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Pedro Angry at Leaks

Guest Lloyd72

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8 hours ago, Big Al II said:

How can they come from inside if he hasn't told them yet?

Perhaps if they are traveling somewhere pre-season they would need admin to book accommodation hotels and what not. Perhaps this is running in the background without the knowledge of the players??


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The chance to play in Europe probably for the first time in most of their careers but they'd rather have an extra week off. 

Tells you all you need to know about these imposters. They're too thick to realise that 95% of the teams we could face in the first round will be halfway through a season so it's imperative were as sharp as Caixinha wants us to be.

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Oh well, this latest and the most important appointment according to some has started well?!

I reckon there are more stoolies in that dressing room than you could shake a shitty stick at.

The mentality of this current crop, far less their ability is all wrong. Barring three or four, a total clear out needed, but it aint going to happen and this new patsy will be gone before xmas.

I'm afraid we will be lurching from crises to crises and from court to court whilst mr mendacious remains in charge. The die is well cast. Shit on the park and no stability off it. It will of course be all be played down by the gullible as Davy's circus act comes to under perform at a town near you.

A fucking shambles

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At least the guy has his priorities right as in when to start training again.

The previous regimes have seen our games getting cancelled when it's an international week - even though none of our players were called up to their respective countries - players going out partying after losing a Ramsden's final to Raith Rovers, players getting subbed because the surface wasn't too great and they had to be protected..

It's about time we had someone here who's going to put winning at the forefront of everything.

The only issue is it'll cause a dressing room spat but here's hoping half of those fucking imbeciles will be long gone from Ibrox by 29 June.

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16 minutes ago, Prso's headband said:

The chance to play in Europe probably for the first time in most of their careers but they'd rather have an extra week off. 

Tells you all you need to know about these imposters. They're too thick to realise that 95% of the teams we could face in the first round will be halfway through a season so it's imperative were as sharp as Caixinha wants us to be.

You could probably substitute 'only time' for 'first time' in a lot of cases....

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9 hours ago, Lloyd72 said:

Rangers manager Pedro Caixinha angry at dressing room leaks ahead of Old Firm derby

The ceaseless calibration of a Rangers manager’s performance is a rite of passage that – sooner rather than later, usually – is one that must be negotiated carefully by each incumbent. Pedro Caixinha’s test has arrived within five weeks of his appointment and not only because his players failed to provide a cohesive challenge to Celtic in Sunday’s William Hill Scottish Cup semi-final defeat at Hampden Park. 

Word had emerged from disenchanted sources within the club that the manager had laid down a pre-season schedule that specified a return to training on June 1, with only a nine-day break after the end of the Scottish Premiership league campaign and that his decree had not gone down well with his squad. When invited to comment, Caixinha’s response was a threat to withdraw co-operation with the media in the event of further leaks.

“You can write what you want but if the respect passes then you’re not counting on me for anything,” he said. “I have already spoken about how much holiday time the players will have

“Our first competitive game is going to be June 29, we normally need five or six weeks pre-season and the season finishes on May 21 so it’s a question of maths. The players don’t need to complain because the plan has not been presented to them yet.

“If someone is doing my work I would appreciate they come and tell me how it’s going to be. At the moment, it’s unofficial and when it is official and when I want you to know it, you will know it from me.

“I am the manager and I am the one that plans the pre-season and the vacation. If I try to live my life by the stories in the newspapers – which I don’t read – then how am I going to live?”

It is, of course, entirely possible to be both sympathetic to Caixinha in respect of the scheduling difficulties imposed by the early advent of the Europa League qualifiers but also to observe the necessity of reporting that the issue has caused dissent within the dressing room. In that regard, Caixinha is nursing wrath towards the source of the leaks.

“If those things are coming from inside it is something I need to find out about and when I find out I will act,” he said. When it was put to Caixinha that he was visibly more agitated than on any of his previous appearance, he replied: “No. You are seeing someone that is clear, is frontal, is open – but everyone has his own limit.

“When I feel I am not being respected, I’m not going to respect. I’m polite, I’m educated but I’m a f***ing tough guy.”


Thank the stars we have the always truthful Telegraph to keep us in the know!....Some people just jump on any bandwagon that passes.

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I'm enjoying Pedro's handling of the press, no matter what he does they make a story of it, answer their questions about line ups - massive scandal, answer questions about tactics - massive scandal, use props to explain to the brain-dead cunts - ridiculous! Tell the cunts absolutely nothing - story about him being huffy.

Seems after a few press conferences Pedro has figured out just how little football journalism these cunts are capable of

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There are those in the boardroom who use the mhedia for their own surreptitious ends, so I suppose we can't complain when the mhedia do the negativity.

This is what happens when you're not playing with a straight deck. We have turned into a club full of duckers and divers, where integrity and professionalism are the victim.

The taigs are right when they say we are not the same club, but it's not for the reason they say it is. We are a shadow of our former self, ran by shysters whose moral code is based on lies and deception. We are a parariah and it's not of the mhedia's making. We just can't help ourselves and have become a circus act led by the clowns.

Yes we will make our foray into Europe and with a blink of an eye be embarassingly hunted out of it. With the very limited ability and mind set of this squad, we'd be better off forfeiting. Our players don't need to prepare. We are Rangers and just need to turn up. Well, don't we?!

It's been a long depressing season, but I feel it's going to be an even longer depressing summer.

Couldn't make this shite up.

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“Our first competitive game is going to be June 29, we normally need five or six weeks pre-season and the season finishes on May 21 so it’s a question of maths. The players don’t need to complain because the plan has not been presented to them yet.

“If someone is doing my work I would appreciate they come and tell me how it’s going to be. At the moment, it’s unofficial and when it is official and when I want you to know it, you will know it from me.

“I am the manager and I am the one that plans the pre-season and the vacation. If I try to live my life by the stories in the newspapers – which I don’t read – then how am I going to live?”

If it has happened, why would a player complain?  Listen mate, you are a decent player but you have rank this season.  We want to change all that next season and it starts with our first competitive game on 29 June. 

3-4 weeks pre-season to organise and get decent fitness is arguably not enough.  Our first game being on 29 June is diabolical, however, it is what it is so fuckin get on with it.

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if the players are unhappy then they should be told they won't be here next season and to instruct their agent to start looking for a new club. 

rangers football club was founded by hard working men and that tradition should be carried on today. if you don't want to work hard for our club then bolt. you don't belong here.

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2 minutes ago, harlands plater said:

After running the original story the gutter rag has now gone running to Brenda and asked for his take on the situation. "My players love training so much I can't get them to take time off" says Brenda smugly. 

Another laugh at Rangers.

Why not? We are their biggest rivals, aren't we?!

All part f the game and can't get upset by it and we certainly give everyone the ammo. We are a laughing stock of our own making. Start with, lying pot less convicted criminal Chairman of Rangers and work our way down from there. All the way down to the shite we have playing for us and the no mark managers who lead them. Can't blame Pedro as he's just the latest of what will be a long line of patsies. We are not what this board try to profess what we are. The challengers for second place and we can't even get that right ffs. We are the gullible who accept all this shite and even pay for the privilage. Any wonder everyone is having a good chuckle at our expense?!

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For starters, and its because I have a big distrust of media reporting these days (both what is reported and the quality of reporting), to the extent that he is accurately quoted as saying what he said then imo he is firing for effect.    

It serves the purpose of reinforcing the message he will have already given to players and staff that he is the man calling the shots and they need to work fully and willingly with him or remove themselves to a job more suited to their motives and sensitivities.   It serves to put the wider media on notice that there are limits to what he will put up with.   It serves the purpose of telling Robertson, Dickson. King and the Board that he is prepared to be combative with people when he needs to be.......they may yet not escape some 'incoming' - but on internal comms channels until one of the Board or staff leak it - if he doesn't get the transfer budget he thinks he was getting when he signed up, or if Robertson takes too long to find a DOF to do the work Pedro is covering for.   

They may choose to bait him or take him on or test him and so on, they will see that as being their job in order to generate controversy which fills column inches in their newspapers.    Chances are from what we've seen so far he will take them on head on.     Press conferences enforced by Pedro and Traynor could become pretty sparky.   

The players for next season - whether they are in the squad right now or will become part of the squad on transferring in - must be brought to a state of purpose, a single-minded determination that they will give their all and more to deliver results next season that put us in realistic contention for the title this time next year.    They do their talking on the pitch and not in the whispered conversations with journos or leaked through third parties to journos.   Pedro needs far more of a 'can do' attitude from the players and eliminate the 'fuck you' type of bleating line that is being leaked.  

I know what I would be doing when I found out who is leaking dressing room stuff.    They'd have played their very last game for Rangers and the media would be well briefed on why that was the case.    Dressing room leakers are not loyal to the Club, they are loyal only to their own self-interests.  

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49 minutes ago, one55 said:

if the players are unhappy then they should be told they won't be here next season and to instruct their agent to start looking for a new club. 

rangers football club was founded by hard working men and that tradition should be carried on today. if you don't want to work hard for our club then bolt. you don't belong here.

They should be told they won't be here next season, because they are shite. The toming of the tie leaves us with a chicken and egg scenario. We are in between the rock and a hard place on this one, unless of course we are planning on keeping most of them. Now won't that be depressing?!

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3 minutes ago, folkestoneger said:

If players were given a schedule and planned their weddings around it then it should not have been changed. It's not like the qualifying dates for European games was released last week.

This type of tough guy act will do nothing but harm

I doubt Warburton would of confirmed a schedule for pre season, in January. 

What do you want us to do? Start a week before the qualifiers?

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Its high time we fucking hunt Trayner and his PR team because sure as fuck he will be leaking plenty.

Should be a banning offence in here even mentioning that Rhag newspaper all you ever read on here is negative stories on a daily basis from it.

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32 minutes ago, Reformation Bear said:

For starters, and its because I have a big distrust of media reporting these days (both what is reported and the quality of reporting), to the extent that he is accurately quoted as saying what he said then imo he is firing for effect.    

It serves the purpose of reinforcing the message he will have already given to players and staff that he is the man calling the shots and they need to work fully and willingly with him or remove themselves to a job more suited to their motives and sensitivities.   It serves to put the wider media on notice that there are limits to what he will put up with.   It serves the purpose of telling Robertson, Dickson. King and the Board that he is prepared to be combative with people when he needs to be.......they may yet not escape some 'incoming' - but on internal comms channels until one of the Board or staff leak it - if he doesn't get the transfer budget he thinks he was getting when he signed up, or if Robertson takes too long to find a DOF to do the work Pedro is covering for.   

They may choose to bait him or take him on or test him and so on, they will see that as being their job in order to generate controversy which fills column inches in their newspapers.    Chances are from what we've seen so far he will take them on head on.     Press conferences enforced by Pedro and Traynor could become pretty sparky.   

The players for next season - whether they are in the squad right now or will become part of the squad on transferring in - must be brought to a state of purpose, a single-minded determination that they will give their all and more to deliver results next season that put us in realistic contention for the title this time next year.    They do their talking on the pitch and not in the whispered conversations with journos or leaked through third parties to journos.   Pedro needs far more of a 'can do' attitude from the players and eliminate the 'fuck you' type of bleating line that is being leaked.  

I know what I would be doing when I found out who is leaking dressing room stuff.    They'd have played their very last game for Rangers and the media would be well briefed on why that was the case.    Dressing room leakers are not loyal to the Club, they are loyal only to their own self-interests.  

LBH, at that point most should be on notice as they are just not good enough, but the timing of the tie makes it so that they will already know, or know that they are being lied to if being told to play for a spot next season. This lot couldn't step up to the first rung on a ladder far less a Euro tie and fear we will be humiliated. Not even money for new players can save us due to the timing. For me this tie is nothing more than an unecessay disruption to any rebuilding plans we have for next season. By the end of June most should have been hunted and on 1st July, new faces appearing, but we have this fake Euro dream fixture to fullfil and I doubt it will end well.

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8 minutes ago, saltire266 said:

Its high time we fucking hunt Trayner and his PR team because sure as fuck he will be leaking plenty.

Should be a banning offence in here even mentioning that Rhag newspaper all you ever read on here is negative stories on a daily basis from it.

Yes, but who's feeding him? He is only turning a buck like the rest of the trough guzzlers that we very happily accept.

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23 minutes ago, PRW. said:

I doubt Warburton would of confirmed a schedule for pre season, in January. 

What do you want us to do? Start a week before the qualifiers?

I doubt weddings would have been planned for when players were told they would be playing

A 9 day break is simply too short.

It will do nobody any good to have players fucked before the end of October

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2 minutes ago, folkestoneger said:

I doubt weddings would have been planned for when players were told they would be playing

A 9 day break is simply too short.

It will do nobody any good to have players fucked before the end of October

I don't see any problems with those two having days off around their wedding, but it doesn't mean the whole squad should not have the preseason the manager wants

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