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European Commission seek explanation on Celtic land deals

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There's a story on the Herald site today about how Murray made a hefty profit selling land in the east end. The usual obsessed bitter Rangers haters are having their usual digs. How sweet it would be if they were to get their comeuppance.

From memory murray was one of a number of people who made money around this time,iv not read the article but I reckon its regarding old industrial land around dalmarnock,it was then sold back within a short timeframe for the commonwealth games ,i cant remember all the other names but all had connections to the filth,willie haughey was one,I think liewell may have been another

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I follow Pzj on twitter and I'm on there a lot and in the last 6 months I'm afraid he had had nothing to say.

Just ambiguous or spurious tweets or stuff we already know.

Sadly it now looks like he is clutching at straws.

Hope I'm wrong though

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There's a story on the Herald site today about how Murray made a hefty profit selling land in the east end. The usual obsessed bitter Rangers haters are having their usual digs. How sweet it would be if they were to get their comeuppance.

It does seem a bit odd that just as PZJ seems to feel something is happening with regards to their deals that the Herald publishes a story regarding SDM making a legitimate profit on a land transaction. Could this be the early stages of a campaign to try and make a justification for what has been going on between c****c, EDC, and GCC? I know to some that may sound a bit conspiracy theorist, however so would the suggestion a few years back that someone may have started a charitable organisation only to bankrupt it by paying all of its cash to a football club for services that may never have been supplied.

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Just hope audit scotland didn't run into a brick wall trying to get paperwork from all parties involved in this sham.

As the real piece of evidence the scums SLA has never been acquired through FOI, not because of an excuse it can harm international relations and all the other bullshit GCC used not to give out the westhorn ground report, but simply no organisation has said they own a copy of it.

Just a thought would audit scotland be able to ask the scum for a copy of this mysterious SLA or is that outwith their remit ?

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Just hope audit scotland didn't run into a brick wall trying to get paperwork from all parties involved in this sham.

As the real piece of evidence the scums SLA has never been acquired through FOI, not because of an excuse it can harm international relations and all the other bullshit GCC used not to give out the westhorn ground report, but simply no organisation has said they own a copy of it.

Just a thought would audit scotland be able to ask the scum for a copy of this mysterious SLA or is that outwith their remit ?

If EDC and NHS are saying that they do not have copies of this SLA they will both be facing some very awkward questions if not legal proceedings as public bodies to my understanding have to keep full records of all major transactions. I'm pretty sure that if it went that far then c****c could be forced through a court order to supply all documentation held as it may pertain to an investigation into a possible fraudulent act and withholding evidence again may constitute a crime.

One could possibly believe that due to the recent change over between paper and digital archives that some information my be mislaid or lost in transit, but if two major public bodies are really saying that they don't have any records of the SLA there would have to be a suspicion that persons unknown had deliberately removed or destroyed the documentation for some reason. When I say personas unknown I mean more than one person within each organisation due to the way any SLA will leave a document trail across a number of departments within these organisations.

As I've said before I've worked for EDC under an SLA on a number of occasions and they do like to have their paperwork created and submitted on their own forms and within a reasonable time scale. The c****c SLA would generate quite a bit of documentation both from a financial and operational basis due to the provision for children visiting the training facility and staff employed by c****c entering schools. To give an example if EDC had commissioned a series of classes through an SLA partnership and one was cancelled they would be looking for that class to be either re-scheduled or for the cost they paid to be refunded. Records would be kept of dates, venues, staff involved and who attended all within paperwork that was generated and returned to EDC.

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If EDC and NHS are saying that they do not have copies of this SLA they will both be facing some very awkward questions if not legal proceedings as public bodies to my understanding have to keep full records of all major transactions. I'm pretty sure that if it went that far then c****c could be forced through a court order to supply all documentation held as it may pertain to an investigation into a possible fraudulent act and withholding evidence again may constitute a crime.

One could possibly believe that due to the recent change over between paper and digital archives that some information my be mislaid or lost in transit, but if two major public bodies are really saying that they don't have any records of the SLA there would have to be a suspicion that persons unknown had deliberately removed or destroyed the documentation for some reason.

Maybe PZJ next move would be to ask through a FOI is to ask audit Scotland for a copy of the sla to see if they have received it from one party or another. Depending on what they say would determine whether they have it or not ie If they said we can't give it due to an ongoing investigation or sorry we don't have it

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Some quotes from pzj on twitter tonight:

"Let us just say, all the hard work done and put in by the 'Wee team' was all worth it"

"sunday is always a good day to reveal things. A wonderful day of rest ;) ;) ;) Good night Bears, and have a great Sabbath."

"To all cfc supporters, I hear Sunday is a bad day to get bad news. But hey, you cant have everything after all you won a mickey mouse league."

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Some quotes from pzj on twitter tonight:

"Let us just say, all the hard work done and put in by the 'Wee team' was all worth it"

"sunday is always a good day to reveal things. A wonderful day of rest ;) ;) ;) Good night Bears, and have a great Sabbath."

"To all cfc supporters, I hear Sunday is a bad day to get bad news. But hey, you cant have everything after all you won a mickey mouse league."

Lets hope there is something in this, the media have been sitting on this for sometime.

Some may say,cfc are up to their neck in collusion with government influence (Labour & SNP) in gaining a unfair Sorting Advantage as well as dipping their hand into the public purse.

Hopefully things may be going tits up for one and all!!!!

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Financial watchdog Audit Scotland investigating Celtic, NHS Greater Glasgow and also Clyde & East Dunbartonshire council, The Sunday Post are reporting this morning.

Whilst I truly appreciate all the hard work that pzj and others have put into this fact finding mission to expose the hypocrisy and financial state aid that the great unwashed have benefited from. I can't help being sure that that mhob will with the help of "like minded" individuals just get out the tried and trusted BIG BRUSH and sweep it all away with the usual "nothing to see here" pish and bullshit, that will result in the msm in this twisted bigoted wee country doing all it can to turn it round to be about Rangers. God I hope i'm wrong but they have too much influence and too many questions and skeletons that they will not answer and do not want to be exposed.

Fair play to the Sunday Post for printing it, but it is on page 20 and it trots out the usual denials from Council spokesmen who no doubt have season tickets and probably shares.

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Whilst I truly appreciate all the hard work that pzj and others have put into this fact finding mission to expose the hypocrisy and financial state aid that the great unwashed have benefited from. I can't help being sure that that mhob will with the help of "like minded" individuals just get out the tried and trusted BIG BRUSH and sweep it all away with the usual "nothing to see here" pish and bullshit, that will result in the msm in this twisted bigoted wee country doing all it can to turn it round to be about Rangers. God I hope i'm wrong but they have too much influence and too many questions and skeletons that they will not answer and do not want to be exposed.

Fair play to the Sunday Post for printing it, but it is on page 20 and it trots out the usual denials from Council spokesmen who no doubt have season tickets and probably shares.

I totally get what you are saying and understand the thinking here but for me the fact that its actually in the papers and there is quotes from the relevant bodies involved. This may lead to a bit of finger pointing and blaming each other for having more or less of an input, having seen some of the evidence presented it should at the very least lead to the need for them to answer some awkward questions given this is an official independent government agency. If that mob have been receiving monies charged for servicies they havent delivered then that really is scandolous considering its council's budgets that it is being taken from.

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if everyone denys it all, nothing will be done, what we need is someone getting an twitchy arse and dropping others into it

thing is, if audit scotland find them guilty, heehaw will happen, they'll pay back a couple hundred grand and thats it no doubt, we need this to escalate higher

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SNS Group

​The article............it's a start!

A financial watchdog is investigating payments between a number of public bodies and Celtic Football Club.

Audit Scotland’s probe centres on the club’s north of Glasgow training HQ built in 2007.

They are examining a paper trail between the club, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and East Dunbartonshire Council over the state-of-the-art £8.5 million facility.

The council is said to have paid the football giants a significant sum over the last 18 months to allow members of the public limited access to the training ground. But the facility is only available for use on limited occasions.

Council officials have cited “commercial reasons” as their reason for refusing to disclose figures behind the service-level agreement.

Audit Scotland became involved after receiving a number of complaints about value-for-money public spending.

A spokesman for Audit Scotland said: “We have received several letters on this subject. As such, we have a team of local auditors who are making enquiries into this matter.”

Council officials say the public are allowed to use some of the pitches on Wednesday evenings and at some points during the summer.

The council inherited the deal from the Lennoxtown Initiative, a non-profit body set up by the council and the NHS to regenerate the area in 2002.

Thomas Glen, Director of Development and Regeneration at East Dunbartonshire Council, said, “East Dunbartonshire Council is a partner on the Lennoxtown Initiative which had a service-level agreement with Celtic Football Club to allow for community access to the Lennoxtown facility.

“The Council provided £68,377.20 in September, 2013, to support the delivery of this agreement. We fully support Audit Scotland in any responsible monitoring of the public pound.”

A spokeswoman for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde confirmed it is co-operating with auditors.

Their spokesman said: “We are aware that Audit Scotland are looking into this matter and have supplied them with all the relevant information that they have asked for.”

Celtic Football club refused to comment.

The training complex was built on the site of the former Lennox Castle Hospital to replace the club’s dilapidated Barrowfield training ground near Celtic Park in the east end of the city.

The club paid NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde nearly £493,000 for the land in June 2006 – some £13,000 more than it was valued at.

However, at one stage there had been hopes the land could sell for £3.5 million.

The club has previously been embroiled with people living near the training ground over access.

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Well done to pzj for all his efforts, even getting it on page 20 of the Sunday Post is a breakthrough. Where it goes from here will tell us a lot about the country we live in these days.

Totally agree PZJ's efforts have been magnificent, the posts website has it more prominent and it's quite easy to find also has the Daily Express not just run something recently about this as well.

Here's hoping MSM are now waking up to the approach of something to see here and get their teeth into this scandal.

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it's interesting that the scum refused to comment as when the state aid story broke they issued a statement for that.

let's hope it's good news this time around and that this evidence is enough to get the state aid investigation reopened

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Another tweet from pzj today

For the avoidance of doubt, 'The Wee Team' is nowhere near finished with material we are working on. That is all.

keep up the good work"the wee team" your hard work will pay off

Well said that man, Pzj & Co have kept at this for a long time and I for one believe that that lot will be brought to book in the end. It may take months, it may take years, but justice will be served.

On a down note I can't help but get angry at those within our own support who take the view of 'well done, but it won't come to anything' and say that the press won't cover this. Well they sure as hell won't if you aren't out there telling people about what has been going on, don't forget most folk out there are in the dark where this is concerned so it's up to us to spread the word about what Pzj has uncovered, the bheasts may want this swept under the carpet, but it's up to us to stop them by spreading the word throughout Scotland, the UK, and the rest of the world about what they have been up to. So the message is guys, stop the negativity and spread the word loud and far.

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Well said that man, Pzj & Co have kept at this for a long time and I for one believe that that lot will be brought to book in the end. It may take months, it may take years, but justice will be served.

On a down note I can't help but get angry at those within our own support who take the view of 'well done, but it won't come to anything' and say that the press won't cover this. Well they sure as hell won't if you aren't out there telling people about what has been going on, don't forget most folk out there are in the dark where this is concerned so it's up to us to spread the word about what Pzj has uncovered, the bheasts may want this swept under the carpet, but it's up to us to stop them by spreading the word throughout Scotland, the UK, and the rest of the world about what they have been up to. So the message is guys, stop the negativity and spread the word loud and far.


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"Brian McAleenan, chief executive of the Lennoxtown Initiative, told the Herald that a service level agreement between Celtic and Lennoxtown Initiative had been independently assessed by East Dunbartonshire Council as being worth £841,860 over a nine-year period."

"As part of the agreement, Celtic allow training access to two local boys' football clubs one night a week between 5pm and midnight.

The club also granted use of the facility during the month of June 2009 for schools and community organisations across East Dunbartonshire. This exercise is to be repeated in June 2010."

yet EDC say they have no record of the SLA

So nearly £1million for that. It was later reported that the boys clubs didn't end up getting to use the facility as EDC refused to pay for the transport costs of getting the boys to and from the training facility

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