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Rangers fans for yes


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Its surely a good thing that the Rangers support is a broad church that has people from different persuasion united in a love of Rangers. From what I heard todays work at Ibrox went well and there will be more to follow over the next couple of weeks

Would not have been well received by the lads on my supporters bus.

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iv said it before ANY so called rangers supporter that votes yes ia worse that any of the most rabid tims there is they should never never go near my club again there simple traitors i only wish we could get a list of them and name and shame the scum cause thats what you are IF U VOTE YES U STAND AGAINST EVERY THING OOR CLUB STANDS FOR AND HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL UR SELF A BEAR UR SIMPLY A REPUBLICAN END OF

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iv said it before ANY so called rangers supporter that votes yes ia worse that any of the most rabid tims there is they should never never go near my club again there simple traitors i only wish we could get a list of them and name and shame the scum cause thats what you are IF U VOTE YES U STAND AGAINST EVERY THING OOR CLUB STANDS FOR AND HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL UR SELF A BEAR UR SIMPLY A REPUBLICAN END OF

Fuck sake :anguish:

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misinformed nonsense, rangers is my club as it was the club I grew up supporting and my whole family support so much so my first name Graeme was from Souness , I support any soldier willing to put their life on the line in the british army for their fellow soldiers ( which I have family who have fought in wars )

Im voting yes to stop our soldiers being sent to illegal wars like Afghanistan where the UK asked the Taliban to protect the oil pipelines and when they said no they invaded and tortured men women and children all in the name of Great Britain.

Rangers is a british Club does that make me have to hate them ? no! I also use British Gas , British Telecoms and work for Royal Mail

so keep your pish to yourself because you sound like a clown !!!

What utter crap! The yessers bring out the same shit everytime..illegal wars etc etc

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iv said it before ANY so called rangers supporter that votes yes ia worse that any of the most rabid tims there is they should never never go near my club again there simple traitors i only wish we could get a list of them and name and shame the scum cause thats what you are IF U VOTE YES U STAND AGAINST EVERY THING OOR CLUB STANDS FOR AND HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL UR SELF A BEAR UR SIMPLY A REPUBLICAN END OF

You do realise that even if there is a yes vote that the Queen will still be head of state in Scotland? Ergo the attempt to insult by saying YES supporters are Republican just shows your ignorance of the whole debate!

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iv said it before ANY so called rangers supporter that votes yes ia worse that any of the most rabid tims there is they should never never go near my club again there simple traitors i only wish we could get a list of them and name and shame the scum cause thats what you are IF U VOTE YES U STAND AGAINST EVERY THING OOR CLUB STANDS FOR AND HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL UR SELF A BEAR UR SIMPLY A REPUBLICAN END OF

Wow....What a seriously retarded post.

Some will vote No. Some will vote Yes.... They will all still be Bears.... "END OF"

People voting purely because of what football team they support, in a matter of this seriousness..... holy shit.

Vote No because you choose to by making an informed decision ffs..

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Nice. Sounds like i hit a raw nerve. That sounded like something from only an excuse.

All i was saying was, i dont understand the need to bring politics and religion into a football match.

For the record, im voting NO. Not because im protestant and GSTQ an all that. But because im proud of the United Kingdom, and dont think the country can survive independence.

It was a need of our forefathers.

Following the formation of Celtic with their very strong Irish and Catholic identity, the indigenous Scot sought a football club which would reflect their own culture and faith.

Rangers became that vehicle and is probably the main reason we emerged as the most successful and supported Scottish club.

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You do realise that even if there is a yes vote that the Queen will still be head of state in Scotland? Ergo the attempt to insult by saying YES supporters are Republican just shows your ignorance of the whole debate!

I understand that the separatists have proposed an "interim " constitution with the Queen as Head of State.
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Watch this and then say the war was legal ..

I hate the very term "legal" and "illegal" when referred to wars. Totally absurd , in my opinion. Do people voting yes really think that the good people of Iraq, Afghanistan etc cared if the United Nations had given a particular legalised title to the bombs being dropped on them. I can't imagine a son or daughter watching their mother's leg being blown off , then suddenly accepting it because it was "legal". War is a filthy business, legal or otherwise, and it does piss me off when this is brought up in the independence debate by the yessers! The stench of desperation is palpable!

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You do realise that even if there is a yes vote that the Queen will still be head of state in Scotland? Ergo the attempt to insult by saying YES supporters are Republican just shows your ignorance of the whole debate!

Sorry, but you cant be very bright if you believe ANY of that pich for a second.

A mere attempt to attract Protestant suckers to vote yes.

Their big cause celebre AFTER any yes vote (God help us) would be full republican status.

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iv said it before ANY so called rangers supporter that votes yes ia worse that any of the most rabid tims there is they should never never go near my club again there simple traitors i only wish we could get a list of them and name and shame the scum cause thats what you are IF U VOTE YES U STAND AGAINST EVERY THING OOR CLUB STANDS FOR AND HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL UR SELF A BEAR UR SIMPLY A REPUBLICAN END OF

Read what this poster says, read it carefully......

And conclude that glue sniffing is bad, really bad - what a roaster

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Wow....What a seriously retarded post.

Some will vote No. Some will vote Yes.... They will all still be Bears.... "END OF"

People voting purely because of what football team they support, in a matter of this seriousness..... holy shit.

Vote No because you choose to by making an informed decision ffs..

You are being a tad harsh on the lad. Going by his id he is only 10 and I suspect many of the errors in his post are down to the in competencies of his 'special needs' teacher.

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I hate the very term "legal" and "illegal" when referred to wars. Totally absurd , in my opinion. Do people voting yes really think that the good people of Iraq, Afghanistan etc cared if the United Nations had given a particular legalised title to the bombs being dropped on them. I can't imagine a son or daughter watching their mother's leg being blown off , then suddenly accepting it because it was "legal". War is a filthy business, legal or otherwise, and it does piss me off when this is brought up in the independence debate by the yessers! The stench of desperation is palpable!

Just watch the video it's a different perspective

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After a yes vote the SNP are unlikely to form the government - it is more likely we will have a labour led parliament and we are a long way from republicanism

And you can guarantee that ?, nobody in the public eye knows what would happen after a yes vote, but what I do know is, if it goes tits up, there's no going back. Yes voters THINK ON. :7325:

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And you can guarantee that ?, nobody in the public eye knows what would happen after a yes vote, but what I do know is, if it goes tits up, there's no going back. Yes voters THINK ON. :7325:

So no vote means that we are all happy with the way this country is being run with all the cuts and unemployment i am still undecided on this .
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And you can guarantee that ?, nobody in the public eye knows what would happen after a yes vote, but what I do know is, if it goes tits up, there's no going back. Yes voters THINK ON. :7325:

That was one if the best points made by Auld Archie in his impassioned speech. He came across a number of people saying they "might give Yes a try.......". They don't realize that after a yes vote there is no way back. One heck of a gamble.

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So no vote means that we are all happy with the way this country is being run with all the cuts and unemployment i am still undecided on this .

As I said no one knows what would happen with a yes vote, but for the sake of my children, my mortgage and pension, I'm not prepared to take that gamble.

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