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Naismith speaks on his departure....

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1 hour ago, five stars said:

Sounds like he was badly advised by his lawyer.

Sounds like he's making excuses as his career in England is on its arse and there are only two clubs in Scotland that could meet his wage demands. You can't claim you're taking personal accountability whilst also spouting  the "but I was badly advised" rhetoric. I think Barrie McKay was probably badly advised by his agent in trying to publicly put pressure on Rangers to significantly improve their contract offer; I also think McKay is a grown man who can think for himself. Naismith and Whitaker were rat bastards, and "being badly advised" is fuck all of an excuse. 

The revisionist history on Naismith is laughable too. He spent good portions of his five years with us injured, and wasn't playing out of his skin for the rest of his time with us. At his best he was one of the best in the league, but he wasn't near his best often enough, and he's barely kicked his arse at club level since leaving in 2012. (Aye, he scored a hat-trick against Chelsea - which accounts for 3 of his 33 goals in 5 years.) His career down south only has a downwards trajectory, but he thinks he could command big wages from us; that's why he's trying to engineer a return - fuck all to do with wanting to atone for 2012, or still loving Rangers or any other pish he spouts. 

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He can get to absolute fuck.  Nobody put a gun to his head and told him to call a press conference.  

He fucked us over by bailing out then rubbed a big bastarding dose of salt right into our wounds with the shite he slabbered at that presser. 

Traitorous, vile mercenary scumbag.  

Deserves to be akbar'd. 

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11 minutes ago, Jimbeamjunior said:

kenny miller scored for the wean touchers against us, way worse than words from naismith

I don't doubt for a second that Naismith would sign for them too. They just aren't interested because his record since leaving Scotland is shite. 

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Guest Lloyd72
7 minutes ago, ForeverAndEver said:

Take a guess..

The same cunt who says Lafferty would be a great signing and generally has no moral standards as to how a Rangers player should act?

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Does the q of 'not in the hall of fame gobshite' ever end? In all likelihood comes from a family with zero working class values. Now can't get his head around why the world isn't working out how arseholes told him it would. 

Welcome to reality Stevie. Rangers have left you behind, not the other way round. 





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6 minutes ago, Courtyard Bear said:

Even after all these years it's still someone else's fault and he's just a poor wee soul. 

Fuck off ya rat cunt and never darken our door again. 

I'd never have Lafferty back as a Rangers player - as he's an absolute fanny - but he at least seems more genuine about regretting leaving, and hasn't been trying to make excuses or blaming his agent's advice. This "I was badly advised" nonsense doesn't hold weight - he and Whitaker were adults, and should take personal accountability and stop making excuses. 

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42 minutes ago, Siam69 said:

Yes, did he not grab someone by the throat who wasn't keen on the 'deal'.

Can't remember if it was a player or someone from Duff and Phelps.

Absolutely, McGregor was clearly torn, was the last to leave I think, was clearly torn, in turmoil. Yes he went, but I don't feel anything like I do for say Naismith, as I do towards Shagger.

I'd be fucking livid as well if that happened

That injury helped cost us the title.

I hate the wee cunt for the way he left, no need to do any press conference, say what he said, but i'm failing to see the humour in something that helped cost us the title and we ended up still paying his wages.

As mentioned, taig like behaviour, mate.

You're better than that ...

Yes, mate ?

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He can go to fuck. I have cried genuine tears three times as an adult,when I lost my father and grandmother and the day our cva was rejected. Because I had no idea if the thing I loved the most outwith my family would still be here. To then hear this judas bastard say what he did sickened me to my stomach. I heard his full statement recently and it was even worse than I remembered he used the phrase "sevco" and "new club" several times therefore he knew exactly what he was spewing out. And now the rat is attempting to pave and smooth the way back for a possible return. He's had five years to withdraw what he said,it became apparent with weeks the club would survive,yet he chooses to wait until now. Sorry but here is one Ger who ain't falling for your shite.

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37 minutes ago, Jimbeamjunior said:

kenny miller scored for the wean touchers against us, way worse than words from naismith

Kenny Miller was a Hibs fan.....

This balding mess claimed to be a Rangers supporter from day one.

He's a lying snake cunt. 

Even comparing Kenny to someone saying we are a new club and spitting on our history is ridiculous. Nothing worse in life than a so called bear shitting on us live on TV in our darkest ever period. 


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33 minutes ago, Jimbeamjunior said:

kenny miller scored for the wean touchers against us, way worse than words from naismith

Couldn't disagree more.  Given the perilous position of our club at the time and the slaughtering we were getting from all and sundry in the country, for one of our supposed own to publicly stab us in the back far outweighs any ex-player scoring a goal against us.

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