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The feeling this morning.

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1 hour ago, thehost said:

Until we have the correct leaders in the boardroom we will never have a functioning company that delivers success.

Rangers has always identified with the man who is manager, always, and if that is not right it really doesn't matter who is in the boardroom. We need a manager, and a budget to go with him, who is capable of taking this club to the top again.

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4 minutes ago, BlueThunder said:


Plus Pedro has done a McCoist and cost us European money when we needed it most.

Yeah, for me it's only the home gates really. 

The gulf in prize money in comparison to CL is cataclysmic.

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My heart really goes out to the loyal fans that were in Luxembourg last night to watch that shambles.

I watched the game at home and I was numb afterwards. Put a brave face on then went to bed at the usual time. Couldn't sleep properly and woke at 0330. Visits of Windass jumping into the back of that guy to give away the free kick haunted my dreams as did Dalcio giving the ball away and Jack and Wallace unable to pass the ball to each other.

It was difficult to pick out the part-time team last night.

I'm undecided if this is a "darkest before the dawn" moment or a plunge back into the black hole of the last 6 years. Depressing stuff.

I've decided to work from home today as I don't want to talk to anyone.

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4 minutes ago, CoatbridgeBear said:

Work is already a fucking nightmare, a can't be fucked with life the day.

and btw David Bates is gash

I know the feeling mate my old work was full of them and I was there during their UEFA final run. (So long ago makes me feel old lol) Believe it or not my team leader at the time was named Martin O'Neill lol let's just say I don't miss it lol 

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I'm actually feeling as bad as @Queen's_highway will be feelling after his sesh with @born a blue nose , got to go to work today, actually feel like I've had a kicking!.

the worst part is that the majority of those "players" won't actually give a fuck!.

but as rangers supporters, we will keep following our team, that's what we do, King and his group of cunts on the board know that we will(unfortunately)

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I was supposed to be on a chopper at 0700, have been bumped until later on - as soon as my arse is back onshore, I'm getting seriously cunted. Fuck the office, just want to swally myself into oblivion.

Thank fuck this is a bheast free rig or I'd be liable to throwing myself over the handrails.

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Last night was horrific but it's telling the amount of garbage we've been through in the last 6 years that I've already brushed this latest embarassment off, I no longer expect anything from Rangers, nothing, even beating the shitest of the shite, I just don't ever go into a game with that expectation of succeeding.

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25 minutes ago, there'sonlyoneamoruso said:

My heart really goes out to the loyal fans that were in Luxembourg last night to watch that shambles.

On the way back from the ground I bumped into a couple of people I know and we just stared at each other, shook our heads, and didn't really speak.

At the game it was honestly like watching a slow motion car crash. Just utter shock and then it got very angry. I posted on another thread i've never seen the Bears that angry before with the team. The thing is we were honking in the first half and then we contrived to come out and play even worse in the second.

I was planning on going to that afterparty thing but I just jumped into a taxi and back to my hotel. Probably for the best as I was up early this morning for the bus then my flight home. 



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The sooner the people running the club realise they have made a mistake with this appointment the better; we need to cut our losses before any more damage is done. On paper we still have a season to play, and we must get the best out of the team. We need action sooner rather than later. We were put out of Europe, by the 4th best team in their league, not even the best, which would have been bad enough,

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I'm long retired so at least I don't have to face people at work.  Those of you who do have my best wishes for what is bound to be another bad day to add to the far too many bad days we've had in recent years.

The emotion for me after that game is anger.   Anger on the rocks and not mixed with anything else, just anger at what has become a fraud of a manager and anger at yet again another team that lets the support down.

I thought this manager had something about him when he was appointed, a vast improvement on Warburton.     But he's turning out to be worse than Warburton.   His words of promising a very different Rangers side this season are hollow.    He talked of needing 'men' playing for Rangers but instead we have even weaker players than those Warburton managed to field.    He talked recently about the objective being (his words) 'to win, win, win' but what we have in reality is powder puff defeat against a team of part timers and this despite his being able to bring in first choice players.      

The manager is become the football equivalent of Theresa May - makes bad decisions, can't get a team to work properly, and can't properly lead when events happen that need firm effective leadership.    He's already managed to do in Europe what she has not done though by presiding over a shambles of a disgraceful  Rexit for this season.

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Shock has now turned into simmering rage for me.

Rage at the players, the manager, the coaching staff but more so at the clowns who hired this joker. Conned hook line and sinker, just like Warburton managed to do aswell.

Thank fuck I don't work with any taigs or I would've lamped a few by now.


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I too had a disturbed night and am extremely worried that once the anger subsides the status quo will continue unabated. That concerns me more than the result.

Thankfully, in Manchester I don't have to run the gauntlet like most of you do. You have my sympathies. Liam Kelly and his like wont get it and that sums it up.

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8 minutes ago, EastEnclosureBear said:

Disbelief, I just can't seem to get my head around last night.

Thing is though, I could believe what I was seeing. That was the worst of it for me. I said before the game that we wouldn't win and just sensed when they had that early chance after half time that we'd lose the tie. Even the games we won last season under this clown of a manager raised serious concerns for me. After 40 + years of watching football you just get an instinct for when someone doesn't know what they are doing and I always knew this kind of result could happen.

Regardless of funding or who comes in as a replacement, he has to go. To retain him will be disasterous. I for one cannot stomach losing at home to Hibs and with him in charge we will. 

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