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Ally McCoist: I can take the flak – but I'll walk away from


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I actually think the article was written with the consent of Ally. "Walking away" because the family members are getting affected is probably the only reason that would stop all the crap from both our own and other club supporters. I think he is preparing his means to get out without getting more stick from everyone. Imho.

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I actually think the article was written with the consent of Ally. "Walking away" because the family members are getting affected is probably the only reason that would stop all the crap from both our own and other club supporters. I think he is preparing his means to get out without getting more stick from everyone. Imho.

Let's hope you are right, it would be really sad if Ally ruins all the good he has done over the years by stuberness now when he must know it is not working for him as a manager.

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You don't need to remind me of what I said, I KNOW exactly what I said thank you.

See you see it as a veiled dig, I see it as me saying you can do what you like. I don't need to reread the article. I read it. I made an opinion. You feel you have to correct every person that has done so. This is a factual point. Have a cup of tea and breathe.

He is completely right though STG, you have made your points ITT based on something Ally didn't say.

It has nothing to do with opinion.

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I actually think the article was written with the consent of Ally. "Walking away" because the family members are getting affected is probably the only reason that would stop all the crap from both our own and other club supporters. I think he is preparing his means to get out without getting more stick from everyone. Imho.

Conditional walking away.
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The whole thread is based on a hypotheses which some of us merely continued. Not really hard to understand.

However, when asked if he’d have to reassess the situation if the levels of criticism started to have an effect on his family, McCoist said: “That’s different, there’s nothing more important than my family.”

By even answering that question he is opening up the story and pandering to the media, again.

A hypothesis! The answers are based on a misreading. You can't hypothesise anything about his family themselves being abused from what has actually been said.

I've heard it all now. A 'hypothetical' criticism! AKA a criticism of something he hasn't done or shown any sign of doing.

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Interwebz-Mob-Mentality is not gender-specific, Inigo. The point you were making wasn't just an opinion; it actually was the truth of the matter.

Your only fault on this thread was being too much of a gentleman towards sweettartangirl, which I found mildly sexist.

Lol. I thought the reaction was a bit excessive, but 'ignored' nonetheless.

C'est la vie.

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