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Independent FA report out today


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21 minutes ago, Smile said:

They should not be stripped of the Trophy but they should not be able to compete in it this year.

I agree with this in regards to fair play but I honestly only see something as substantial as a removal of the trophy as a precursor to prevent any more thugs from thinking Rangers fans are fair game to taunt and assault. Rangers shouldn't receive the trophy but it should go down as void , no one won !!

People are going to get seriously hurt if the  hatred in anything Rangers isn't stopped from press and authorities. 

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The SFA and police have got what they wanted.....no blame attached.

The SFA will have to be seen as acting upon it in some way.

They will make noises about tighter regulations or punishments with regards to future crowd invasions.

They will make it illegal for players to approach fans in any way

They will not punish hivs, they will sit on their hands and hope it never happens again.

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12 hours ago, Smile said:

Should be a laugh.


THE investigation has come to an end and a report will be released by the SFA into the trouble today.
THE independent report into the chaos of the Scottish Cup final will be published by the SFA today.

Sheriff Principal Edward Bowen QC has spent the last two months investigating the causes of the controversial disorder that blighted the final between Hibs and Rangers.

The Easter Road club triumphed 3-2 to win the trophy for the first time in 114 years, but the post match celebrations were marred by ugly incidents of crowd disorder.

Hibs fans invaded the pitch, initially in celebration, but Rangers players and backroom staff were assaulted before rival supporters fought on the pitch.

Stewarding and policing arrangements were heavily criticised, prompting SFA chief executive Stewart Regan to order Bowen’s independent review.

Its findings will be published today, but the SFA, Hibs and Rangers were last night all remaining tight-lipped.

Bowen addressed five major elements of concern, including if all reasonably practicable steps were taken to minimise the possibility of disorder.

He is also expected to reveal if the response and reaction times of parties such as Police Scotland, security company G4S and the SFA were satisfactory.

Bowen is set to to announce what measures can be taken in future to improve the safety of players, officials and others in and around the pitch at major matches.

Bowen’s report will be followed by one from SFA compliance officer Tony McGlennan, who has been charged with detailing which football sanctions, if any, should be doled out to clubs or individuals.

Aye lets sweep sweep for a couple of months so its no longer current then release a 50 page report that nobody can be fucked reading but implicates one of the most successful clubs on the planet.

Ah give up!

Bring on tomorrow - lets get league won this season and sit back and savour every moment in this cesspit !

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2 hours ago, eejay the dj said:

The trophy should not even get a mention .We fucked that up on our own .

The Hivs and the Force are responsible .If you want to even go further .So then are the Sfa

And the police, who allowed those intent on criminal action easy access on to the park, even though they had warnings earlier at the semi-final stage this could happen.

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2 minutes ago, Virtuoso said:

The irony of Scottish football vilifying that when it's near identical to one of the most celebrated moments in Scottish football meant that one was always fucked. 


I'm sure an image of it happening at Wembley featured prominently in the Scottish football museum at Hampden. 

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Still say only punishment is/was to take the cup off them. This is the only punishment that will really hurt the Hivs fans as seriously it was not the club itself that caused the bother and fines/sanctions won't bother the exhuberent fans. Don't even mention banning the hivs fans from games fek sakes most of them don't go to games. 

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First time poster, long time reader as they say on shite phone ins (almost). Not read the full report, but most of it. If they say that every rangers fan in the stadium was a season ticket holder and the vast majority behaved themselves whereas the other mob were selling to anyone who could scratch together 30 quid and they started the trouble - if nothing else (I would expect more fallout) surely this is the SFA admitting all future semi-finals/finals must be allocated on the number of season ticket holders

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2 hours ago, 40delboy40 said:

Bottom line ladies,gentleman and children. No Hibs support on pitch no problems. End of message .

This is it for me it's not as if the Rangers supporters ran on immediately either it was after considerable taunting.

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Re the 1980 Final the report states.

"When the match ended, some Celtic players ran towards the "Celtic end" of the pitch and hundreds of Celtic supporters responded by climbing the barrier fence and invading the pitch, ostensibly for the purpose of celebrating their team’s victory. In response to the pitch invasion by the Celtic fans, a large number of Rangers supporters also climbed over the barrier fence and ran onto the pitch, whereupon fighting broke out amongst the two groups of supporters."

That is the re-writing of history as on that occasions the Celtic support also encroached right up to the penalty box at the Rangers end before our support reacted, this makes it sound like the Celtic fans were celebrating with the team and we ran the length of the pitch and waded into them.  

Fast forward to 2016 and the report says

About 10 to 15 Hibs supporters had arrived at the West end of the pitch in sufficient proximity to the Rangers supporters to commence taunting them.  Again re-writing of the facts as there were significantly more than 10-15 Hibs fans up taunting our support before we reacted.


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1 hour ago, Bears r us said:

Sorry for going a bit off topic, but does anyone know the numbers of Rangers fans charged and the number of Hivs fans charged ? Ta

fire in a freedom of information act mate.  That would be a really interesting thing to know.

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4 hours ago, The Dude said:

The irony of Scottish football vilifying that when it's near identical to one of the most celebrated moments in Scottish football meant that one was always fucked.


I'm sure an image of it happening at Wembley featured prominently in the Scottish football museum at Hampden.

I agree that the SFA would sweep this part under the carpet for exactly the reason you stated Dude. Bowen should still have included it in his report though, as it is criminal damage at the end of the day.

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Have just read that full report. Its a joke. An absolute joke. It looks as if a first year pupil has written it for a start and it just talks one lot of shite. 

My memories of the alleged sectarian singing was only after the pitch invasion when a chorus of the billy boys was blasted out in nothing other than defiance. I cannot recall any sectarian chanting throughout the match and if so why did the police not move in then what they usually do and arrest said fans. 

The pyrotechnics were not an ongoing feature of the whole match as far as I can recall and it woukd be interesting to see from police scotland cameras and audio equipment the  continual and repetative  sectarian chanting and use of pyrotechnics in order to count these instances.

What the author of the report deems as sectarian chanting may be very different in a court of law,I know he is a judge etx , but the law is very unclear at best.

Does he include the sash for example as the use of a sectarian song?  Does he include king billy is on the wall as a sectarian chant? Therefore, in order to fully ascertain the level of sectarian chanting and pyrotechnic usage within the west stand, in order to merit a visabily higher proportion of the deployment of police scotland towards that area. we need to then have a breakdown of what was seen or heard by audio and visual recordings or i woukd say that this is merely a matter of convenience for the author of the report. 

Effectively what he is saying is that had the rangers fans not adopted a alcohol  fuelled, sectarian pyrotechnic display, polkce scotlsnd would have been able to deploy their tactical officers more evenly arpund the ground.? 

How many fans have police scotland indicated  that were lifted and charged with sectarian breach of the peace, for their behaviour during the game?  There was cameras pointing into our fans during the game in order to record incidents.  Have people been lifted for this? If there has been a continual and constant sectarian songbook being chanted out , arrests woukd have been made for this charge alone?

Again, with the pyrotechnics , why have an extra xxxxx amount of officers deployed at the west stand when a few officer could have moved in to deal with the perpetrators of daid devices?  The wY they usually do?? 

It's a joke of a report and nothing less than expected. Rangers shpukd be taking these Cunts all the way. 

Let everyone see the footage from police scotland !!!

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One thing I predict this season .If we are winning the league this season away from home .There is going to be one massive pitch invasion .I for one welcome it ,I hope we rip up the place and goad whoever bastards are in front of us .Remember it's our exuberance getting the better of us .No crime as its 5 years in the wilderness .It will be monumental to the Rangers support ..Right ?


Oops forgot .As its us .There will be warnings issued ..The fuckpigs will be 10 deep .Every video camera will be getting used that they possess .

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1 hour ago, deco19761 said:

Have just read that full report. Its a joke. An absolute joke. It looks as if a first year pupil has written it for a start and it just talks one lot of shite. 

My memories of the alleged sectarian singing was only after the pitch invasion when a chorus of the billy boys was blasted out in nothing other than defiance. I cannot recall any sectarian chanting throughout the match and if so why did the police not move in then what they usually do and arrest said fans. 

The pyrotechnics were not an ongoing feature of the whole match as far as I can recall and it woukd be interesting to see from police scotland cameras and audio equipment the  continual and repetative  sectarian chanting and use of pyrotechnics in order to count these instances.

What the author of the report deems as sectarian chanting may be very different in a court of law,I know he is a judge etx , but the law is very unclear at best.

Does he include the sash for example as the use of a sectarian song?  Does he include king billy is on the wall as a sectarian chant? Therefore, in order to fully ascertain the level of sectarian chanting and pyrotechnic usage within the west stand, in order to merit a visabily higher proportion of the deployment of police scotland towards that area. we need to then have a breakdown of what was seen or heard by audio and visual recordings or i woukd say that this is merely a matter of convenience for the author of the report. 

Effectively what he is saying is that had the rangers fans not adopted a alcohol  fuelled, sectarian pyrotechnic display, polkce scotlsnd would have been able to deploy their tactical officers more evenly arpund the ground.? 

How many fans have police scotland indicated  that were lifted and charged with sectarian breach of the peace, for their behaviour during the game?  There was cameras pointing into our fans during the game in order to record incidents.  Have people been lifted for this? If there has been a continual and constant sectarian songbook being chanted out , arrests woukd have been made for this charge alone?

Again, with the pyrotechnics , why have an extra xxxxx amount of officers deployed at the west stand when a few officer could have moved in to deal with the perpetrators of daid devices?  The wY they usually do?? 

It's a joke of a report and nothing less than expected. Rangers shpukd be taking these Cunts all the way. 

Let everyone see the footage from police scotland !!!

The gestspo bastards would never reveal that .Maybe clips implicating us in any way the can 

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At no point did he say it was illegal for any fan to enter the feild of play, Why did he not say this ? Every football fan up and down the country knows they will get lifted if they enter the field  of play. 

When we beat Celtic on penalties did our fans invade the pitch?

And this more police up our end pish proves we are being victimised, sectarian singing? Really? Which songs are we talking about?  That was after the whistle and all the shite started so again more pish.  And when did singing a song physically hurt someone? 

Even after the match the police continued to video us while they ran about behind them and they did not care they just kept filming the law abiding  fans in the stand. 

And the biggest laugh of all is when he states HE'S NOT QUALIFIED TO SPEAK ABOUT POLICE AND STEWARDS? So what was the fucking point of him doing it ? 



So according to this clown if we win the league away from home this season we can invade the pitch, assault opposition players along the way but it's all cool as long as we remain in our own half,  I'm sure the police would take the same light hearted attitude with us.

Good on the club for coming out on the front foot, they must now demand Stewart Regan's resignation as again he can't even select someone qualified as the person said to do this report   

Regan must go now and the club demand the book is thrown at Hibs, record fine and are banned from the cup for 2 seasons .

Again we can't get justice even when it was clear as day what happened.  NO fans on park= NO trouble, the police and stewards fucked up. End of report, as that's what happened, not 50 pages full of shite.

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10 hours ago, The Dude said:

The irony of Scottish football vilifying that when it's near identical to one of the most celebrated moments in Scottish football meant that one was always fucked. 


I'm sure an image of it happening at Wembley featured prominently in the Scottish football museum at Hampden. 

Unfair comparison. The general mood of the crowd was good at Wembley, there was no intention to fight or confront rival fans, and players safety was not threatened in the slightest.  The goalposts broke accidentally.

HIbs fans at Hampden had the intention to confront and fight rival fans, destroy any property including cameras and signage etc, and assault players on the pitch.


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