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Nacho putting beast in his place

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1 hour ago, Siwel said:

Looks like there was a few of them and apparently it was Belfast airport but not sure. Videos of them saying they hope he dies, he was incredibly calm in that situation compared to most folk tbf.

Its belfast International troops, I work with proper micks from down south ie Rep of Ireland, catholics even and there no where bitter as the SF/IRA roman catholic from the north.

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46 minutes ago, Blue Avenger said:

We will end their dominance, but they will not stop.

Their ascendancy is not just about football. Our downfall was just an opportunity to lord it more. SNPira has empowered this shower of shite and officialdom appease them at every turn.

From their Roman doctrine to their politics this never ends for them and they remain malcontents forever.

To be free of it, they need put down like the rabid dogs that they are.

Scum then, now and forevever. Every fucking last one of them.


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30 minutes ago, Straight-Edge-Loyal said:

Yeah that's true but I always took the "decent" ones at face value but they are all the same and all utter scum. 

Same mate, I was deluded into thinking that there was decent ones too but the last few years has tought me otherwise. None are to be trusted ever. 

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1 hour ago, Siwel said:

Even the so called casual ones are murder mate, my niece is with one of them the now and he claims not to really support them doesn’t stop him bringing up the new club pish or calling me a H**.

Should’ve took the teeth out him at the first mention of it, wouldn’t have happened a second time.

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My old man isn't very clued up on things like Facebook and Twitter stuff, I show him some of the stuff on here and just showed him that, he's actually shocked but fucking raging, he realises it goes on but wouldn't know half of it if he didn't see clips like that, because obviously the good old media sure won't be showing it.

Well they might say, man at airport in altercation with ex Rangers player, we know how it plays out.

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32 minutes ago, Straight-Edge-Loyal said:

Yeah it's a shame our country has become this way. 

And it's a shame there's no sign of it getting any better. The scum have been getting their own way for a few years and bit by bit they came crawling out of the woodwork spouting their bile. The same with the SNP grabbing power and showing themselves up for the embarrassment they are. When we start winning trophies and standing up to these cunts they wont be so smart. Likewise another NO vote will see the already crumbling SNP start to fade 

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3 minutes ago, To Be A Ranger said:

And it's a shame there's no sign of it getting any better. The scum have been getting their own way for a few years and bit by bit they came crawling out of the woodwork spouting their bile. The same with the SNP grabbing power and showing themselves up for the embarrassment they are. When we start winning trophies and standing up to these cunts they wont be so smart. Likewise another NO vote will see the already crumbling SNP start to fade 

Its no coincidence the foreign fenians have been more gallus since their political comrades the snpgreens have been causing division within our Presbytarian Scotland ergo United Kingdom. 

The snpgreens are a must to be brought back down to size and we have the numbers in order to do so in future elections. 

God Save the Queen


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1 hour ago, sondicklg said:

Its no coincidence the foreign fenians have been more gallus since their political comrades the snpgreens have been causing division within our Presbytarian Scotland ergo United Kingdom. 

The snpgreens are a must to be brought back down to size and we have the numbers in order to do so in future elections. 

God Save the Queen


Why has a video of a prick abusing Novo in Northern Ireland descended into another pointless SNP politics debate? Genuinely don’t see the link.

footballers are people and shouldn’t be subjected to things like this, it should be considered a form of harassment and reported to the police.

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3 hours ago, AlbertzLoyalRSC said:

Don't see how Nacho put him in his place tbh.

On the other comments tho, I agree.

Any cunt that supports them is worth a slap.


I thought it was just me.  Nacho walked away when he should of nutted him in the napper beforehand.  

Good on Nacho for facing him up though:)  

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4 hours ago, Straight-Edge-Loyal said:

Yeah that's true but I always took the "decent" ones at face value but they are all the same and all utter scum. 

100% there are NO decent mhutants.  That is a complete myth.  They're all despicable lower than pond scum. They're an incurable disease.  

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6 hours ago, Sparkle said:

They are lording it at the moment, that's why they've all of a sudden found their balls. 

Normal service will be resumed soon enough and they will learn respect again. 


With all due respect, Sparkle, I think you overestimate the papish schooling ability. The words, "Tarrier and Learn" do not belong in the same sentence. :justno:

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3 hours ago, JentleJames said:

Why has a video of a prick abusing Novo in Northern Ireland descended into another pointless SNP politics debate? Genuinely don’t see the link.

footballers are people and shouldn’t be subjected to things like this, it should be considered a form of harassment and reported to the police.

SNP and Sinn Fein are on the same bratch thats why ftp Fat

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