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A Huge Thank You To Charles Green

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He did save the club, what ever his reasons were for doing so, and for that I'll always be grateful, but I'm not disappointed he's gone either.

Had the impression he's been hiding something for a while now and with him walking away shortly after an investigation had been launched and these revelations about him and Whyte appear it wouldn't surprise me if a shit-storm appears soon.

This. (tu)

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A few individuals will be taking cover right now. Outspoken? Prepare for Charlie unleashed.

Cheers Charlie its unlikely anyone has or ever will make such a significant contribution over a similar period of time.

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Hear Hear, devastated by this news I have to say. He has been the first guy in power to speak up for the club in public in my memory

The man may move on now and in to the mists of memory but his Legacy will rumble through the centuries as the man who saved the world's most successful club. For that his name will live on longer than any other figure in Scottish Football. Yes, he was that important though we may not realise it now sadly as many of the less positive commentators have demonstrated

Tonight I shall open a bottle of Canadian Club, sip wistfully and fondly gather my thoughts and memories of the Yorkshireman who for a while united the Rangers support and took us on our first foal-like steps on what will be a glorious journey back to the top

So its a huge thanks and a fond 'sithee' from me Mr Green, best of luck for the future

well I'll open the 18 year old Speyside malt that I got from Lidle for £20.

It's sippin' whisky but I'll gulp it, get pished, play my guitar and sing the sash and the Billy Boys

I'm so non PC

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He did save the club, what ever his reasons were for doing so, and for that I'll always be grateful, but I'm not disappointed he's gone either.

Had the impression he's been hiding something for a while now and with him walking away shortly after an investigation had been launched and these revelations about him and Whyte appear it wouldn't surprise me if a shit-storm appears soon.

i have been a strong supporter of Chuck, but i do fear the timing of this announcement indicates there is more "dirty linen" to come.

on a lighter note i can confirm that Lex Gold will NOT be Rangers next C.E.O. as it just would not do, to have that our last 3 to be???

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He did save the club, what ever his reasons were for doing so, and for that I'll always be grateful, but I'm not disappointed he's gone either.

Had the impression he's been hiding something for a while now and with him walking away shortly after an investigation had been launched and these revelations about him and Whyte appear it wouldn't surprise me if a shit-storm appears soon.

Thinking along those lines myself...BUT.....he stepped up when we needed him and has done a tremendous job saving our club...for that I'll be eternally grateful! Now we need someone with a business brain, who can lead from the front AND stand his ground, take on the haters and beat them into the ground!

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