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34 minutes ago, AGM_72 said:

We can't exactly complain about fan media not calling shit out and then have a pop at them when they do anyway :lol:.

Do you think their press privilege (asking a mundane question on a Friday) matters that much more to them than having a successful football club?

Yes I do because these lads have access to the club now they won't risk getting on the wrong side of this board 

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1 hour ago, Loyal72 said:

Someone mentioned that the UB might be reluctant to say anything or protest, because they've got their new singing section all tied up.

The board have got them by the balls, and will likely ban them/deny their move should they "act out of line".

Dunno, maybe a mad conspiracy but makes some sort of sense.

There’s no way they reverse all the seat moves done during the summer and cause further divide between them and the support and there’s no way the UB would let the board hold them to ransom over it. If and when they think it’s time for action they’ll act. 

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2012 aside never felt so fed up. There is no hope. We’re in the gutter and nothing will change. 

See people still defending the board, think to yourself how much you spend on this shite. £5/600 a year on season ticket. Probably easily £200 more on cup / Europe. £150 a year on merch. Better part of a grand a year. Probably more.

Multiply that by 10, 15, 20, 40 years…

Then ask yourself if you’re putting in more as proportion of your overall savings/worth than these cunts running us into the ground.

You are. Fucking chase them.

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Just went onto twitter and saw a cunt willingly film himself spitting over the stone with Bennet’s name on it at NEH, and post it.

Fucking hell, we don’t half have some absolute mongos in our support.

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1 hour ago, kanjo said:

We keep ignoring red flags.  Is today the day our support collectively agree how rotten this is?

Clement has lost me today. He has not shown anything to suggest he gets it and will take us forward.  He said for months about making us fitter and stronger yet we’re seeing no evidence of it. 

Our board have allowed us to get in to the mess we are in and should all be chased now before more damage is done. 

I can’t blame the players simply because they are simply in a place where they shouldn’t have been to start with. 

I think the majority of us accepted that we won't win the league before a ball was kicked. But we were hoping to see something change and a plan going forward, but we are just seeing a repeat of the seasons before. Players that are clueless, and rudderless leadership.

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18 minutes ago, geronimoo said:

I think the majority of us accepted that we won't win the league before a ball was kicked. But we were hoping to see something change and a plan going forward, but we are just seeing a repeat of the seasons before. Players that are clueless, and rudderless leadership.

Cudnt agree more, look I've followed us from 1993...I've seen us run riot over them lot for long periods But this is becoming ridiculous can't remember the last old firm win...ffs. I think it's hope against hope. What gets me is we not playing Real, Barca, city etc. Its celtic why is there a mental scar v them?

Anyway today it's behind us. all we can do is see what lies ahead, but itl either get messy from the stands very quickly or we'l see how the new signings click and then see if we can put sum results together. 


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It's just a feeling of inevitability.

Don't want to sound too depressing but I'm not sure where we go from here, sack the manager? Sure but we'll still have the same problems plus having to pay him and others off and sign someone like McInnes, the performance today has changed my mind a bit on Clement though.

We replace board members? Probably but we're a basket case and I don't hold much hope we'd get that right either. It's been the same for a long time, wankers like John Park who seemed to just be in it for his own ego. "Aye but they put their money in", fuck off, they left us with what we see now.

Shareholders are bought out? We've seen what can happen with that.

We've all said it but the biggest worry is the support lose interest

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Nobody likes us enough to make an offer.  There’s nobody with deep pockets left. Scotland isn’t attractive enough for billionaires. We have no money because nobody wants to invest so we work on income only. Nobody wants players that haven’t won anything apart from us. We love an “undisclosed fee” and have appointed a manager who can’t seem to put something on the park that makes us sit up and take note. 

We are royally fucked chaps, fucked I tell you. 

sad thing is- it’s been like this for years. 

Sacking a board will mean they want their investment back and our replacements will be a bunch of guys with even less of a pot to piss in. 

the complete opposite is true of the tramps across the city. 

I am full of fucking rage right now. 

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6 minutes ago, MayboleLoyal_atb said:

What’s the union bears stance on current board? This isn’t a dig or anything genuinely asking.


Are they in cosy with them due to giving them seat moves and safe standing under consideration?

Nobody will really know apart from themselves tbf

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5 minutes ago, MayboleLoyal_atb said:

What’s the union bears stance on current board? This isn’t a dig or anything genuinely asking.


Are they in cosy with them due to giving them seat moves and safe standing under consideration?

Bisgrove loved them. What the current issues are I'm unsure but considering the start we've had and you've heard nothing probably tells you more than anything. But they don't speak for the support and the idea of some that only they can organise something is what will hold us back from action

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When we were routinely getting thumped by 5 under Pedro and Murty, at least I could somewhat rationalise it as growing pains from our promotions and there was a reason we were so far behind. 

But we got back to the top of the mountain. We won the league by 20 plus points, undefeated. And within three seasons we’ve pissed it all away and we’re back to where we started when we got promoted out of the Championship. 

It’s just soul destroying and I can’t see any way that we close the gap this time. 

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27 minutes ago, Loyal72 said:

Absolute arsehole behaviour, but I can’t see how any manager comes back from that.

Once the relationship between the manager and support is broken, it’s almost impossible to fix it.

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