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    gj923 reacted to Smile in No Safe Standing...........   
    I think he's been sampling his own wares too much.
  2. Like
    gj923 got a reaction from Smile in No Safe Standing...........   
    I see a lot of comments about our Board today, not unexpected after our performance yesterday'
    A few things for all the detractors that are quite honestly IMO embarrassing themselves.
    You have every right to have an opinion on our Board,our team,our manager and our performance.
    But for those that are using terms like ' our Boards a disgrace ', our Board has let us down ', our Board has not got a clue ' etc should really take a deep breath and think what they are saying.
    The fact is without our Board, we would be,at best be supporting our club in the bottom six and at worst,would not have a team to support.
    Our Board have done an amazing job in 3 years with the infrastructure of the club, from youth set up to the continued upgrading of The Stadium. expensive outlay that the normal fan doesn't see or indeed appreciate.
    The board have made many good decisions and very few bad ones, but I'm sure they will accept they have failed in securing a Manager who would live up to there expectations for the club and the fans.
    For some people to say they are not renewing their ST is their prerogative and is entirely up to them, we will be renewing ours because as a Supporter, I want to financially back our Club and help us get back to where we belong. 
    I don't believe for a minute the Board have not been actively looking for a new Manager since Pedro left, but I would be shocked if they did not have a very short list they are after.
    I have deliberately not said anything about our performance yesterday as I'm still too angry to have a sensible discussion about it. I have no doubt our Board are feeling the same
    The only bright thing this morning is, I looked in the mirror and thought,' might not have won yesterday but I'm Still a Bluenose '
    And people say how can supporters still support the board
    Incidentally the part in bold - every SPL club has received about 600k in the last 2 years for them across the city being in the champions league. How much extra have the board put in? What exactly is the close brothers loan being spent on?
  3. Like
    gj923 got a reaction from Smile in This board are Kelly&whites of the scum era   
    The OP is simply highlighting both boards inept handling of the club. Both sets mismanged the club, ignored fans, spent money on duds, fired/replaced managers that should never have been hired and ran up a pile of debt. Rather than bank of scotland coming after kelly we have the spectre of Close Brothers
  4. Like
    gj923 got a reaction from MattyBlue in This board are Kelly&whites of the scum era   
    The OP is simply highlighting both boards inept handling of the club. Both sets mismanged the club, ignored fans, spent money on duds, fired/replaced managers that should never have been hired and ran up a pile of debt. Rather than bank of scotland coming after kelly we have the spectre of Close Brothers
  5. Like
    gj923 reacted to SeparateEntityMyArse in This board are Kelly&whites of the scum era   
    We're more likely to have king puting a bunnet down for loose change collections than see a saviour come into the fore wearing one.
  6. Like
    gj923 reacted to K.A.I in Kris Boyd getting ripped into King   
    I've copied and pasted so you don't need to give that cunty rag anymore hits.

  7. Like
    gj923 reacted to SeparateEntityMyArse in Kenny Miller   
    Pointing. Don't forget Kennys pointing.
  8. Like
    gj923 got a reaction from HG5 in Sell Morelos, Wes and Windass   
    Carson is probably one of the better keepers in the league and even him would net them about 750k.....Wes would not go for more than that.
    Windass scoring lots against low level opposition but not consistent around the same maybe 1M tops
    Morelos no more than a million. i never believed the Chinese stories for a minute
    We then have to replace these players with better players...not happening for this money
  9. Like
    gj923 reacted to Helicopter Sundae in Kenny Millers Wife   
    Precisely....it is only his neighbour's opinion we all give a fuck about.
  10. Like
    gj923 got a reaction from SeparateEntityMyArse in It's 10 am...   
    That is a fair enough shout although I want Miller gone end of the season. We are not going to pay someone else to manage us when we still have Murty on the payroll so it would fall to whoever is there.
    Can imagine right now some IT guy getting told he is 7th in line to the managers job if the rest say no.
    Its a sad state of affairs that a sensible appointment cannot be made
  11. Like
    gj923 got a reaction from 2nd Flute in Is FDB the right choice?   
    There was a reason we brought in loan players in January - we have very little money. FdB could not operate with the shite in our squad
  12. Like
    gj923 got a reaction from Johnny Dangerously in A Decade without the Scottish Cup   
    shipped 9 goals for no reply....did not even know or would even have thought we had not scored a single goal
  13. Like
    gj923 got a reaction from eejay the dj in Remember the Scottish Cup Semi final last year?   
    Most of the board although much less toxic. Murray what the fuck has he brought to the table since he sneaked back in? Other than a loan for cheap shares what has the guy in HK done/going to do? Johnston another failure from the previous board, Robertson a total dud
  14. Like
    gj923 reacted to RangersMedia in Action required ASAP   
    Get the dinner ladies at Auchenhowie to slip some cocaine into his food when he’s back
  15. Like
    gj923 got a reaction from eejay the dj in Remember the Scottish Cup Semi final last year?   
    Our chairman does not give a fuck
    At some point he will sacrifice someone to appease the fans or make some announcement
  16. Like
    gj923 got a reaction from Hutton2008 in Is FDB the right choice?   
    There was a reason we brought in loan players in January - we have very little money. FdB could not operate with the shite in our squad
  17. Like
    gj923 reacted to Kai_Johansen in Russell Martin   
    Genuinely though we were getting a warrior and leader with Alves, instead all we got was a big woman with a bun!
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    gj923 got a reaction from siddiqi_drinker in Candieas & Hallidy   
    I don't have the energy to get annoyed at him. He was punted out to the back of beyond for a reason and he is not back amongst a mediocre SPL squad no different to the likes of Aberdeen managed by a youth coach.
  19. Like
    gj923 got a reaction from BEE in Candieas & Hallidy   
    I watched the game. then watched the video and I cant see any supporter. Maybe he does'nt know who rossiter is
  20. Like
    gj923 got a reaction from AGM_72 in Candieas & Hallidy   
    I watched the game. then watched the video and I cant see any supporter. Maybe he does'nt know who rossiter is
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    gj923 got a reaction from Bad Robot in Murty.   
    He never wanted to go into the dressing room as he is not a manager. He is a guy that has done some coaching qualifications and prior to coming to us had coached 12-16 year olds and for a year prior was given the under 18......yes under 18 role.
    He is then given the development role and how after 8 months or so anyone can say that he is a success is beyond me. However he is then thrust into a caretaker role not once but twice by this inept board.
    Sorry but he should play no further role in our club once (hopefully soon) he is removed from his current position.
  22. Like
    gj923 reacted to Mr Soprano in Peña   
    @Redwhiteandblue on the smack early this weekend. Got to applaud that dedication.
  23. Like
    gj923 reacted to googglebot in Peña   
    Pena has let himself go since he's been back in Mexico, fat fuck.
  24. Like
    gj923 reacted to geronimoo in Fernando Torres   
    He away back to KerryFail street for a bit.
  25. Like
    gj923 reacted to With Heart and Hand in King statement to fans RE: ST renewals   
    Were as far away as we were more than a year ago, weve barely improved since 2012. We have went backwards in the last 2 months, we improved a bit under Murty and then its collapsed yet again same as with MW and Pedro, and the board seemingly dont have a clue what to do to fix it.
    Enough of this thank god they saved us nonsense. The honeymoon is over and we can see now that the improvements compared the the old board are minimal and for the most part unseen as King loves to remind us of. There have been no improvements on the football front at all certainly none worth bragging about. Saying theyre better than the previous board is an empty statement and is just the last grasp of someone whos clinging to false hope. They are not the magic men that folk said they were and there isnt going to be some miraculous appointment or rich investor to save us while the current regime is in charge. Many were wrong about King, its time they got over it and focus on whats best for the club and not their egos. Some still have a fantasy that one day were all going to wake up and King will have miraculously fixed all of our problems.
    We are fucking pish and we've been going round in circles for years and years now, dont know how many posts ive made like this since 2012 its really getting old
    Its clear that no one wants to work with King, i think its him thats putting investors and managers off more than anyone else. If he truly is a Rangers man hed step down.
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