweep to be a slow and drawn out process were those with an agenda are hoping we will forget and move on..

I left hampdump about 10 mins after the final whistle after standing in B7 West Stand open mouthed at the scenes being allowed to happen on the pitch..

Once outside I was trying to phone a big mate from Ulster who was near the front of the North Stand (where the BFTE were kicking over the advertising board) and I was unable to get any sort of signal..We had a brief chat about  what we had witnessed  both the football and the antics of the hivs ..He made his way towards Battlefield and I decided to walk down Cathcart road..

Now hindsight is a wonderful thing..But after reading this Bullshit Agenda driven article I do wish that I had videoed the 5 Police riot vans I saw parked on Cathcart Road..No lights or sirens on..Cops actually sitting there looking embarrassed.. Yes the were getting verbal pelters but this entire Daily Record story is a made up piece of fiction and Rangers need to challenge it asap..

The journo makes no attempt to hide what she is..Thanks to the computer wizz guys we have on here we have seen how refers to Rangers Fans and even though she will no doubt be on a massive delete and burn operation right now it's too late hen..

I would however urge caution when dealing with her..We don't want to be accused of more "death threats" and for her and her paper to play that VicTIM card..As has been said in many posts before mine..Where is the proof to back up these claims.??..Why does our Club not take this rag to the courts ??

Mibee it's my Protestant Paranoia kicking in, But this article and the Rhebel putting up this particular journo looks like a trap to me...Play it smart BEARS..  

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19 minutes ago, left winger said:

Do the clubs, football authorities and the police not have meetings before every big game to cover security issues for the match? I'm not convinced the SFA can just say, no, we won't have a ring of police around the pitch at the final whistle for a Rangers v Hibs final, when they did for  Rangers v Peterhead final. Looks more like a police fuck up to me.

there is a category system

A, effectively a low‑risk game with minimal police, maybe none inside the stadium, just on the outskirts.

B is medium risk;

C, which is for high-risk fixtures,  

C+, for increased risk

Ultimately, safety and security is down to the football club and for that their safety officer is in control. as it was at the national stadium the SFA are responsible. The police commander is in charge of police resources, though, and he and the safety officer sit side by side in the control room and work together to ensure overall safety.

But the safety officer has responsibility for anything inside that event. This might mean they turn to the commander and say: "Could you send some officers to that incident as the stewards can't deal with it."

Stewards effectively police the inside of football stadiums. The police support the stewards in that. If a situation went from policing a normal event to disorder breaking out, the police take primacy, but again they would work closely with the club.

I believe the SFA were cutting corners

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8 hours ago, Laudrup1984 said:

This is a game changer. The Daily Record & this reporter MUST be challenged, and challenged immediately on this. If it turns out she is in fact relaying what the police are indeed claiming to have taken place then shit just got real. There will be thousands of Rangers fans, CCTV footage and video cameras attached to officers which will easily clarify this nonsense. So soon after Hillsborough this really has taken this to another level,

If it turns out the reporter and The Daily Record are talking pish then we should take them to the cleaners...........

Spot on.

This smells to me far more like media bullshit than coming from plod. The club NEED to get involved.

Demand the sources are verified as having said this and ban the DR until such times as proof is received.

Demand to know from plod/ inquiry team if individual plod are speaking with press prior to a formal inquiry and demand action taken if so

Demand to know from plod if this is a genuine claim and whether it is part of their reasoning for the abject failure by PSOS after full time.

Prepare a defence strategy to this and request all footage of plod fans have goes to the club.

I reckon this is typical media bull to blame us. But if not, yeah we're potentially going down the Hillsborough route re Police culpability and non admissions 

Very much a game changer.


Just saw the tweets from the journo. It all becomes very very clear.

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I've been on a coiple of different forums already and the general feeling is that we are dirty scummy rats off the back of this. This is the problem with dangerous, lying slanders - it stokes up the hatred for us so we have more days like Motherwell and Hibs there in the future. The media did it the same way with our financial worries and then the EBT nonsense so they could paint a picture that we were cheats and cheated Scottish football.

No-one takes responsibility when it comes to us anymore. We are fair game to everyone and it's only with that last statement the club has started to back the fans, too.

Something needs done and fast because civil war and blood baths are upon us.

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This pile of whitewash started to take arms and legs on Sunday when a spokesperson for pfos said they were sitting outside in vans. Hiding outside in vans was what the questions from people who had just witnessed the worst scenes in 36 years. These people just witnessed a mass assault on Rangers players and were definitely in the dark as to what happened to the Rangers players. It was only evident from the Rangers end where you could see the whole scene unfold as players were swallowed up by the mob. This has got to be challenged by the club. No ifs buts or maybes. 

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36 minutes ago, jdonald755 said:

Everyone should email the Daily Record stating you won't be buying their paper or visiting their website after this. make them aware the " journalist " on Twitter is calling us H*** and ask if the journalist has sources to back up this story.

Also email Police Scotland and ask if they back up this version of events. I imagine they won't.

If this is the case the journalist will be exposed and left out to dry by the paper.

A fucking disgrace. I walked this way home after the game and can honestly say I seen absolutely fuck all. Although I did leave straight after they scored.

Ive said for years that this fucking rag and all the rest should be driven into the ground financially,its the only lesson they will learn.This is one of the rags who had Rangers owing anything from 20 million to 160 million in the EBT tax case.Sums dependant on whatever day of the week it was and based on fuck all but pure hatred of our club.

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The story is from a biased reporter and paper with unnamed sources.

I left the North Stand when the police horses went onto the park.

I went along Somerville Drive and Cathcart Road where thousands of Gers fans were walking.

Police vans were moving slow or stationary because of the volume of fans and a few cars on Cathcart Road. There were no sirens and they made no real effort to get through. They sat on their arses and done fuck all.

Some fans did sarcastically cheered and applauded them for appearing after the trouble on the park was over.

I didn't see anyone preventing Police vans getting through.

No excuses, the Police were fuckin useless. 


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