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The rhodent rhag that is the rebel

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No surprise that this scummy bunch of bastards use their technology to print on back page ,the Rangers fan on Sundays racist incident 

Seems they don't have this kind of material when it's the scum republican filth  doing these things over the last decade 

Any bear even taking money from them should hang their heads in utter shame 

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The only show in town is us so they crawl through everything for a anti Rangers story.

Not only Jackson shud be barred from Ibrox .

Our club shud  print in the programme to let fellow bears know not to buy as they definitely have an agenda against our club.


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6 minutes ago, eejay the dj said:

No surprise that this scummy bunch of bastards use their technology to print on back page ,the Rangers fan on Sundays racist incident 

Seems they don't have this kind of material when it's the scum republican filth  doing these things over the last decade 

Any bear even taking money from them should hang their heads in utter shame 

or read or look at it or quote it or refer to it or start threads on it or....


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6 minutes ago, KeyserSoze said:

or read or look at it or quote it or refer to it or start threads on it or....


Agree mate on normal circumstances 

Cut me some slack as my message was only hating these cunts like vermin 

Phone the bastards today and got that 18carrot prick Ralston 

This bastard is no bluenose .I will not hear of anyone saying otherwise 

He is another Jackson and only interested in his "newspaper " 

Wasn't prepared to listen as I slagged of his republican filth tabloid .Wee bastard cut me off 

I enjoyed letting the little reptile know what good bears think of them nowadays .


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Just now, eejay the dj said:

Agree mate on normal circumstances 

Cut me some slack as my message was only hating these cunts like vermin 

Phone the bastards today and got that 18carrot prick Ralston 

This bastard is no bluenose .I will not hear of anyone saying otherwise 

He is another Jackson and only interested in his "newspaper " 

Wasn't prepared to listen as I slagged of his republican filth tabloid .Wee bastard cut me off 

I enjoyed letting the little reptile know what good bears think of them nowadays .


At least you did something then!

not like 99% of folks on here that moan and cry like babies about refs, papers, glasgow council, snp and what not...

good on you for taking something into your own hands :tu:

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2 things.

First, the racist guy is a wank. Racist cunt and I hope he's proud of the negative PR that he's given the press on a plate.

Second, the DR is indeed a filthy propaganda rag these days. Day 4 of the racist thing splashed across their pages, each with a slightly different angle. They're basically trying to squeeze everything they can out of it to do the most harm they can. Today it's Sinclair giving it ' my teammates are helping me get through this difficult time'. :lol: Aye, nae bother.

It's so, so obvious with the DR. It's always full of bizarre wee stories trying to bum up the fhilth, as well as ones putting a downer on us. Does well to minimise any bad news stories for them as well.

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Have they asked Mark Walters for a quote yet, as he was the victim of the worst display of racist abuse in the history of British football?

Given that also happened in an Old Firm game, surely the Record would want to refer to that and draw parallels between the incidents? 

I'm not holding my breath.

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Two points


Why the fuck do we still allow shit about the record to be posted on here, and it should be made clear to all fans the record, and the scottish sun, are not welcome.


The guy that done them gestures is a fucking idiot, and of course the papers are going to milk it. We will all now be tarred with the racist brush thanks to this arsehole. 

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7 minutes ago, big blue Fin said:

Does the dhaily rhebel still have the commercial deal with the kiddy fiddling filth?


Not that it really matters I personally haven't bought that pape-r in over 20 years.

Yes they print their programmes so they wonto dare print alot of negative stuff about them 

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To be expected really. Don't kno why anyone would be surprised by this paper and it's "journalists".

the people there are that bad even traynor left.  Cunts are obsessed with any negative story regards Rangers. Fuck sake they even try to squeeze it in other stories.

soandso 31 a Rangers fan was caught pissing against a wall.  It's obvious what they are

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I think the records behaviour has an element of coercion to it ie. give us your printing contract and we will

stop printing shit about Rangers, their circulation is falling rapidly and they are desperate for revenue.

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I don't know why the guy didn't just say in court"i was calling Scot Brown a fucking useless ape"

The case would have been over right there and then,and it would have given us all a good laugh

Fucking idiot for doing it and fucking idiot for admitting it

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4 minutes ago, The Dude said:

I couldn't give a fuck less :lol: Although I'll not be hanging my head in shame. If the OP would rather pay me instead to write about Rangers then I'm open to offers.

Boycotting doesn't defeat them, we've learnt that. 

The tarriers have infiltrated everything and its time we had Rangers men in good positions in the media. 

Good luck. 

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4 minutes ago, PRW. said:

Boycotting doesn't defeat them, we've learnt that. 

The tarriers have infiltrated everything and its time we had Rangers men in good positions in the media. 

Good luck. 


That was exactly why I started doing this four years ago. The stuff I read daily was shite and I felt I could do better despite not having a bit of formal training in journalism or writing. Christ, I've not even got Higher English ffs. :lol: All boycotting does, imo, is send them further in the opposite direction with their pandering to a certain audience.


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