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Think I'm done with Rangers


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5 hours ago, 7troop said:

I know this will attract criticism and probably even ridicule but reluctantly I feel compelled to voice my feelings.

I seen only the first half of Saturday's game on my iPad due to various technical issues my provider was experiencing. As a result I wasn't even aware of the extent of the sickening sectarian displays put on by the IRAceltic scum.

I had stayed away from all television coverage and media content deliberately until last night when I decided to check out some of the regular sports media I use. To my astonishment I seen the pictures dipicting the hanging of Rangers fans and Orangemen alongside the plethora of other hate and war inciting banners etc.

What really set me off though was the lack of reporting and condemnation of it by the vast array of sources who consistently go out of their way to attack and demonise Rangers fans for the slightest of misdemeanour.

Its been a long time since I've felt anger and rage like it. My wife was witness to emotions in me she has rarely if ever seen, I was physically shaking with rage. Those pictures of the hanging and the subsequent lack of condemnation have evoked feelings within me that I don't want or need resurfacing in my life.

Time after time after time we ( Rangers fans, Protestants, Unionists, British ) whatever title we fit are demonised, attacked and treated as sub human criminals by IRAceltic, their republican juggernaut and their complicit media and politicians. Every aspect of our existence, culture, beliefs and heritage is constantly under attack. Yet we have a clubs fans IRAceltic ( unlike no other ) whose continuous and ever increasing despicable acts of pure and deliberate sectarian hatred and incitements of violence which go unchallenged, unpunished and even condoned?

I grew up in East Belfast through the troubles and have experienced the carnage and social destruction that sectarianism and bigotry does so I'm far from an over sensitive soul. Norn Iron has largely albeit not entirely moved on from that now but things are majorly transformed.

Scotland however is poison beyond belief. I find the levels of allowance and the collaboration of so many haters right across the country towards us astonishing and the lack of people challenging this deplorable imbalance hard to comprehend. After this latest in what is such a long line of incidents perpetrated against our club and our people I simply cannot accept it unchallenged anymore. I'm sick of it, I'm tired of it, I'm done with it.

Its supposed to be about football which is the reason I support Rangers but everything that surrounds the club from our enemies is about anything but football. Glasgow and Belfast may share some obvious cultural similarities but I can assure you that the Unionist communities in Belfast and across Northern Ireland would never accept the disgraceful state of affairs you accept and live in in Glasgow.

How to hell have you all allowed things to get to the point of being treated as sub human, klan like social degenerates without any retribution? I'm not particularly knowledgable in Scottish politics and dynamics but surely there is some sort of structure or organisation out there to represent the Unionist / Loyalist / Protestant / British people of Scotland? Rangers football club won't die but I assure you that clubs future is in jeopardy because the fans of the club will die off and won't be replaced in adequate numbers by future generations. How will any young football fan out with Glasgow ever be attracted to Rangers in the future?

Although my current (7troop) username suggests I am relatively new on here the reality is I have been a member of Rangersmedia under a previous name since 2007/2008 ish. I have belonged to various groups / organisations and played an active role in defending our traditions in many different ways through the years but have just become so disillusioned with the lack of mobility and response from other Rangers fans and groups, particularly those based in Glasgow combined with the shameful actions of the Scottish media, government, police force and the many other haters.

When the only weapon of response or deterrent in your arsenal is Statements then you know your in trouble. Those years of dignified silence and ignoring the enemy has led to this point. Sleeping when we should have been wide awake.

Im prepared for the accusations that'll come my way on here over this but I just wish someone at the club would read the underlying message in my feelings, because I'm not alone. 




I'll never be done with Rangers but you're spot on with the rest. I moved here from Belfast a few years ago and am astonished with how easily sinn fein has taken root and spread it's bile especially through Glasgow.

Scotland's biggest city and you don't see any Union flags on any government buildings. Even the Police don't fly it unless it's the Queens birthday or similar. 

The SNP have sided with the devil for it's support and one day it will come calling for its reward. The ira will soon get fed up with proping up the SNP with no sign of independence and will put people on the streets. It's their way.

Only a matter of time before Rangers are properly targeted over flying the Union flag, armed forces day and even having supporters from Northern Ireland. 


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Really is pretty pathetic OP.

So sick of this country you'd want to leave? Aye I'd get that.

So sick of the fitba you're just gonna drift away? Well during mccoist years I'd have understood it but argued against it.

But walk away from the Rangers because we have been victims of hate crimes? Because we are hated and undefended targets in our own country? Well that's just daft and well, pathetic as I said.

FINALLY, other than one or two who deem us to be sensitive souls, I think the fuller fan base has woken up to what's really going on. We are at war in our own society.

We now need the club, ALL fans groups and the general support to fight back. Take the attacks and victimising no longer. You know what, whilst all bickering and greed may continue, on this point of solidarity against dehumanisation I think we may just have started going forward. 

Stand and fight or walk away the victim and leave your folk to do the job for you.

You decide.

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He's right about one thing! I also worry that the current Rangers fans will be replaced in adequate numbers in the future. Of all of my mates that are bears, very little of their kids are Rangers fans or taken to the games. Of the ones that are tims, all of their kids are wearing the green and grey and taken to the games. Not to mention the amount if nondenominational schools that are being shut down yet the catholic ones are all kept. I grew up in Cumbernauld and over the years I've seen 6 nondenominational primary schools been shut down and 1 high scoop yet the Catholic ones have been kept. It's now pretty much a 50/50 split in terms of schooling. This will only get worse as I'm not entirely sure what can be done about it. Would love to know the figures in relation to Protestant/Catholic split now in the country.

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5 hours ago, DavieAyrshire said:

Apologies if i have picked this up wrong your saying your done with rangers because of the media ect...  aint this the time as fans we need to stand together or have i missed the whole point

think the point he is making is we don't stand we sit and take it without really fighting back

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Quite sure the Ops point are born from frustration and I will quote Graeme Souness that "you don't become a Rangers fan,you are born one" Saturday came as no surprise to me and I 100% know these cunts are not finished with us yet. So what we will need are people prepared to fight our corner and if that aint you fella,then shut the door on your way out. :uk: 

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If what's going on off the park annoys you more than what's going on on the fucking park I'd question if you actually want to support a football club in the first place, all this shite from the tims is conveniently allowing people to forget how fucking diabolical we were on Saturday and have been for a long time now.

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28 minutes ago, B1872 said:

He's right about one thing! I also worry that the current Rangers fans will be replaced in adequate numbers in the future. Of all of my mates that are bears, very little of their kids are Rangers fans or taken to the games. Of the ones that are tims, all of their kids are wearing the green and grey and taken to the games. Not to mention the amount if nondenominational schools that are being shut down yet the catholic ones are all kept. I grew up in Cumbernauld and over the years I've seen 6 nondenominational primary schools been shut down and 1 high scoop yet the Catholic ones have been kept. It's now pretty much a 50/50 split in terms of schooling. This will only get worse as I'm not entirely sure what can be done about it. Would love to know the figures in relation to Protestant/Catholic split now in the country.

Still supposedly about 17% but I know there is more in Glasgow indicated by the last census 

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1 minute ago, Bad Robot said:

Still supposedly about 17% but I know there is more in Glasgow indicated by the last census 

So we are the minority now in Glasgow? The politicians are shutting down nondenominational schools at an alarming rate. Was reading there is a celtic supporters club in Holyrood - country is fucked!

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28 minutes ago, B1872 said:

He's right about one thing! I also worry that the current Rangers fans will be replaced in adequate numbers in the future. Of all of my mates that are bears, very little of their kids are Rangers fans or taken to the games. Of the ones that are tims, all of their kids are wearing the green and grey and taken to the games. Not to mention the amount if nondenominational schools that are being shut down yet the catholic ones are all kept. I grew up in Cumbernauld and over the years I've seen 6 nondenominational primary schools been shut down and 1 high scoop yet the Catholic ones have been kept. It's now pretty much a 50/50 split in terms of schooling. This will only get worse as I'm not entirely sure what can be done about it. Would love to know the figures in relation to Protestant/Catholic split now in the country.

In fairness anyone I know with kids who is a fan of either brings them up to support whatever team they do, happened with me and all my mates, maybe you need to look at why your mates ain't pushing them towards Rangers if that's what the celtic fan ones do? Assuming they aren't already obviously. 

Loads of kids these days support the massive teams but it was the same when I grew up too, I still think there's enough of us coming through though I mean I go to games and about 14 of my mates also all have tickets and we're young so there's hope yet! 

Grew up in Cumbernauld too, was my high school that was shut, rip Gregory's Girl :( 

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Part of the problem is people moan and moan about the Scottish government but I have no doubt they vote SNP when it comes to an election. People don't seem to understand that the SNP is the Scottish government. Vote them out! The sooner we get them out of office, the sooner we can start getting back to some sort of normality. 

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31 minutes ago, thegambler said:

What do you think the best way to go about this would be?

VB speak my thoughts. Club1872 released a statement I agreed with though not hard hitting enough. I want a condemning statement from all supporters groups.

I think we as a fan base need to challenge all forms of dehumanisation by reporting to plod, writing to politicians, calling phone ins.etc. Keep chipping away against the brick wall.

More than anything we need to let the Board know we want strong action taken by them on this.  The sort of strong willed Board I thought was present on the release of the SC semi statement.

I think we should be getting the club to canvass a ST holder vote on whether we as a support want to go down the route of banning that mob (I do). 

That's for starters.

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I can see where your coming from OP. 

Whats the point of fighting when it's obvious we don't want the fight and would rather just take the hit after hit and pat ourselves on the back that We Are The People when we are so far being that. I don't think I can remember any community falling so low as we have. 

Having said that I live in hope that eventually maybe just maybe we finally say enough is enough and really stand together and take on the fight that needs fought, sadly I see no sign of it happening anytime soon. 

But I will never give up my club. We the fans are Rangers, not some handwringing rich fucker in a blazer sitting lording it over us from the directors box, not some overpaid  muppet who gets to live the dream of pulling on that blue top when he doesn't even deserve to mention the name Rangers and especially not the sad fuckers in our support who willingly behind over backwards and tip their cap to folk who look down on them as if they are a piece of shit on their shoe. 

One day maybe not in my lifetime but one day we will say enough is enough and finally take a real stand. 

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OP, you seem to have chanelled all your frustration into one thought and are about to give up on the Rangers which I just couldn't do, perhaps if you chanelled all your frustration into doing something about the blatant sectarian attack on our club by lobbying your MP or writing to Police Scotland and the SFA etc you would feel better and that you may actually achieve something for your club and not give up on it.

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