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John Mason SNP msp has tabled this


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If anyone REALLY cares about Scotland then they'll know we need another independence referendum like a hole in the head. We've still to get over the division and resentment it caused last time. If it had been successful first time around we'd be fuc*ed by now, with our "liquid gold " price plummeting ,our leader accused of sexual abuse by TEN women and our taxes sky high, just say NO.

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He is a fucking clown ..... so out of touch with reality that he thinks this subject needs more air ..... conveniently ignoring far more important issues in his constituency and surrounds that could and definitely should be tabled ..... like the CSA at CFC that has  destroyed so many.

A clown actually has more dignity than this fucking crackpot.


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This isn't the first time this half baked paedo denier has dragged up Rangers in the Scottish Paliament. The last time was to do with the alleged chants that we had partial stadium closure for. The guy is so anti Rangers but a complete fruit loop. And probably quite dangerous too.

Know them by their deeds

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Sums up the Nationalists for me.....republicans doing the cloak and dagger routine.


I cannot for the life of me understand why any  genuine Rangers fan would give that shower of bandits  their vote.


From the fan zone anti Rangers conspiracy  involving private emails within GCC to this blundering fool.

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2 minutes ago, Bobby Hume said:

conveniently ignoring far more important issues in his constituency and surrounds that could and definitely should be tabled ..... like the CSA at CFC that has  destroyed so many.

This all day long, I wouldn’t even call him blinkered, just bigoted. He (an elected msp) is amongst the shameful group that choose to throw ‘their own’ former youth players under a bus rather than do the decent thing and deal with the largest organised and systematic abuse in what looks like world football history all because of the people and organisation it would rightly implicate. Low life example of a low life and divisive party...  

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1 minute ago, Thermopylae said:

So the snp hate Rangers so much that they will even back Westminster against us! 

They will back Corbyn at Westminster, an ira sympathiser, both are anti British, you don't have to look too far to see that, Labour are done in Scotland, so granting indyref2 is fuck all to Corbyn. 

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Look at the parades issue, for years under a Labour council, our parades marched peacefully, and Labour, despite everything curtailed Irish Republican sympathisers from marching our streets,... look now, snp ran council, if anyone thought these bastards would sit back and do nothing while we March through Glasgow, Union flags flying proud, kidding ourselves, they emboldened the tarrier, let them parade, knowing full well it would be challenged, now they have the perfect excuse to cut our parades, they know exactly what they are doing, turning our parades into hate filled sectarian flashpoints, while promoting independence marches as family filled, and constantly drumming it into you that you want independence .

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1 hour ago, Bobby Hume said:

He is a fucking clown ..... so out of touch with reality that he thinks this subject needs more air ..... conveniently ignoring far more important issues in his constituency and surrounds that could and definitely should be tabled ..... like the CSA at CFC that has  destroyed so many.

A clown actually has more dignity than this fucking crackpot.


He is an absolute wanker of the highest degree mate, and the annoying thing is he is not even a tarrier.  :headwall:

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