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Club 1872 - Statement of Resignation

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57 minutes ago, bluepeter said:

Statement from the three directors. Shocked that the behaviour of Craig Houston was behind this... :sarcasm:


Conflict of interest. On our company's board that I sit on we would remove such a director if they did not do so willingly.Trust is everything. 

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OK I gave Club 1872 the benefit of the doubt and joined, entirely because I've read D'art's posts on here/elsewhere and judged him to be one of the good guys. The fact so many here spoke highly of him told me everything I needed to know.

But I'm out with this and will be cancelling my subs. It'll be a cold day in hell before I'm paying Houston's wages.

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1 minute ago, mabawsa said:

Conflict of interest. On our company's board that I sit on we would remove such a director if they did not do so willingly.Trust is everything. 

The problem is, the orgs rules do not allow for Directors to vote other Directors off the board. 

It would have to come from the members. 

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I'm a big believer in the idea of Club 1872 we need the right people at the helm of it and i think we have lost the 3 most competent people on the board. If this is true Houston applied for the role, didn't he say at the hustings he would do all he can to keep Club1872 independent from the club?! 

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5 minutes ago, Virtuoso said:

Booler publicly asked him on FB 3 or 4 days ago if he'd been for an interview...for once in his life, CH had no reply.

I'm surprised he never deleted the comment.


somehow just knew that CUNT Mini would wangle a job for his 'boy'. 

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1 minute ago, whatawaster95 said:

I'm a big believer in the idea of Club 1872 we need the right people at the helm of it and i think we have lost the 3 most competent people on the board. If this is true Houston applied for the role, didn't he say at the hustings he would do all he can to keep Club1872 independent from the club?! 

Did he sound annoyed when he said it? If not it wouldn't be factual. The former oven cleaner has gone on record as being 'annoyed by facts'

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37 minutes ago, Inigo said:

Has Houston said anything about this yet?

If he really cared or had any integrity, he'd realise that he was tainted in the eyes of a large number of Rangers fans and step aside from anything to do with Rangers.

This kind of shit makes my heart sink every time I see it. I like the principle of a supporters group and of it allowing additional generation of funds for the club.

He will be monitoring and screen grabbing and getting grasses to let him know who is being naughty or nice to him...Self serving tube..

Thanks for all your efforts D'art..and also well done to the 2 ladies who have shown Integrity and Principles that CH wouldn't recognise unless it was slapped onto his massive forehead..

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6 minutes ago, bluepeter said:

It's Craig Houston.

The individual has still to be named so until that is done It really is only speculation. It is unlikely that it is James Blair and if that is correct I find it incredibly that he with all his experience cannot see it the conflict of interest and did not resign along with the other 3. I have never been comfortable with a Rangers director being on the 1872 board but understood it was to help the initial transition for just one year however this I just find unbelievable 

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1 minute ago, eskbankloyal said:

I think the crux of the issue is being missed here. 

If he wants to go to a job that is his choice, he can apply but should have resigned at that point. 

He was specifically told it was inappropriate to go to a meeting with somebody who would potentially be interviewing him & he ignored that with no consideration for the perception that would have on Club 1872. 

houston does what houston likes basically.


He should be removed right now.

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15 minutes ago, jimgers said:

Surely not James Blair? he already hold  the clubs secretary, as well as club1872 director, that would be his third position, he's not  George Osborne?

It won't be him but the point I am making is that he should have resigned with the other 3 

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1 minute ago, onefootwillie said:

The individual has still to be named so until that is done It really is only speculation. It is unlikely that it is James Blair and if that is correct I find it incredibly that he with all his experience cannot see it the conflict of interest and did not resign along with the other 3. I have never been comfortable with a Rangers director being on the 1872 board but understood it was to help the initial transition for just one year however this I just find unbelievable 

It's Craig Houston.

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1 minute ago, onefootwillie said:

The individual has still to be named so until that is done It really is only speculation. It is unlikely that it is James Blair and if that is correct I find it incredibly that he with all his experience cannot see it the conflict of interest and did not resign along with the other 3. I have never been comfortable with a Rangers director being on the 1872 board but understood it was to help the initial transition for just one year however this I just find unbelievable 

its 99.999999999% maybe even more Houston mate.

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Just now, onefootwillie said:

Well can I put it this way I would not place a bet against it but I am cautious and until the name comes out everyone is innocent until proven guilty

HE has been named on twitter, and not a single person has stepped in to say it's even maybe the wrong name.


We have members in here with good sources, who have basically said it was him.


It's definitely him.  I am willing to look very foolish if it isn't him,  but it's him.  It has all the hallmarks of him, he was told it was a bad idea, didn't give a fuck and did what he wanted anyway.

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1 minute ago, onefootwillie said:

Well can I put it this way I would not place a bet against it but I am cautious and until the name comes out everyone is innocent until proven guilty

What do you mean by 'until the name comes out.' It's out. Do you want him to tell you himself?

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1 minute ago, bluepeter said:

You're absolutely right, he has every right to apply for the job. Not as a director, particularly one who stood on independence. He definitely should have withdrawn from any contact with the club as a C1872 rep, almost definitely resigned.

He's damaged C1872, probably fatally. Well done to the three directors who resigned, principled People. Shame on those who didn't. 

By the way, I half expect defamation of the three who resigned to start tomorrow. If it does, anyone supporting it knowingly should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

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