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New Vanguard Bear Article.


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24 minutes ago, eejay the dj said:

Never going to believe this mate . That was the exact words I was going to use .

Can someone tell me . Who is the voice of VB ?

How strong in numbers are they ?

Why don't they seek to come out and grow with support from others ?

It just seems , it's statement after statement

75% of the time . I totally agree with what's said but where are we going with all this .

Do we ever see any action ?

Maybe I'm just as hacked off as they seem to be

Think it's passed the stage where anything can be done about the corruption and nepotism that is rancid in this Country .

And especially this beggars heartlands we call Glasgow

I actually think Scotland needs a new political party to rival the SNP.

I wouldn't vote for any party at the minute. 

Think I might start my own.

'We are the people's front of Scotland '

Who's with me? :Scotland::whistle:


Your right pal we get these snippets from VB and I'm with you, the majority of what the write is spot on but it just gets read and forgotten about untill the next one comes along.


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Just now, HuistraHairDo said:

I actually think Scotland needs a new political party to rival the SNP.

I wouldn't vote for any party at the minute. 

Think I might start my own.

'We are the people's front of Scotland '

Who's with me? :Scotland::whistle:


Your right pal we get these snippets from VB and I'm with you, the majority of what the write is spot on but it just gets read and forgotten about untill the next one comes along.


We need a party for all the people of Scotland? the snp, labour or tories are not the answer, none of them give a single fuck about any of us and are no better than parasites.

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2 hours ago, Bluepeter9 said:

Haters complaining about haters! Laughable 

So accepting hate is good then, and it makes it go away?

If it works for you , great!

But complaining about it... 

... means you hate haters complaining about haters.

Maybe that makes you worst of all!

Have a nice day, BP9:confused:

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1 hour ago, HuistraHairDo said:

I actually think Scotland needs a new political party to rival the SNP.

I wouldn't vote for any party at the minute. 

Think I might start my own.

'We are the people's front of Scotland '

Who's with me? :Scotland::whistle:


Your right pal we get these snippets from VB and I'm with you, the majority of what the write is spot on but it just gets read and forgotten about untill the next one comes along.


100pc nail on the head .

we do need a national unionist party. 

for at least another generation the torys will remain toxic and and easy to beat with a stick 

doesn't matter how relevant a point the Scottish Tory leader raises in Hollywood the snp will just reply like a child ."what else do you expect from a Tory " 

the main problem with any new unionist party to form will be the immediate label of being far right wing 

but as long as the unionist party's in Scotland are fighting for the unionist vote against a solitary nationalist party we are pissing against the wind .

it will take nationalist support to dip well below 40pc for them to lose power in holyrood. 




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outstanding article from VB again. highlights the borderline persecussion of our fan base. which is being used as a political pawn by the SNP. 

our support is a key tool in their propaganda machine .it ticks all the boxes. unionist and hated by non Rangers fans .so when the going gets tough they sink the boot in and become the good guys .

The comment in the article that struck a note with me is .the government have a duty to look after all it's people .and we live in an era where diversity is the way .but we are probably the only section of society that can openly be discriminated against .

I don't expect the board to come out and defend us .They are in a no win situation .any defends of our support would just be beaten down by comments such as .your only saying that coz your getting beat .adding fuel to the haters and making them look like the good guys 

it's a shite state of affairs and a very difficult one to turn round 

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29 minutes ago, big blue Fin said:

You're laughable.

If you believe that's all this thread is about, then It's time for you to take off your blinkers and look around and see just how far this country has fallen.

It’s all paranoia and conspiracy theories mate.We read things into it that aren’t there.The media and these politicians are all neutral and evenhanded.There is absolutely no difference in the way our club is portrayed to that of any other club in this country.In fact it’s really all our fault because if we stop being so pigheaded and vote for the SNP and Independence it will be a Land of milk and honey for us all!!!!

Sickening really!We have so many supporters that basically shit all over fellow Bears who are trying to stand up for our club and show certain institutions or individuals up for what they are.What is also apparent is they don’t generally comment on why they feel these people should be listened to or voted for!Its either “Iwill do what’s best for me or my family”or that other parties are the same.The first argument is fine because that’s personal but don’t come on a football forum and slag of supporters for supporting our club,it’s fans and our values against others that blatantly detest us.The second is just deflection.They don’t openly criticise these people but instead insists this kind of sustained attitude is previlant across all other parties which it blatantly is not!

We as a Club have many supporters across all walks of life.There are values and history that have been ingrained in the very soul of the Club from its very conception .Unfortunately we have some within our fan base that seem quite happy to see these eradicated and our support labled bigots,fascists and troublemakers.I wouldn’t tell anyone to leave and support another team but if any fans did I know which ones I would prefer to go elsewhere.

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1 hour ago, dougie76 said:

We need a party for all the people of Scotland? the snp, labour or tories are not the answer, none of them give a single fuck about any of us and are no better than parasites.

Vote for me brother.

I would either abolish Catholic schools, or have all Presbyterian schools where in asssebly the Lords prayer is followed by a joyful rendition of the Billy boys.

I would also abolish the TV licence. 

If you want to watch the TV, you pay for what you want. I would have Rangers TV and ce*#ic TV on council tele (freeview).

'Monarch week' 

A national holiday where  whole country has a week off to celebrate the Royals, maybe stick a wedding in there the odd year to liven it up.

My party slogan will be ' if you don't like it, we'll happily pay your departure fee' (one way only in the small print).

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2 hours ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

Thought that would strike a chord with you ?.

Interesting you've not managed to comment on the article content yet.  I look forward to your views on the article and what I as an SNP hater see as hatred by SNP members of my club.

Go to the other thread where we are discussing that - save the repetition. 

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8 minutes ago, HuistraHairDo said:

Vote for me brother.

I would either abolish Catholic schools, or have all Presbyterian schools where in asssebly the Lords prayer is followed by a joyful rendition of the Billy boys.

I would also abolish the TV licence. 

If you want to watch the TV, you pay for what you want. I would have Rangers TV and ce*#ic TV on council tele (freeview).

'Monarch week' 

A national holiday where  whole country has a week off to celebrate the Royals, maybe stick a wedding in there the odd year to liven it up.

My party slogan will be ' if you don't like it, we'll happily pay your departure fee' (one way only in the small print).


Thought it already was.

Fuck that.

You get a 7/10 must do better.

See it's not that easy to please everyone:lol:


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1 hour ago, big blue Fin said:

You're laughable.

If you believe that's all this thread is about, then It's time for you to take off your blinkers and look around and see just how far this country has fallen.

I like this country - I’m proud of it. 

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1 hour ago, big blue Fin said:

You're laughable.

If you believe that's all this thread is about, then It's time for you to take off your blinkers and look around and see just how far this country has fallen.

Comparatively I don't think it's fallen at all, you are just getting left behind. The union is not serving any purpose and has had it's day. Once we lose the backing of Europe can be ragdolled by anyone who wants to take a pop with no back up. Just because you think we have for clout doesn't make it a reality.

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2 hours ago, HuistraHairDo said:

Vote for me brother.

I would either abolish Catholic schools, or have all Presbyterian schools where in asssebly the Lords prayer is followed by a joyful rendition of the Billy boys.

I would also abolish the TV licence. 

If you want to watch the TV, you pay for what you want. I would have Rangers TV and ce*#ic TV on council tele (freeview).

'Monarch week' 

A national holiday where  whole country has a week off to celebrate the Royals, maybe stick a wedding in there the odd year to liven it up.

My party slogan will be ' if you don't like it, we'll happily pay your departure fee' (one way only in the small print).

No need to abolish taig schools. Abolish taigs and repatriate them  back to the shithole in the south they're always lamenting about. They would be joyous at that. Shouldn't they?!

One taig is one too many.

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4 hours ago, eejay the dj said:

Never going to believe this mate . That was the exact words I was going to use .

Can someone tell me . Who is the voice of VB ?

How strong in numbers are they ?

Why don't they seek to come out and grow with support from others ?

It just seems , it's statement after statement

75% of the time . I totally agree with what's said but where are we going with all this .

Do we ever see any action ?

Maybe I'm just as hacked off as they seem to be

Think it's passed the stage where anything can be done about the corruption and nepotism that is rancid in this Country .

And especially this beggars heartlands we call Glasgow

I'm sure @D'Artagnan is a member. They do good articles, but I don't really know what their ultimate goals are.

It's never too late, but we lack the will and the know how to get organised and it costs time and money. There is a mountain of propaganda out there against us. It's big ask, but you've got to start somewhere. Meanwhile we are demonised and sullied at every turn.

Sad to say, but Glasgow is the heartland of our haters, so basically win the battle there and you win the war, but theirs got to be something in it to win the non taigs over.

Need a planned approach to the whole debate, but there is no leader of the cause.



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23 minutes ago, BLUEDIGNITY said:

Think there's too many on here like to drink with their comrades in the old govan arms !




It's probably where all the hands were shaken on most of the corrupt deals brokered by the bent GCC ,the SNP and Pedo club that has helped them enormously these last 10years 

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5 hours ago, eejay the dj said:

Never going to believe this mate . That was the exact words I was going to use .

Can someone tell me . Who is the voice of VB ?

How strong in numbers are they ?

Why don't they seek to come out and grow with support from others ?

It just seems , it's statement after statement

75% of the time . I totally agree with what's said but where are we going with all this .

Do we ever see any action ?

Maybe I'm just as hacked off as they seem to be

Think it's passed the stage where anything can be done about the corruption and nepotism that is rancid in this Country .

And especially this beggars heartlands we call Glasgow


About Vanguard Bears.....

Established in 2007, Vanguard Bears are a group of Loyalist & Unionist Rangers supporters, whose aims are to ensure that the good standing and unionist tradition of THE quintessential British Club is maintained, and to support the Protestant Unionist Loyalist community in Scotland, Ulster and beyond. Our motto "Defending Our Traditions" refers to this.

Our membership is wide-ranging and at present it stands at approximately 600.

Applicants are rigorously evaluated and we accept only those that are considered pro-active, thus thousands of applications have been rejected.

Within the membership we have hundreds of individual Shareholders & Season Ticket holders, and list among others members of established Rangers groups; e.g. NARSA Executive, RTID NI committee, RFFF committee & Rangers Supporters Association, Armed Forces personnel, Police Officers, Politicians, Lawyers & Teachers are among numerous other professional people we have within our ranks.

Representation from the loyal orders is prevalent too; with the Orange Order, Apprentice Boys of Derry, Masonic Order and marching bandsmen featuring profusely.

We list as one of our proudest moments the purchase of a fitting and lasting headstone - paid for by monies donated by our membership and online supporters - for one of our Club's founding members, William McBeath, who until our intervention in 2010, was resting in a pauper's grave in a Lincoln Cemetery.


Our Rangers Supporters Club was established in 2013 and has a membership in excess of 130.

We have our own Facebook Page and Twitter Accounts. As well as sponsoring first-team player Robbie Crawford in seasons 2012-13 and 2013-14, we as a collective own 50,000+ shares in the Club. We have two Murals erected in Belfast; one on the Shankill Road, and one just off Sandy Row at Barrington Street Rangers Supporters Club.

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1 hour ago, eejay the dj said:

It's probably where all the hands were shaken on most of the corrupt deals brokered by the bent GCC ,the SNP and Pedo club that has helped them enormously these last 10years 

If that shower of trough guzzling shite were an inclusive party why have they never been pictured in a Rangers themed boozer? As you say too busy brokering deals in rhepublican slophouses carving up Glasgow into ghetto's of their choice and prospering from it at the same time!

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