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James Dornan MSP For Cathcart

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Know where I would rather 'do the bouncy'.

Was at the piggery when we won the league there, and during the bouncy it  felt as though the place was about to come down on top of us.

Clearly remember meeting a guy who had been on the building squads, when they built the new stands there and he said that some of the shortcuts taken during the build were shocking.

Perhaps Mr Dornan and his ilk should be looking east, rather than questioning the integrity of our club and infrastructure..



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2 hours ago, eskbankloyal said:

The blog Dornan publicised did, yes. But a range of bloggers have made some pretty serious allegations about directors (&other shareholders) over the past 18 months that offered a perfect opportunity to nail the bloggers but they didn't. 

They have no appetite in any capacity be it personal or as the club. 

The reason they give is that they don't want to give these guys legitimacy & let them become a martyr by doing so. 

This is something that doesn't sit right with me also, I brought up issues last year with Gilligan in regards to ill Phil and he was well aware of who he was and things he had written and gave me the same speel as you posted about giving him the publicity as that is what he wanted.

Given the seriousness of some of these allegations towards the club and former captain, Lack of any action will will start to get people wondering if there is any truth in what is being said, Simply because they refuse to act and instead just ignore in the hope that one day they might just go away.

Rangers boards through the years have a tendency to ignore things like this along with failing to defend the clubs own fanbase at times when needed also, We all seen how quick they reacted when Speirs  opened his mouth about one director.

Some things just never change, But in recent days these allegations are getting well OTT and have to be acted upon. 

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13 hours ago, Howsitgoing said:

This has been debated to death I think. The more important aspect is that of corrupt politicians like dorran and greer. 

I think it's wrong that there is people in this forum that seems to think it's acceptable to call fellow Rangers fans "trash", "not real fans" solely because they voted for a certain political party. 

But the excellent letter that was wrote to one of the corrupt msp is what this thread is about. 

Just because someone claims to support Rangers doesn't make them a decent lovely complete wonderful human being. In fact my old Granddad was a right bugger. But even he would never have supported gaseous fake windbag Nationalists.

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1 hour ago, saintbob1969 said:

Just because someone claims to support Rangers doesn't make them a decent lovely complete wonderful human being. In fact my old Granddad was a right bugger. But even he would never have supported gaseous fake windbag Nationalists.

Rangers have an estimated 8 million supporters worldwide and I suspect your right, not everyone of them will be wonderful human beings. But at least the non wonderful ones have giving themself a decent platform to be one by supporting our club. It is also testament to how diverse our club is that we have 8 million fans worldwide.

There is an estimated 1.4 million fans in the UK, they will not all share the same political spectrum as you.By trying to diminish their credibility to support our club purely because of a political view is diminishing Rangers support as a whole which can only be beneficial to our enemies. 

In saying that Rangers traditional values need to be maintained but it needs to be done with the understanding that not all fans will follow these traditions as wholly as others and to some their political values will be based fundamentally on what's right for their family. 


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9 hours ago, Rangersfansmediawatch said:

This is something that doesn't sit right with me also, I brought up issues last year with Gilligan in regards to ill Phil and he was well aware of who he was and things he had written and gave me the same speel as you posted about giving him the publicity as that is what he wanted.

Given the seriousness of some of these allegations towards the club and former captain, Lack of any action will will start to get people wondering if there is any truth in what is being said, Simply because they refuse to act and instead just ignore in the hope that one day they might just go away.

Rangers boards through the years have a tendency to ignore things like this along with failing to defend the clubs own fanbase at times when needed also, We all seen how quick they reacted when Speirs  opened his mouth about one director.

Some things just never change, But in recent days these allegations are getting well OTT and have to be acted upon. 

No chance of of any of the present board encumbents taking up the cudgel against the enemy, they are not there for that, they are there to nod the head when told and fill the hospitality with their pals. And probably a few of them do business with the dark side so no chance they'll rock the boat, business is business. It's a pity as well because if ever there was a time to have a go at them it's now! But they won't under the phoney guise of 'dignified silence', it should actually be called, 'I'm all right Jack and bugger the rest silence' and and until we get somebody up there with steel in their spine defending the realm unfortunately we'll be stuck in a permanent open season for attacking all things Rangers and their fans. Another old chestnut is 'it's all about The Rangers', which it is to some extent but it's more sinister than that now, 'it's all about smearing and dragging Rangers name through the muck constantly with no retaliation' more like. You wonder if we'll ever have somebody who will put there head above the parapet and take them on, doubt it myself now !:sherlock:

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10 hours ago, Rangersfansmediawatch said:

This is something that doesn't sit right with me also, I brought up issues last year with Gilligan in regards to ill Phil and he was well aware of who he was and things he had written and gave me the same speel as you posted about giving him the publicity as that is what he wanted.

Given the seriousness of some of these allegations towards the club and former captain, Lack of any action will will start to get people wondering if there is any truth in what is being said, Simply because they refuse to act and instead just ignore in the hope that one day they might just go away.

Rangers boards through the years have a tendency to ignore things like this along with failing to defend the clubs own fanbase at times when needed also, We all seen how quick they reacted when Speirs  opened his mouth about one director.

Some things just never change, But in recent days these allegations are getting well OTT and have to be acted upon. 

I'm torn on this one. I've been a fan of the idea of us taking action against some of those who continually post lies about us but the problem is you need to do it all the time. If you've taken a couple of them to court and then fail to take any sort of action against someone then the narrative will be that you never done it because what they've posted is true. Of course the hope would be that by publically taking action against a couple of them that it would nip it in the bud and scare off others but I'm not sure that would be the case.

I know ill phil is out of the country but I'm just surprised that others somehow still manage to walk the streets without any consequences...

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8 minutes ago, Dickie1963 said:

Tims are going to wear hard hats at OF match. Halfwits to a man woman and child. 

Not a chance should they be allowed in wearing them, after witnessing the missiles launched at Neymar then the obvious danger is they could be thrown at either our players or our fans.

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9 hours ago, Howsitgoing said:

Rangers have an estimated 8 million supporters worldwide and I suspect your right, not everyone of them will be wonderful human beings. But at least the non wonderful ones have giving themself a decent platform to be one by supporting our club. It is also testament to how diverse our club is that we have 8 million fans worldwide.

There is an estimated 1.4 million fans in the UK, they will not all share the same political spectrum as you.By trying to diminish their credibility to support our club purely because of a political view is diminishing Rangers support as a whole which can only be beneficial to our enemies. 

In saying that Rangers traditional values need to be maintained but it needs to be done with the understanding that not all fans will follow these traditions as wholly as others and to some their political values will be based fundamentally on what's right for their family. 


Never once have I suggested Rangers should not take money from people who are stupid/clever/short/fat/left/right/deluded/realistic or purple with stripes. Anyone is free to support our club. Just saying that falling for the baloney spouted by fat Eck and wee nippy and her Nationalist cohorts is laughable. Heres a Proddie fact, the idea of accessible education in every Scottish parish comes directly from John Knox and acts of the reformation. Nothing to do with the RC church or the insult to education that Nationalist liars have presided over these last 10 years. If you are/were a Rangers family person who cared about your country and the education of our people you'd be enraged and embarrassed over what we've become. 

I don't want to alienate or exclude anyone from being proudly Scottish or supporting a similar football team, but I reserve the right to call a person an idiot or a scumbag based on what they say and do rather than that they wear the same colours or different colours from mine. Or to simplify even further, if Goering liked smokey bacon I would still eat it, but Goering's still a fat dead Nazi twat!

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1 hour ago, plumbGER said:

Not a chance should they be allowed in wearing them, after witnessing the missiles launched at Neymar then the obvious danger is they could be thrown at either our players or our fans.

Most of them have hard enough heads they dont need a hat. Fuck all brains to protect

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2 hours ago, Dickie1963 said:

Tims are going to wear hard hats at OF match. Halfwits to a man woman and child. 

They are a bunch of inbred flea infested gut rot idiots going and if the police actually allow them to enter the stadium with them then if anything happens the police should be held accountable for allowing that bunch of scum in with potentially dangerous missiles.

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3 hours ago, Dickie1963 said:

Tims are going to wear hard hats at OF match. Halfwits to a man woman and child. 

It will go with their collective brass necks in still extolling the reputation of their club, ignoring the children that suffered to maintain the illusion.

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You don't need to call out halfwits like Dornan, he's too stupid to realise that the internet leaves a vapour trail like shit stink. He's been trying to get on the MP/MSP gravy train since 2003, he also failed to disclose serious financial problems by not informing Culture & Sport Glasgow charity he was an "undischarged bankrupt".

He's nothing more than a pawn manipulated by malevolent parochial bigots, peddling left wing nationalist bullshit to the proverbial unwashed masses. Swept along on a tide of self-importance, a lick-spittle opportunist willing to jump on any old bandwagon, whilst cap in hand picking up an inflated salary from the British taxpayer.

Seriously the last thing that stupid chunts like Dornan could handle is independence!

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18 hours ago, Poetry_In_Blue said:

I'm more curious about whether or not that MSP has actually responded to the email that was very eloquently sent to him.  And of course if he has what was the response.

As an update - James replied very quickly on Sunday to say he was happy to respond to my email but first he just needed to verify who I was by asking a few questions (this has been the norm when contacting MSP/MPs through past experience). I sent a reply on Sunday evening with the information that he has requested and some extra information to make it easier to verify who I was.

As of writing this post I have not received a further email from James although I do see that he has been on various platforms calling for the SFA to open an inquiry into historical sex abuse so I would assume this is taking up a lot of his time.

I will wait a few more days and if there is no response I will consider my next option.

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