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The Gardener wants back into football

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24 minutes ago, markem said:

I did not know you where the the to hit out with shit like that Siam, in fact I would go as far as saying I have enjoyed your posts in the past.  Ah well now I know.


It just winds me up people posting mindless shite having a go at McCoist and others. It reminds me of what the taigs do.

See to read some of the posts on here, it's like some people think McCoist didn't give a fuck about succeeding, like he didn't want to do his best for Rangers. Let's just abuse the guy, take the piss outta him, like the taigs.

The guy tried his best, it wasn't good enough for Rangers. Whether that was 100% because he just hasn't got it as a Manager, or partly due to all the other shite he had to contend with outwith the football, which I'd hazard a guess no one on here knows 100%, I don't know. I hope he gets the chance elsewhere where he can concentrate 100% purely on the football.

Sadly I don't think that will make a difference, he's too much a 'joker', wants to be everyone's friend, when sometimes a Manager needs to kick some arse and have a bit of the Jock Wallace about them, nevermind some of his baffling tactical decisions.

But there's no need for this mindless shite directed at him, no one on here knows what he had to put up with, and I hope he's a success somewhere else and proves me wrong.

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Good luck to him. Genuinely hope he does well. A man who stood by us and rallied us in one of our worst periods. 


Thread title is embarrassing though. Using wee pet names that I hear coming out the mouths of the Celtic supporters at work is a fucking joke.

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Ally was clearly out of his depth as a Manager, but not as a goalscorer.

At least he had the balls to give it a go when we were almost down, out and gone.

If he got money whilst on leave then good luck to him, what about the times he went without any wages?

Like I said not cut out for a Manager but his goals were crucial for Rangers and for that I wish him all the best.

Bears should remember that and not turn there anger on an easy target, save that anger for Whyte and Green.

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I sincerely hope he gets a job in management where he only has to worry about football and proves people wrong. He was handed a bag of shit here, I don't think given the same circumstances Alex Ferguson would have been able to do much better. I also hope one day soon we get to hear the truth about what was going on during his time in charge. Go for it Super Ally, nil illegitimi carborundum.

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I remember watching videos of his goals when I was a wee guy. Copying his celebrations etc. He will always be Super Ally to me. Im not about to start calling him the names the taigs use for him. 

I understand some folk don't like him but we don't need the seemingly mandatory slagging thread everytime somecunt reads an article about him 

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At the same time as a post entitled "Unity is our strength" is running in tandem we choose to have a barney amongst ourselves about one of our ex-players.

Putting it down to pre season boredom.

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3 minutes ago, Siam69 said:

It just winds me up people posting mindless shite having a go at McCoist and others. It reminds me of what the taigs do.

See to read some of the posts on here, it's like some people think McCoist didn't give a fuck about succeeding, like he didn't want to do his best for Rangers. Let's just abuse the guy, take the piss outta him.

The guy tried it best, it wasn't good enough for Rangers. Whether that was 100% because he just hasn't got it as a Manger, or partly due to all the other shite he had to contend with outwith the football, which I'd hazard a guess no one on here knows 100%, I don't know. I hope he gets the chance elsewhere where he can concentrate 100% purely on the football.

Sadly I don't think that will make a difference, he's too much a 'joker', wants to be everyone's friend, when sometimes a Manager needs to kick some arse and have a bit of the Jock Wallace about them, nevermind some of his baffling tactical decisions.

But there's no need for this mindless shite directed at him, no one on here knows what he had to put up with, and I hope he's a success somewhere else and proves me wrong.

I do accept much of what you have said and appreciate where you are coming from.  Truth be told I tend not fling my tuppence worth in these types of threads, I honestly don't - yup I took a pop at Ally there granted, was mostly tongue in cheek when posting it.  Having said that I sadly do lack respect for Ally, I won't list reasons and events why, I suppose its a choice between believing he came up short trying his best or otherwise (I'm with regret the latter).  What I do accept is it's time to move on - you are totally right. In the same measure bears that call other bears pricks and similar when they disagree is also mindless shite.

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14 minutes ago, markem said:

I do accept much of what you have said and appreciate where you are coming from.  Truth be told I tend not fling my tuppence worth in these types of threads, I honestly don't - yup I took a pop at Ally there granted, was mostly tongue in cheek when posting it.  Having said that I sadly do lack respect for Ally, I won't list reasons and events why, I suppose its a choice between believing he came up short trying his best or otherwise (I'm with regret the latter).  What I do accept is it's time to move on - you are totally right. In the same measure bears that call other bears pricks and similar when they disagree is also mindless shite.

Fair enough, mate. 

My apologies for my earlier comment, you are right, it was also mindless shite as you say. I just get wound up by what i perceive to be abuse at anything Rangers. 

Apologies again. 

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A great player for Rangers.  A legend.  

As Rangers' Manager a paradox.   Along with Walter S probably the right man in the right place at the right time during the very difficult days of the active harm lot looking to ditch us to Div 3 and the stuff about titles and so on.    But the football was nothing short of wretched for most of the time given the resources that were at his disposal.  The difference between MW and AMcC as football managers of Rangers and of delivering a winning team playing a much better brand of football is so vast in my opinion its beyond measure.  And as for his greed in taking a huge amount of money for the privilege of tending his garden - well the less said the better (and I don't hold with any defence that he was contractually entitled to it - he could have waived that).

I thought his future in football lay as a commentator.   But if he wants to get back into football management the ideal job for him in my view would be as Scotland manager.   Its time for Strachan to move on.   Ally could lift morale, talk the game up with the media, find all sorts of inventive reasons why Scotland could not win - remember the windy days, the bumpy pitches, the artificial surfaces and so on.   He might even play a few Rangers players.    

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Just now, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

As much a fabrication as the gardener's then eh?

Aye but that's what I mean, Every quote Halliday says is painted in red white n blue and taken as gospel. McCoist says practically the same thing and it's uproar. 

Don't get me wrong McCoist was horrific as a manager and it was the worst period in our history but as a player he delivered some of the most special memories in Rangers history. 

It's just putting things in perspective with the majority slagging him for basically for saying the same thing

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1 hour ago, Siam69 said:

It just winds me up people posting mindless shite having a go at McCoist and others. It reminds me of what the taigs do.

See to read some of the posts on here, it's like some people think McCoist didn't give a fuck about succeeding, like he didn't want to do his best for Rangers. Let's just abuse the guy, take the piss outta him, like the taigs.

The guy tried his best, it wasn't good enough for Rangers. Whether that was 100% because he just hasn't got it as a Manager, or partly due to all the other shite he had to contend with outwith the football, which I'd hazard a guess no one on here knows 100%, I don't know. I hope he gets the chance elsewhere where he can concentrate 100% purely on the football.

Sadly I don't think that will make a difference, he's too much a 'joker', wants to be everyone's friend, when sometimes a Manager needs to kick some arse and have a bit of the Jock Wallace about them, nevermind some of his baffling tactical decisions.

But there's no need for this mindless shite directed at him, no one on here knows what he had to put up with, and I hope he's a success somewhere else and proves me wrong.

Yeah but why not just accept ,people don't all think the way you do about Ally .Some of the best posters on here ,now hate the guy .Surely that means something to you .I just hate the petty bitching and squabbles over something that's now in the past 

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Ally was brillant player for us . he was never management material. He was to paly with the players to and  at times he needed step away from that.I appreciate he stuck with us in divison 3 but some of his decisions are dogdy like always playing jig and never playing mckay . I think he best sticking to being pundit on bt sport or adverts cos he no cut out to be a manager .He be legend in my eyes for his playing days .

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1 hour ago, Reformation Bear said:

A great player for Rangers.  A legend.  

As Rangers' Manager a paradox.   Along with Walter S probably the right man in the right place at the right time during the very difficult days of the active harm lot looking to ditch us to Div 3 and the stuff about titles and so on.    But the football was nothing short of wretched for most of the time given the resources that were at his disposal.  The difference between MW and AMcC as football managers of Rangers and of delivering a winning team playing a much better brand of football is so vast in my opinion its beyond measure.  And as for his greed in taking a huge amount of money for the privilege of tending his garden - well the less said the better (and I don't hold with any defence that he was contractually entitled to it - he could have waived that).

I thought his future in football lay as a commentator.   But if he wants to get back into football management the ideal job for him in my view would be as Scotland manager.   Its time for Strachan to move on.   Ally could lift morale, talk the game up with the media, find all sorts of inventive reasons why Scotland could not win - remember the windy days, the bumpy pitches, the artificial surfaces and so on.   He might even play a few Rangers players.    

To be fair, this is the bit i struggle with, I honestly thought he would've waived that when King got in, and I lost a lot of respect for him due to it.

Him not cutting as our Manager I can accept, he obviously tried his best, it wasn't good enough, but not waiving that is different.

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31 minutes ago, eejay the dj said:

Yeah but why not just accept ,people don't all think the way you do about Ally .Some of the best posters on here ,now hate the guy .Surely that means something to you .I just hate the petty bitching and squabbles over something that's now in the past 

I can accept it, I just don't agree with the continual mindless shite, slagging off and abuse posted about him. It reminds me of what the taigs do.

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2 minutes ago, Prso's headband said:

Aye but that's what I mean, Every quote Halliday says is painted in red white n blue and taken as gospel. McCoist says practically the same thing and it's uproar. 

Don't get me wrong McCoist was horrific as a manager and it was the worst period in our history but as a player he delivered some of the most special memories in Rangers history. 

It's just putting things in perspective with the majority slagging him for basically for saying the same thing

And there's a strong point in there. Many will forgive him his failings because of what he did as a player. For me it makes it worse because he knows the expectations and demands and despite being so so far out his depth harmed us by his failings and his actions.

I can easily differentiate the 2. But his recent role was as manager. I'm judging him as a Manager.  He's talking about management not playing. And whilst his abortion of a job at taking us forward is so raw AS A MANAGER I struggle to think of the good times with him as a player.


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