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Charles Green stepping down as CEO- Confirmed by AIM

SS Stewart

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Paul Murray.

There are strong rumours that Malcom Murray is leaking stories to PM, who in turn was going to Keith Jackson at the record. All part of a coup to remove CG.

CG comes in does all the hard work, gets Rangers on the up, and we are now "one of the best investments out there" according to financial guys. And these fuckers worm their way back in and take over.

Might sound like a conspiracy theory, but just because you are paranoid, does not mean they aint out to get you.

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never mind his gaffs slagging off Villa for some reason, and his racist language. The man has been a fool and has worst of all lied about his involvement with Whyte.

We need a proper CEO to run the club who thinks before he speaks.

Is this a proven fact, or is it just your opinion?

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I know he is on the huff with RM but this was on mcmurdo today,

One other thing people should note is that the ANTI-GREEN stuff that came out in the past few weeks in the media (and some in the club) was really cranked up due to the fact that Green advised McCoist that he would have to lose his backroom staff of McDowall & Durrant.

THE CLUB NEEDS STRIPPED OUT FROM TOP TO BOTTOM AND RID OF THE MURRAY ERA but sadly I fear that will not happen and people who should have been booted out of the door years ago will still be in a job to do what they do best – look down as fans (or is it customers) accept what they are told and just pay their dough..

I could go on and on about how poorly my club operates and i am sure that there are many fans out there who could too as (and this pain me to say) but we are light years behind our enemy in the East End of Glasgow in terms of PR and media.

One last thing is IF Charles Green does go does that mean a return to the ‘dignified silence’ which chairman Malcolm Murray believes should happen & the ‘old guard’ within the club favour so readily?

Who comes in? – does a Martin Bain clone step in and become another puppet for Liewell?

Do the fans have to sit and watch the ‘jobs for the boys’ routine within the club stay as it was and NEVER see a change in coaching styles, (do we have any style?) and watch a Manager who is being paid £750,000 per year serve up school boys/public park football?

Surely we, the fans, DESERVE BETTER?”

It does worry me slightly, if green does go then what direction we will be going in! I have lost a bit of respect for ally this year with some of the excuses, contradictions and at times a seemingly dismissive attitude to the concerns of the fans....green for all his faults had the right idea in terms if making us a more sustainable business and he had done so much good groundwork. Any new CEO can not be a jobs for the boys type with the idea of throwing money at mediocracy and never planning long term.....it will be interesting to see what comes of this between now and next season....

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I am hoping for a couple of things to come out of this firstly i hope this is Charles Green and the clubs way of finding out who the mole is secondly they better not replace Charles Green with a yes man the board of directors better find a ceo with backbone because he is going to need it i think the time is right for Charles Green to step aside some of his comments have damaged the image of Rangers hopefully he stays on as a member of the board an has a say in the appointment of the new ceo it would only strengthen the club.

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IF true, not a good day.

BUT, and very surprised no one has yet mentioned it, but who next?

I would say Hart, but, and this is the big one, why has nobody mentioned a certain Mr W Smith?

No idea if he'd do it, but one thing is for absolute certain, the fans would be pretty much united and ST sales would go through the roof.

Hart not so sure about as there could be a few PR problems there

Walter ? no chance

We need a business head Walter is a football man

This jingoism is what I'm afraid of

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My MBA probably says I know a little.

I use both board's there are people who support Green on FF and others who think he has talked himself out of his position by his own stupidity.

He is still a shareholder, however the Main shareholders will now have to pick a new CEO and one who only opens his mouth when he knows it will cause damage and is a fight we will win. green has done well raising the cash however we have no ideal what this was to be used for.

rangers at the moment have a laughably bad scouting network and our coaching team are woeful.

I hope we get someone who can run the club well, respond to lies about Rangers through the use of the courts and actually try to get us running well as a FOOTBALL team.

However Greens departure strengthens the position of MM who is entrenched in maintaining the satus quo, but Im sure the Jaffa Cake Towers cabal will be rejoicing at that. Its all about blazers rather than the team.

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It does worry me slightly, if green does go then what direction we will be going in! I have lost a bit of respect for ally this year with some of the excuses, contradictions and at times a seemingly dismissive attitude to the concerns of the fans....green for all his faults had the right idea in terms if making us a more sustainable business and he had done so much good groundwork. Any new CEO can not be a jobs for the boys type with the idea of throwing money at mediocracy and never planning long term.....it will be interesting to see what comes of this between now and next season....

I happen to believe that the move against CG did start from when he said that the coaches have to go, then again I could be wrong as Ally said no such meting took place to tell him this, now if Ally is lying.......well he will have to walk.

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Lets no all get involved in speculation troops , if this is to be true , there will be an Official Club Statement and hopefully a statement from Charles too , let the dhims/mhedia allow meltdown for themselves :cgreen:

The club can't say anything until they declare it to the Stock Exchange, you'll see it there before a club statement.

This is more than just speculation.

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As much as I thought Green should have resigned anyway, I however dont want to see the dignified silence type back at Rangers. However i want us to pick our fights carefully, and anyone spreads lies about the club take the bastards through the courts until they learn they cant mess with us.

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MM if as many believe will allegedly be on the beers to celebrate this.....as for Walter being CEO, god no no no no no please no. Ally will be safe now and his coaches can relax and enjoy the summer .

Surely the rst will stand by one of their members the way they did over chequegate.

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The club can't say anything until they declare it to the Stock Exchange, you'll see it there before a club statement.

This is more than just speculation.

I understand that mate , although it's the meltdown regarding why this is happening ,that can only be speculation at this time , leave it to those hacks in the mhedia and the dhim supporters

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Imagine CG has leaked this and is on the forums to guage opinion on him as to wether he should leave or not :lol:

But seriously im gutted about this, on balance he has been fantastic for us and has really went at our many enemies with venom and i am just dreading the thought that we will get a CEO who just sits there in a "dignified silence" and let rumours grow and people attack us again. Please just not someone like that, someone like chales green but with more of a calm head on them

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As much as I thought Green should have resigned anyway, I however dont want to see the dignified silence type back at Rangers.

'dignified silence' may not have been pretty but it wasn't any worse or better than seeing a loudmouth run his mouth like a fucking lunatic for even the smallest of reasons.

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Hi fellas.

Hiya Berrz. just on to blow my load.

Will you Orcs now finally take your heads from the sand? Start up a wee junior team for an outlet for the bigotry or 'traditions' and let this charade go. You died last year, any attempts to raise a phoenix club were always doomed to failure. It's a poisoned chalice.

All we need now is Lex Gold to come on board and we have a full house: Green, Whyte and Gold. :)

Your children will all be Celtic fans in an independent Scotland. :)

Here we go to ten in a row. :)

Oh and finally I have two words I think you should all reflect on tonight: Neil Lennon. That handsome man is about to pick up his second league title at the weekend... just as you absorb the news that your phoenix club is breathing its last. We are all Neil Lennon. :)

You Berrz have a good weekend now.

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