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Police Investigate Death Threats Against Lennon


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6 minutes ago, eejay the dj said:

yep mate . I said it a million times . It hasn't

To be honest mate . I just hate bears calling out good bears for being " taigs " or any of that shit .

Ultimate insult for me . No matter how it's worded .

Fair enough if they are low posters or  you can clearly see they are  one

"Taig-like" has to the the most over-used phrase on here.

Fuck we even have people on another thread, who have called people taig-like, defending the most despicable little taig bastard out there:headscratch:

What the fuck is going on with this forum?

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1 minute ago, plumbGER said:

"Taig-like" has to the the most over-used phrase on here.

Fuck we even have people on another thread, who have called people taig-like, defending the most despicable little taig bastard out there:headscratch:

What the fuck is going on with this forum?

Surrender monkeys

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7 minutes ago, With Heart and Hand said:

If I had bad African aids and said I was gonnae shag him to give him my aids would that he a death threat?

Asking for a friend

Dear H&H, dependinh upon if he consented or not - if this were to happen at a fancy dress party, for example, and you were the pweist - then he'd no doubt jolly well agree to the sentence. 

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6 minutes ago, With Heart and Hand said:

I can understand your point but that's not the world we're living in. All it takes is one stupid post from one idiot on Twitter and the media can twist the narrative 

Lennon could give the middle finger to the whole main stand, spit in their direction and shout "Orange bastards" and one idiot would bite and the media highlight it making Lennon look justified 

This so called tactic of burying our heads in the sand does not work. We should be the aggressors in this situation we should be making them answer instead of us having to answer.

I don't believe in conspiracies but even a poster like @Bluepeter9 can see the hypocrisy in this current situation

There is video evidence that the ref got it totally wrong to say the least on Saturday 

And Lennon has denied gesturing to the Rangers fans even after there's been pictures proving it and Andy Halliday got hung out to dry for a lot less

BP9 can you disagree with my last 2 sentences? Surely even you can see the utter hypocrisy here

He'll take it worse if you just laugh at him, I'm in the main stand and he was right in front of me with his antics, the thing he loved most was the reaction we gave him. Better to treat him like the half wit that he is, disgust, mockery and disdain.

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8 minutes ago, With Heart and Hand said:

If I had bad African aids and said I was gonnae shag him to give him my aids would that be a death threat?

Asking for a friend

:lol: It could certainly be looked at like one.

I don't agree with it, but the police take a pretty grim view on online death threats ( well depending who you are...Tommy RObinson gets loads ever day, reports them, and nothing is done. That's another discussion though) and they are coming down hard on people doing it.  People are doing time over things like this.

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9 minutes ago, With Heart and Hand said:

If I had bad African aids and said I was gonnae shag him to give him my aids would that be a death threat?

Asking for a friend

GBH mate, you'll do a bit of time but you'll see the kids again before they go to uni ?

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Forlorn hope but the best thing we could do as a support is totally ignore him.   Any abuse/chants/threats towards him is just used to top up his 'get out of jail free' card by his political friends and the mhedia. What's more he loves the attention and notoriety he gets up here, he knows he is untouchable.

If he was left alone and ignored for the no-mark he is, it wouldn't take long for him to self destruct.  

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9 minutes ago, gogzy said:

I hope he gets the bad aids, isn't a death threat.


Well if someone said...someone needs to give him/her bad aids...is that a threat, or bravado ?

If someone replies...I be happy to give him/her bad aids.. is that a threat, or bravado?

But if someone says I'm going out tonight to give him/her aids then I would think that's a threat.

A threat imo is when you say to someone you're going to give them aids.

I imagine most folk on here are full of brovado when angered and have no intention of actually doing anything but then there are nutcases.

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25 minutes ago, Deanzmeanzheinz said:

Not a big deal - identify the rocket who can get guns - wtf! But also deal with that serial offending rocket in the dugout 

Hello Mr Lennon

This is officer Brady and I'm Sergeant  O'Donnell

Do you know why we are here ??

No officers . Someone said there was a bit of bother with some nutters on the net making threats ..

Yes that is partly why we are here . It's about your behaviour on Saturday at Ibrox park .

Our boss Chief Super My Tully told us we had to do this interview with you .

Aww I see officers . Take a seat then . Want some coffee sent up ??

Yeah that would be lovely Neil .


So you know what's going on with these nutters posting threats then ?

Yes I heard this but I'm used to it . It's because we won . These fans just can't stomach , that a guy they hate, went to their ground and won with me as Manager .

. Did you have to use the GIFUY sign right in full view of all the Home support.

Well it's what I do when I celebrate a goal ....

Ok but we have received many complaints from Rangers fans saying that this was offensive behaviour .

I didn't see it  that way . I'm proud of the way I behaved .

Ok well we are going to do everything we can to find these little  neds that posted these threats . They will be in big trouble .

Thanks officers . Very good of you . I still have sleepless nights over those bullets being sent and the Heart's fan attacking me for nothing few years back .


Ok Mr Lennon . That will be all for now . Try to lay low for a bit before you see fit to goad and incite the fans again (thumbs up from police)

No problems guys . I was just  a little exuberance

We know Neil .

Listen are you still on speaking terms with Mr Liewell ?

Yes I speak every day .

We have a conference call with Rod and Peter together in the meet .

Any chance of getting some of the bhoys back in the station some tickets for the next beggars home game .

No problem Officers . I will get that sorted quickly for you .

Brilliant Neil .

We will let you know when we find these two Rangers fans that posted these threats


That is what will happen when the SS fuckpigs interview him

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And the wee cunt gets what he wants victimhood blanket to cuddle into again. 

Not one threat against him while he was out of the country not one when he was back and in the championship. First game at Ibrox and after being told to reign in his usual cunty antics he just can't help himself. 

If the police want to hammer the muppets on social media then carry on but hammer that wee cunt right along with them

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It's undeniable that he is an odious lowlife but the press will protect him.Just like they protect Jock Steins memory. 

They probably would protect Ally McCoist too who knows. 

I knew the story today would be turned to let him be the victim. 

I don't think he needs pity or Counselling  he is just a twisted horrible man who will have trouble following him all his life. 


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1 hour ago, With Heart and Hand said:

I can understand your point but that's not the world we're living in. All it takes is one stupid post from one idiot on Twitter and the media can twist the narrative 

Lennon could give the middle finger to the whole main stand, spit in their direction and shout "Orange bastards" and one idiot would bite and the media highlight it making Lennon look justified 

This so called tactic of burying our heads in the sand does not work. We should be the aggressors in this situation we should be making them answer instead of us having to answer.

I don't believe in conspiracies but even a poster like @Bluepeter9 can see the hypocrisy in this current situation

There is video evidence that the ref got it totally wrong to say the least on Saturday 

And Lennon has denied gesturing to the Rangers fans even after there's been pictures proving it and Andy Halliday got hung out to dry for a lot less

BP9 can you disagree with my last 2 sentences? Surely even you can see the utter hypocrisy here

Nope - 'hang him' :pipe: out to dry, of course, seems appropriate - he has no class - and that's why I don't want us to stoop to their level - we have class - let's keep it that way. 

He was wrong and needs delt with - but petitions and whinging is not the way to highlight his actions or behaviour not statements from board nor club1872 

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7 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

Nope - 'hang him' :pipe: out to dry, of course, seems appropriate - he has no class - and that's why I don't want us to stoop to their level - we have class - let's keep it that way. 

He was wrong and needs delt with - but petitions and whinging is not the way to highlight his actions or behaviour not statements from board nor club1872 

How do you see him being hung out to dry.

Are you alluding to our impartial media?

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6 minutes ago, Silver Fox said:

Everybody assuming that these tweets come from a Rangers fan, such is the level of hate that the bigot inspires, it could be anybody, he is despised universally throughout the game except by those couple of terrorist supporting clubs

You're assuming that everyone has assumed this, aye?

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