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Should homophobic language be permitted?

Should homophobic language be acceptable?  

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  1. 1. Should homophobic language be acceptable?

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Should it be acceptable to insult players and people in general based on their perceived sexuality?

Referring to gay players as 'bent', 'poofs' and 'bum boys', seems vastly outdated and would be considered criminal offenses, yet many on this forum seem to consider it completely acceptable.

Should this be acceptable or should we stamp it out like we have done with racism?

We have one openly gay footballer in Scotland and he states that he deals daily with online homophobic hate content directed at him. In my opinion this is shameful and it's all of our responsibility to make it clear this type of comment is no longer welcome.

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1 minute ago, Inigo said:

Of course not. 

Some of the same folk that would be against racist language seem to think homophobic language is fine. One is bad, the other is just words. Makes zero sense.


I actually find it quite interesting that the @admin on here seem to be particularly fast to jump on anyone who uses terms such as 'jap' which is a racial slur yet seem to be completely silent on homophobic language.

They are quite right for their stance on the racist language, but some rules on what level of homophobic language is permitted really need to be laid out.

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11 minutes ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:

I actually find it quite interesting that the @admin on here seem to be particularly fast to jump on anyone who uses terms such as 'jap' which is a racial slur yet seem to be completely silent on homophobic language.

They are quite right for their stance on the racist language, but some rules on what level of homophobic language is permitted really need to be laid out.

Why do you not just tag the admin/mods rather than that account, and they’ll see it?

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3 minutes ago, RFC55 said:

See if a guy is shagging a guy nobody really fucking cares tbh.

my granny rightly or wrongly kept calling the local shop the pakis. Where’s my granda, oh he’s doon at the wee pakis.

she wasn’t racist, it’s just what was done, people will still call gays, poofs etc, it will be like going to the “pakis” isn’t widely said neither is having a chinky, as  generations die out, it stops.

racism is worse and more of a problem than homophobia, always has been and probably always will be.


One being worse doesn't make the other right.

If folk are aware that there's good reason for not using certain language and still do it's pretty poor. I'm certain you wouldn't use Paki now. And thats for basically the same sort of reasons that poof shouldn't be used... it's often been a term to belittle and abuse a minority and make thwm feel vulnerable, and a term many of that minority don't like or want to be referred to by.

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6 minutes ago, RFC55 said:

See if a guy is shagging a guy nobody really fucking cares tbh.

my granny rightly or wrongly kept calling the local shop the pakis. Where’s my granda, oh he’s doon at the wee pakis.

she wasn’t racist, it’s just what was done, people will still call gays, poofs etc, it will be like going to the “pakis” isn’t widely said neither is having a chinky, as  generations die out, it stops.

racism is worse and more of a problem than homophobia, always has been and probably always will be.


There's definitely a few on here that absolutely do. 

This is true, but it also doesn't change from generation to generation without calling stuff out. For example I don't think for a second that Scotty hates gay people, but I also just don't think it's ok language to use.

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1 hour ago, RFC55 said:

See if a guy is shagging a guy nobody really fucking cares tbh.

my granny rightly or wrongly kept calling the local shop the pakis. Where’s my granda, oh he’s doon at the wee pakis.

she wasn’t racist, it’s just what was done, people will still call gays, poofs etc, it will be like going to the “pakis” isn’t widely said neither is having a chinky, as  generations die out, it stops.

racism is worse and more of a problem than homophobia, always has been and probably always will be.


I fucking can't stand the idea that old folk can't learn that it's unacceptable to stop using racist language etc.

Unless they are suffering from dementia. Plenty of old folk know how to and can change their language.

Just last week we had a guy stabbed for being gay. People have historically been criminalised for being gay in our country. People are sentenced to death for being gay across the world. I'm sorry, but homophobia is up there with racism in the world and in our country.

The only difference is that allot of the world genuinely are disgusted by gay folk and quitely think they deserve it for being 'poofs'.


Removed an offensive part I apologise for.

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Just now, J-Maestro said:

There's definitely a few on here that absolutely do. 

This is true, but it also doesn't change from generation to generation without calling stuff out. For example I don't think for a second that Scotty hates gay people, but I also just don't think it's ok language to use.

He probably doesn't hate gay people. He just needs to understand why perpetuating that kind of pish is poor.

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1 minute ago, RDB14 said:

My Dad is the same.  Says things like "he fancies a Chinky tonight" .... and my other half is Chinese... I have been around predominantly Chinese people for the best part of the last decade and it works the other way too... they have some slurs they use for white people.  In Japan they have the "gaijin seat" which is the seat next to a white person on public transport... nobody wants to sit in it.  Gaijin means alien or outsider..  Imagine if we had a name for a seat next to a black person that nobody wanted to sit in.... there would be outcry.  In Hong Kong there is the term "Gweilo" which means "ghost man" or "devil man".  There are other terms across Asia used for white people like ang mo, farang etc.  They can be racist terms but it really depends on the person saying them and their intentions.

As older generations die, some terms will die out.  However, most people regardless of race should be able to tell the difference between someone being genuinely racist or just being a bit uneducated / naive and using words they probably shouldn't be in 2023.

Aye but the Japanese are incredibly racist. :lol:

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Just now, Inigo said:

He probably doesn't hate gay people. He just needs to understand why perpetuating that kind of pish is poor.

Mate, I don't even think there's a probably about it. Just using language that most of us used to, that isn't ok now.

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Just now, mitre_mouldmaster said:


I’m serious, I’ll just sit watching for what you post, it’s amazing how much people slip up on here, you’ve made a post to the wrong person, enjoy yer fishing trip, and yer woe is me posts, I’ll find out who you are, you’ve made a rip roaring cunt of it here.


take it easy 

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2 minutes ago, J-Maestro said:

Aye but the Japanese are incredibly racist. :lol:

haha, you get racist people everywhere. It's usually the old people who really don't understand foreigners culture or language. It's like taking a young Chinese guy from Beijing with no English language skills and just dumping him in the middle of a random area in Glasgow. That's how we can come across to the locals. Old people are not going to flock to the person and may say the odd insensitive thing. It took me a while to understand why nobody would sit next to me, now I just smile and enjoy the extra space. 

I understand why people may think Japanese (or any race) are racist with their "locals only" restaurants or whatever but when you get to understand the people, you realise they aren't actually racist. There can be a fine line between preserving culture and being racist or being too open and ending up with men calling themselves woman and wearing dresses. 

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Just now, The Godfather said:

Hea a wee cock mate no worth the time.

One of these wee mutants that wouldn't say a peep to your face outside of this.

Im sorry mate, but the 'different generation' excuse doesn't wash with folk using blatantly obvious racist language.

There are plenty of old folk who know fine we'll you can't call folk 'pakis'.

If someone has dementia or the likes, yea that's excusable, but fucking hell, let's not pretend people can't adjust when they get older and get a free pass from being racist.

It's a nonsense excuse.

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9 minutes ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:

I fucking can't stand the idea that old folk can't learn that it's unacceptable to stop using racist language etc.

Unless they are suffering from dementia. No offence, but your granny was a racist old boot. Plenty of old folk know how to and can change their language.

Just last week we had a guy stabbed for being gay. People have historically been criminalised for being gay in our country. People are sentenced to death for being gay across the world. I'm sorry, but homophobia is up there with racism in the world and in our country.

The only difference is that allot of the world genuinely are disgusted by gay folk and quitely think they deserve it for being 'poofs'.

Fuck man, that's a horrible take. There's a fucking huge difference between someone using it in the connotations of the shops for decades and then not thinking when saying it and actually being racist.

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