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Kris Boyd's brother found dead


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5 hours ago, GOAT said:

Sorry I couldn't give a fuck, he has a wife and child on the way.  An absolute selfish bastard.  They and the rest of his family will have to pick up the pieces from his careless act.

Just underlined my belief that you know fuck all about fuck all, but shout very loudly about it without a thought for anyone else who may be affected by it. I lost my 18yr old daughter in similar circumstances earlier this year. Thankfully, everyone around us was very kind to our family and we didn't have a single loudmouth twat to deal with. There are no right things to say to a family in cases like this, but there are plenty wong ones.

Why did I even take the time to type this? To stand up for others in my position why are utterly sick and tired of ignorant, faceless dobbers who know fuck all about anything, but think they have the right to judge others.

I really hate you right now - but I hope you never have to deal with what I - or the Boyd family - have to deal with this year. What a cockbag.

ps.................nobody cares a single jot what you think by the way. Sometimes, just sometimes, it is better to keep your trap shut.

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Suicide :power_of_anguish: I hate it when I hear someone has taken their own life. And any cunt calling him selfish can go fuck themselves. The brutal demons that must have taken over him for him to do that must have been torture. 

RIP, Scott. I hope you have the peace you really wanted. 

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12 minutes ago, East Enclosure Row N said:

Just underlined my belief that you know fuck all about fuck all, but shout very loudly about it without a thought for anyone else who may be affected by it. I lost my 18yr old daughter in similar circumstances earlier this year. Thankfully, everyone around us was very kind to our family and we didn't have a single loudmouth twat to deal with. There are no right things to say to a family in cases like this, but there are plenty wong ones.

Why did I even take the time to type this? To stand up for others in my position why are utterly sick and tired of ignorant, faceless dobbers who know fuck all about anything, but think they have the right to judge others.

I really hate you right now - but I hope you never have to deal with what I - or the Boyd family - have to deal with this year. What a cockbag.

ps.................nobody cares a single jot what you think by the way. Sometimes, just sometimes, it is better to keep your trap shut.

Sorry for your loss mate. All the best to you and your family 

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Tragic beyond belief. My best wishes and condolences go to the Boyd family and friends.

I appreciate that I may be fueling the fire, but I can't help feeling disappointed by GOAT's comments. At best, his comments were inappropriate. Reiterating his highly debatable point three times was disgusting.

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7 hours ago, GOAT said:

My thoughts are with his family who he has now left to pick up the pieces from his shite.  Suicide must be the most selfish thing anyone can do in life and death.  He was going to be a father ffs, poor wean.

I dont see how it is any more selfish than dying of cancer tbh

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1 hour ago, East Enclosure Row N said:

Just underlined my belief that you know fuck all about fuck all, but shout very loudly about it without a thought for anyone else who may be affected by it. I lost my 18yr old daughter in similar circumstances earlier this year. Thankfully, everyone around us was very kind to our family and we didn't have a single loudmouth twat to deal with. There are no right things to say to a family in cases like this, but there are plenty wong ones.

Why did I even take the time to type this? To stand up for others in my position why are utterly sick and tired of ignorant, faceless dobbers who know fuck all about anything, but think they have the right to judge others.

I really hate you right now - but I hope you never have to deal with what I - or the Boyd family - have to deal with this year. What a cockbag.

ps.................nobody cares a single jot what you think by the way. Sometimes, just sometimes, it is better to keep your trap shut.

I'm sorry for your loss.

abusing me isn't going to change my opinion on suicide though.

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22 minutes ago, GOAT said:

I'm sorry for your loss.

abusing me isn't going to change my opinion on suicide though.

When I was younger I used to think like you mate...until I realised there is not a single rational thought left in the mind of someone who decides to take their own life, otherwise they would go and get help, or at the very least they would choose a far less painful way to take their own life.

I don't think it's a black and white as you make it out to be, one thing you have absolutely right is that is the loved ones who are left utterly shattered and have to pick up the pieces.

There's a tragic story about a 12 year old on STV news website who took his own life. Apparently an increasing number of young people are calling the children's helpline with thoughts of suicide.

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7 hours ago, GOAT said:

Sorry I couldn't give a fuck, he has a wife and child on the way.  An absolute selfish bastard.  They and the rest of his family will have to pick up the pieces from his careless act.

You really must live in a fucking cave. I'm not even going to bother trying to frame the words to describe your ignorance.

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We shouldn't be using this thread to discuss the politics of suicide, leave all that stuff for the OT/Debating forums. We're football and Rangers fan on here, we've all got families and as this thread has proved, you'll end up upsetting a fellow fan. Not having a go at anyone in particular, just trying to play devil's advocate here.

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Right you lot. 

Due to Kris Boyd being the guys brother, many Rangers fans feel personal empathy and regret.  And many others will have sympathy for someone who was just another human, taking his own life.

Let's keep our dignity intact and offer sincere respect.


Admin, please keep this thread respectful to the family and friends, and delete all the arguments and opinions, on suicide itself. They belong elsewhere, or can be debated elsewhere, not personally towards poor Scott, and not on the main Rangers page.


R.I.P Scott Boyd. 

Respects to his family.




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First RIP and I hope the family get the counselling they will need to get some kind of a handle on this.

Second when someone kills themselves it leaves a hole in the family, people often fill this with guilt and blame. They do not need others chipping in with ill-informed opinions about the reason for the suicidal act.

Third, someone who is going to kill them selves will have thoughts along the lines of, being worthless, they are bemused why people like or care about them, they are a walking embarrassment to their family, they are going to let every one down, they are a dead weight to their family and everyone would be better off if they were dead. The family would get on if they were not there fucking everything up, their child would grow up better without them as you will drag them down and hold them back, they just bring misery and despair to everyone they love. Everyone would be better off if I was just not here........ This tends to be the rough lines of how someone sees themselves, their effects on others and how their life is a constant negative on everyone else.

This is where professional help is needed as the person has problem solved and came to the conclusion that it would be the best outcome is, if they were dead. On a sunny day all they see is the shadows, no sunlight for them. When some one kills them selves they usually do so because they see no hope, no positive future is possible and they will make it worse for everyone else. This is where you professional is needed, not family as they can be dismissed as "they would say that". If the family see the mask slip? The person has spent large amounts of time thinking about their perceived worthlessness, they are mentally well defended against argument and  usually emotionally settled on their course of action. The family is not geared up to take this on.

A stranger who knows what they are doing and orchestrating the strength of the family to not go into some subjects at certain times if very important. The family is important but it can reinforce the destructive thoughts even though they are saying and doing the right things, just at the wrong time, when the person was not ready. The professional stranger has an very different effect and adopts many roles as the persons internal world view and self view is being challenged realigned with reality. This is what we study, we see inside their head, we see through the mask and we know the darkness. We also know how to bring change, light; life. We pull them in directions they don't want to go" life can be good" is not a thought you want when you have drummed in to yourself that your life is worthless. Even with all that we lose people.

If you know someone who is suicidal please get them professional help as fast as possible.

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You can see a broken arm or leg, but you cant see a broken head, what's going on inside nobody knows and you really must have reached the end of the line to kill yourself, I had a pal who on the face of it had a great life, decent job loved a beer and a cigarette, good golfer liked the football etc an all round top bloke, he attempted suicide by trying to hang himself from the rafters through the loft hatch, lucky the daft cunt fucked it up so he is still around but its a fine line.

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